Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I was thinking today about how big the internet is and the vastness of its reach. And then I pondered on how we all find our little corners of happiness on the web. is definitely one of mine! So tell me, how did you get here initially and discover our fab community? :D

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I just wanted to see where would take me figuring it had to be a website.
I was invited, by LM Stull I believe!
I found you all more or less by accident. It was as simple as googling the word Author.  I was just beginning to investigate giving my book an online presence and so I wanted to look at other author's websites.  I found some, but not much of interest.  Butl I found this site and it has been tremendously helpful, and interesting!
I think I read about on a writers FB group so I checked it out.  The group has mostly fiction writers and poets on it; not sure how I fit into that group as most of my writing has been newspaper.  Have a blog too but not sure where to post my site here.  Still learning my way around. :)
I Googled stuff about stories and reading and stuff like that!! :D

Val, if you've not found it already there's a couple of Groups you might like, Writing for a Living and Non-Fiction Writers. We have a real mix here of writers. Just know wherever you find a comfortable corner, you'll be made welcome. :) If you think we could do with a new Group or have any more ideas, just let the admin know in the Feedback and Suggestions thread. 


You could add your blog link in the status update on your profile page or in a comment on it. Or make a post about it in your blog here.  As long as you don't get spammy and post links to it everywhere, you'll be fine and not incur the wrath of the admin. ;) Do you have an RSS feed? You can also add that to your profile page. It's in the left hand sidebar if I remember correctly.


Val Fox said:

I think I read about on a writers FB group so I checked it out.  The group has mostly fiction writers and poets on it; not sure how I fit into that group as most of my writing has been newspaper.  Have a blog too but not sure where to post my site here.  Still learning my way around. :)
I was looking for a place like this and I simply googled "authors" and this site popped up first! I was thrilled to find mesage boards so I jumped right in!
Thank you all so much for sharing how you got here! I'm sorry I've not had a chance to reply to everyone individually as work and my personal life have both been on the crazy busy side recently but know that I really, really appreciate it! Please do check out the rest of the forum and elsewhere on the site while you're here. There's loads of good stuff! :D

Hi Kay


Thanks for your warm welcome. I googled booklovers and found this site.. I love books of every shape type and sort. Depending on my mood it might be Historical romance/Crime/Fantasy/ etc. I could go on. It occurred to me to see what makes an author tick. I cannot imagine being able to write a story that anyone would want to read. My children seem to find it really easy. It is amazing. 

Carol, I think you would like the Book Reviews Group then too. :) You could always add one as well! Ever done any? Readers like you with wide interests make the best kind of reviewers I think. :) It's in the Groups link above.


And welcome to everybody from me too! :) We're very happy to see you.

Carol Keogh said:

Hi Kay


Thanks for your warm welcome. I googled booklovers and found this site.. I love books of every shape type and sort. Depending on my mood it might be Historical romance/Crime/Fantasy/ etc. I could go on. It occurred to me to see what makes an author tick. I cannot imagine being able to write a story that anyone would want to read. My children seem to find it really easy. It is amazing. 

I found this site while looking for content writing positions. I am a relatively new author with 3 published works, a bunch of articles in various publications. I am a speaker and content writer and would like to get into ghost writing as I look to become more profitable. It seemed to be a great idea to mingle with others who enjoy writing, and reading. I need plenty of help on the authorship side. I have ideas and tons of notebooks that will be translated into books. I have many articles that I am also compiling into writings. My research for my Doctorate degree has also become a crystal clear idea for a great book. This site is the perfect place to vent all of my love for writing.
I was looking for authors to help give them the exposure they need and deserve through and just simply went to in my web browser =)

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