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Writing evolution

I'm finishing up a few loose ends at the moment with some short stories that I'd like to compile into something roughly novel sized and then will begin work on my new fantasy series.  I always find this part of the writing process to be the most difficult and the most exciting.  The characters are growing in my mind, developing their own individual back stories and personalities.  The story line is building from the initial foundational concept. This time around there's no need to worry about… Continue

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Added by Tracey L Alley on August 25, 2011 at 4:52am — No Comments

The Food of Writing

It occurred to me that every writer has a routine, or certain habits when working on their masterpiece. My routine is usually working from about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, very often staying up past midnight while the family are fast asleep in bed. Luckily I don't have to get up early in the morning, because I can lazily breastfeed my baby in bed and she enjoys her cuddles.

Alongside my routine, I need snacks. These vary according to my mood. For example at the moment I am…


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Added by Catherine Green on August 25, 2011 at 12:41am — No Comments

Lost Queen Latest Review

Valentina, reviewer for Midwest Book Review, has posted a very kind review of The Lost Queen  on her blog.

I have to say, I am humbled by her generous words. I always enjoy hearing and reading responses to my stories. Thanks to everyone that loves reading them too!

Valentina… Continue

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Added by Mark Miller on August 24, 2011 at 3:52pm — No Comments

John Reed "Another Lousy Day in Paradise"

Ready to take a trip down memory lane? Do you remember the time period between 1978 and 1983? Okay, were you even born yet? I know I am an oldhead, so for me I was into the fun romp through some of the memories of music, clothing, word usage(slang), places similar to Space Port, and many other things John Reed details in his debut novel. The time period is special for me because I met, fell in love with my wife and got married during this time period. Although Jay Cody had his share of…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 24, 2011 at 3:17pm — No Comments

Walter Ramsey "Beneath the Dune"


Refreshing, that is a very simple word to describe this novel, just refreshing. The style ,substance, and overall feel of this novel was a breath of fresh air in a very crowded genre. I enjoyed Walter Ramsey’s narrative and the way he developed his characters. He comes straight at us the reader, no muss, no fuss, just straight out fun, excitement, and action. He finds a nice way to blend a variety of elements together in a very cohesive way, nice and linear, kept the tangents to a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 24, 2011 at 10:48am — No Comments

Work in Progress

It is time to stand back for a moment, take a breath, and remember the true reason for my online presence and all the social networking. I am a writer. I write stories. Currently I am trying hard to access a wider audience for my newly published debut novel. But there are other works in the pipeline, and indeed I have two more novels in progress as we speak.

The first of these is naturally a sequel to Love Hurts. Tentatively entitled Love Kills, the story picks up… Continue

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Added by Catherine Green on August 24, 2011 at 12:29am — No Comments

Alexandrea Weis "For You" Volume One of The NOLA series

When Alexandra Weis agreed to do a new series with Trestle Press, she wanted to have it revolve around something she is intensely passionate about. I knew that nothing short of amazing was going to be coming to us the reader from this award winning author. The NOLA series is already off to an incredible and fast start as the first installment she drops on us, “For You”, is just that, amazing. The ending is something that readers will be discussing for a while I…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 23, 2011 at 9:45pm — No Comments

Win a Copy of Jeff Abbott's "Adrenaline"

I want this contest to be fun, easy, and well just fun. I am going to keep it simple so here goes: I have 5 copies of the novel, “Adrenaline” to give away. The First 1,000,000 people that buy my new digital short story “Holy Chrome Bocce Balls on Fire” get a chance to win one of the novels. Now, if for some unforeseen reason that doesn’t happen, what we will fall back on will be something even easier: For your chance to win, just stop by my blog, Gelati’s Scoop, click follow (I have never…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 23, 2011 at 7:45pm — No Comments

P&L Press Open Submission

P&L Press is currently accepting submissions for publication through P&L Printing, a worker owned and operated IWW shop located in Denver, Colorado. We distribute radical literature, but are open to whatever you've been writing. We will read whatever you send, and probably give you some pertinent feedback. If we choose your work, your publication will be featured on our website and online store, as well as distributed throughout the Denver area. As well as retaining all rights to…


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Added by P&L Press on August 23, 2011 at 7:31pm — No Comments

What is your writing style? Mine,well, that is kind of backward.

Happy Monday to everybody! Okay, stop grumbling, a new week has started; let’s get rolling. I ask every author I get the privilege to speak with,  “What is your style: do you outline?, Do you  just go with your idea? Do you do a little of both?” Basically I have come to the conclusion that each is different no matter what and the style choices are just as individual as snowflakes. I get to ask Joel Andre this same question a little later on today on my blogtalk radio show The…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 22, 2011 at 7:01pm — No Comments

Sharing Writer Profiles

I will shortly be posting some guest blogs from a fellow Indie author, and would like to take this opportunity to open an invitation to others. If you write within the Fantasy or Spiritual genre, both fiction and non-fiction, and would like a guest post on my blog, then please get in touch. We all need to help each other and get our names out there!

