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Years ago I was diving at Martinique in the French Carribean. At place called Diamond Rock. I was at about 130 feet, just loafing along looking at the broken coral, sand and sea grass bottom when something caught my eye. At that depth, all color has for the most part vanished to be replaced with the ocean's endless monochrome blues, grays and blacks.


But suddenly in the midst of all the subdued pallet,  I was hit square in the eyes by a spot of indescribably brilliant, neon…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 9, 2011 at 11:51am — No Comments

Review for Making Plans, Making Memories

British author of everything from crime/noir to humor and biography, Darren Sant had some excellent things to say about the first chapter of Reprisal.

After reading Making Plans, Making Memories, Mr. Sant said, "I found Reprisal to be well written and the author’s strength seems to be in creating good characters."

Read the full review on Goodreads.

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Added by Sam Lang on August 9, 2011 at 1:01am — No Comments

A Good Day Darren Sant

I like to wake and see one of the stories I did the cover of charting on Amazon. In this case it is Amazon UK in the Kindle area. Darren Sant slammed headfirst into two categories already only after a day of release:

 #8,793 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

    #52 in Books > Crime, Thrillers & Mystery > Short Stories

    #100 in Kindle Store > Books > Fiction > Short Stories 

Now really how can you enjoy a series…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 8, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Goodreads, The G-ZONE and the stuff I read

I have been getting some questions lately about my Goodreads account: Why do some of the novels in your “currently reading” area stay there for so long? Pretty simple really: I don’t like to post on a novel until after I interview the author. I have been fortunate to have had on some great guests on my blogtalk show The G-ZONE, just incredible awesome people and interviews. I am fortunate that many of them have such a great time they want to return. I also am fortunate to make some new…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 8, 2011 at 8:58pm — No Comments

Editors interested in Sharing Services

I'm browsing around, and there seems to be a lot of authors that are 'into' vampires. I'm almost finished with 'Interview with a Real Vampire,' a book about a guy who claims to be and believes himself to be a real vampire. I'm an editor, but I don't like to edit my own work. Are there any editors who would be interested in trading manuscripts?

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Added by Kimberly Coghlan on August 8, 2011 at 8:15pm — 1 Comment


Sexiness exudes from your Godly being. Sexiness, not exagerrated, in its truest meaning.

I feel it surround me when you're in my space.

I desire you.  I wish I could take your girlfriend's place.

Even for one day, just one passionate night.  Even just for 30 minutes of sexual delight.

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Added by Lola Mae Clark on August 8, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Brad Thor Full Black

I wanted to start the week off with this; it sizzles. I have been a Brad Thor fan since his first novel and have enjoyed his work ever since. Apparently there are many others like me out there; his popularity just seems to soar with each new novel. “Full Black” is a major political statement and commentary on our way of life. Do I agree with all of it? Hey I was taught not to discuss politics and religion when I am talking to friends so I am staying away from that. The novel was a barnburner…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 8, 2011 at 6:46pm — No Comments

Daniel's Lot Now Available

Put some faith on your Kindle!

Daniel's Lot  is now available from Trestle Press  on… Continue

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Added by Mark Miller on August 8, 2011 at 5:01pm — No Comments

The G-ZONE welcomes Dave Lieber, author of “Bad Dad” as our guest Friday August 12th @12pm EST.

Dave Lieber ,author of “Bad Dad” will be my guest on The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show , Friday August 12th @ 12pm EST. The show is sponsored by Trestle Press. The link to the show is:

Here is something on the book:

““Dave Lieber’s latest book, Bad Dad, has a cogent message. It is a great gift for any parent and an entertaining read with its measures of chuckles…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 7, 2011 at 2:36pm — No Comments

virgin skin

each touch is like fire to my skin,

lighting each desire within,

a hug,a caress feels like power surging thre my body,

it's exotic,erotic,making me feel naughty,

you see others touch is new to me,

each feeling sets my soul free,

i stand alone as i walk my path,

the only things i feel is hate and wrath,

yet when someone touches this virgin skin,

fire egnites deep within,

i want more,it's like a drug to me,

my breath…


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Added by joe casill on August 7, 2011 at 12:32pm — No Comments


When I think of the things that I coulda been

When I think what I coulda been

When I think what I coulda been

What a great guy ain't one of them


When I look back on my life

So much laughter so much strife

So much pain for me to lend

Wish I'd been a better friend

I've swam the depths and I don't care

That smiling faces hide despair

Kill the planet scream it's not fair

My heart beats cold in…


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Added by Jeremy Vaeni on August 7, 2011 at 4:47am — No Comments

NEWSFLASH: William Tooker to start new monthly horror series with Trestle Press entitled “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” .

