Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hey you guys! Sorry it's been so long! I know it's been a while, but for a while I had a few...rather personal issues to deal with, but I'm back, and I feel so much better! Renewed actually! I've gotten a lot better at focusing on one story nowadays...

Oh, and I would like to say thanks for you guys that kept asking how I was, even though it took me a while to see it. Especially Lisa! I saw all your comments and they made me feel so good to know you cared so much!


Anyway, to the actual 'Authors' part of this post...


I have a question!


So everyone has a fear, despite their issues with admitting it. As much as you may hate to say it outloud, you fear something. Everyone does.

There are actually some pretty interesting and odd fears out there!

A fear of purple, a fear of air, gravity, couches, cheese puffs, etc., other silly stuff :P

So what's your fear? When you sleep at night, what do you have nightmares about?


What's the one thing you maybe even refuse to write about because of the issues you have with it?

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One of my worst fears ever is bugs crawling in to my ear. O God I don't know I would react if one did! I think I'd run around scream/cry hysterically! I freaked out when my brothers, Dad, and I went to go play tennis at the public courts (crappy) and a moth tried to go into my youngest brother's ear!! I was so happy I decided against cutting my nails earlier that day, because I think I would like start crying for him or something. I'm not an easy crier either.
That sounds horrible! I feel so bad for you!!!

Viviana Arteaga said:
One of my worst fears ever is bugs crawling in to my ear. O God I don't know I would react if one did! I think I'd run around scream/cry hysterically! I freaked out when my brothers, Dad, and I went to go play tennis at the public courts (crappy) and a moth tried to go into my youngest brother's ear!! I was so happy I decided against cutting my nails earlier that day, because I think I would like start crying for him or something. I'm not an easy crier either.
Welcome back Callie!! We missed you.
Ok Callie my worst fear is heights...I hate them...I sometimes dreaming of falling from a place high up...and never hitting the ground...that is foremost my worst fear!

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