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One thing I like is to go back over a book from childhood and see how much I remember of the story. Do you do that?

Have you found you see things for the first time when reading it through your adult eyes you missed?

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It's an interesting idea! I think I'll have a look in the library and see if my old favorites are still good enough to be there. The one old childhood book I read to my son when he was small was Alice in Wonderland. It was just as entertaining then as it was twenty odd years before when my mother read it to me. It's been so long now I can't remember anything striking me from the adult viewpoint.
This is an odd topic and one I was thinking about not long ago, I was training a voice program and one of the choices was Alice in Wonderland.

Not only did it seem different looking at it through adult eyes, it looked different since reading it to my children when they were young.

Could it be old age setting in, or just that each time you read a book from childhood you have better images from the words?

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