Trestle Press is proud to announce that author William Tooker will be starting a new monthly horror series entitled “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”. The first installment in series, “Bad Angels”, will be released August 12,2011. Here is the synopsis of the storyline and a bio on the author:

“Before the Dawn of Civilization an advanced culture named the Zep Tepi encountered a race of spirit beings called the Annunaki. The Zep Tepi were benevolent and were…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 6, 2011 at 7:23pm — No Comments

Hello Old World...!


        We get caught up in the stream of our fates, and we get too busy in the traffic of our lives, and we forget sometimes how special it is and how many aspects it has: you can see it once as this cruel prison, as these boring hours you spend trying to find a way towards stardom or success, or as an opened window from which light and hope come out… I discovered this truth on Monday, as we decided to visit an old friend in Beirut; and I…


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Added by Eddy Semaan on August 6, 2011 at 5:59pm — No Comments

The Power of The Written Word & Brownie Nut Fudge Ice Cream.

This is some serious stuff. I have read many times in many places the power of the written word: The pen is mightier than the sword kind of thing but never paid it much mind till yesterday. I admit it, I took a mental health day yesterday; we went to the shore had some fun in the sand and the surf. I didn’t even play bocce; I was too busy with some of my kids and grandkids. Sunburn is not my friend right now. What happened after I got fried is the neat part.

We went for ice cream, to…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 6, 2011 at 5:10pm — No Comments

NEWSFLASH: Julia Madeleine to start new series with Trestle Press entitled “The Devil’s Music”

Julia Madeleine has agreed to do a monthly series with Trestle Press called “The Devils’ Music”. Here is what the storyline will be:

“It’s about a beautiful, dangerous woman named Sadie who is actually the devil’s daughter. She has an insatiable appetite for music, and in particular, musicians. Her thing is to go around collecting the souls of all the great legends in the world, after they've signed a contract with her in blood of course, guaranteeing their success in exchange for…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 6, 2011 at 3:40pm — No Comments

At it again

Joshua Heights author of the novella Tear Avenger writes his newest prose,

      Knight in the Forest of the Pons ( Journey to the Syndrome )

 visit blog ...

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Added by Joshua Heights on August 6, 2011 at 8:11am — No Comments

The Thrill of the Chase

The woman ran, her bare feet slapped against the went concrete. Her eyes were wide as she scanned the dark road ahead of her for a hiding place. He wasn’t far behind her now. She could hear his bellowed threats louder with each passing second.

The street was dark, no houses had lights burning, even the streets lamps didn’t burn. “Perfect” She hissed under her breath. She spotted and alleyway that cut between two buildings. One an old boarded up shop, the…


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Added by Alex Laybourne on August 6, 2011 at 7:27am — No Comments

Your Love

Tears stain my peace whenever I have to endure the absence of your hugs...the shorter the distance between us my unhappy heart feel that feeling of love...your vocals of your wants and desires lift my being to an ultimate high...letting me know that you can hold my heart in your hands and I'll never have to cry....You instill happy thoughts of you and I...leaving me panting and waiting..yet pleasing my body and mind...Oh the thoughts go far and beyond the mental...waiting for the day...our… Continue

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Added by Tina Martin on August 5, 2011 at 9:54pm — No Comments

The G-ZONE Newsflash: Tod Golberg & Mark Miller to be guests Aug.9th @4pm EST

I am pleased to announce that Tod Goldberg and Mark Miller will be my guests this coming Tuesday , August 9th @4pm EST on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE sponsored by Trestle Press. Here is a little bit on both authors and the link to the blogtalk radio show:…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 4, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Burden of Blood Wenona Hulsey

Busy day, busy week, oh man,I have thought long and hard on what I want to try to say about this novel. Here is the thing, I am fortunate to read a lot of different stuff, not just in form but in genre. This novel just stands apart from anything I have read of late, what type of words should I use, how should I say it? Let’s get to the synopsis first and I can ponder it a bit more:

“No one wants to know everyone& their darkest secrets, especially not police officer, Nicole Keenan.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 4, 2011 at 8:49pm — No Comments

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