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Added by Catherine Green on August 21, 2011 at 10:18pm — No Comments

Introducing Alex Laybourne Author

Horror writer Alex Laybourne was born in the UK but relocated to The Netherlands to be with his wife. Together they have three wonderful children who despite their young age are showing all the signs of following in their father’s creative footsteps. 
Alex’s debut novel Highway to Hell is a 96.000 word horror novel and the first in a trilogy that will…

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Added by Catherine Green on August 21, 2011 at 10:16pm — No Comments

Writing In A Foreign Language by Alex Laybourne

I moved to the Netherlands in 2006. It wasn’t really a big adjustment for me as I had always wanted to leave England, or certainly the area I lived in, and with my mother being Dutch, and me moving to the same town she grew up in – that is another story entirely – you could say I really was moving to a home away from home.
Now, almost five years down the road I am married, with three wonderful children and have never regretted making the move. However, I have learned that being…

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Added by Catherine Green on August 21, 2011 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Highway to Hell by Alex Laybourne

Heaven and Hell, Angel and Demons, these things were once considered opposites, but now you will see that they are neighbors, allies…. friends.
Marcus, Becky, Richard, Helen, Sammy and Graham. All complete strangers, different ages, backgrounds and even countries, but they all have one major thing in common…They all must DIE.
Sentenced to offer their penance in the many chambers of Hell, their lives are nothing but a torturous experience.
They are brought…

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Added by Catherine Green on August 21, 2011 at 10:08pm — No Comments

cross roads

There i was 14 looking at the future woundering what life had in store for me,

now here i am 40 looking at the past remembering about the days i was happy and free,

the boy use to say "in 10 years i'll be 24 and all on my own,"

the man say "i wish i was safe,back in my home"

the boy looks up to the sky and asks "Lord,when i'm 34 what will i do?"

the man kneels before God and prays "i wish i was with you"

the boy asks his dad "when i'm 40 will I have…


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Added by joe casill on August 21, 2011 at 6:59pm — No Comments

Been away, but i'm back now ...

Hi All,

Its been ages since i've visited here, been soo busy and now i'm back to concentrating on my books and setting up a new website and even considering selling my books in an ebook format.  Have any of you tried it and what do you think?  For all of you out there, I'm a children's book author.  I write a series called Nemesis and its about a wonderful dragon who rules a magically enchanted kingdom.  He's all set to start on another adventure soon.  At the moment he's fustrated with…


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Added by Ashley Du Toit on August 21, 2011 at 11:40am — No Comments

The Road to Literary Fame

Here is an excellent feature article in my local regional newspaper The Sentinel (North Staffordshire and South Cheshire) Family Holidays on Cornish Coast set scene for Ghostly Tale

It feels like I'm on a wild roller coaster at the moment, and it is fantastic! A word of advice for budding writers out there: just get out and broadcast the news about your… Continue

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Added by Catherine Green on August 21, 2011 at 12:40am — No Comments

Jeff Abbott "Adrenaline"

I am always up to reading about the birth of a new character aren’t you? I was captivated by Sam very quickly, his wife not so much. But I digress. The twist and turns in this novel are many, the double crosses and triple crosses are plentiful and the action is just about nonstop. I like the title of the novel; it fits. The ensemble cast was fun for me; their morals and code of ethics were pretty plain, and the good guy, well he just rocks. Jeff Abbott took me on a rollercoaster of a ride…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 20, 2011 at 5:07pm — No Comments

"Impeccant" Darren Sant's thoughts on Sam Lang's second installment of The Reprisal series

 Reprisal Volume 2 Impeccant starts on the morning that the town is due to be evacuated. Everyone is in a playful mood ready for a short exciting adventure/vacation. Eddie as a reporter is naturally excited for the coming of the day’s events and eagerly leaves his apartment camera in hand.

This volume starts of playfully with a funny scene in the cafe which has our hero blushing like a beacon. However, as the bad weather draws in the sense of foreboding returns. The carnival…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on August 20, 2011 at 3:11pm — No Comments

Do you really need a literary agent?

Literary agents play a key role in the international publishing industry. Yet not many new writers are aware of what a literary agency can and cannot do. In simple terms, a literary agent represents authors, pitches their manuscripts to publishers, negotiates deals and manages the commercial aspects of the deal. In return the literary agent charges a percentage (usually 15%) of the royalty for the author’s books.


You’ve done all the hard work in writing the book. Why should…


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Added by Sameer Kamat on August 20, 2011 at 8:41am — No Comments

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