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Major Announcement

Trestle Press announced today its newest ongoing series, Mark Miller’s One. The series will feature a variety of authors telling true-life stories of faith and inspiration. We expect this groundbreaking…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 26, 2011 at 6:29pm — No Comments

Showcase #6

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 26, 2011 at 5:03pm — No Comments


Trestle Press announced today its newest ongoing series, Mark Miller’s One. The series will feature a variety of authors telling true-life stories of faith and inspiration. We expect this groundbreaking series to be emotionally charged as it is sure to cross the boundaries of many beliefs. One will be an spiritual anthology of real stories about how faith works on this one planet we all share.

“It is a privilege to take the lead on a totally new concept for Trestle,” series…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 26, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

It Has Arrived

Chapter 2 of Reprisal, The Impeccant, is now available for $0.99 from Trestle Press through… Continue

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Added by Sam Lang on July 26, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

James Reasoner/Lee Goldberg The Dead Man Series #5 The Blood Mesa

I have really taken a liking to this series. The author’s they have chosen thus far have given me an eclectic view of Mr. Dark and our axe wielding hero, Matt Cahill. Being an old-head like I am, the serialization of this series has made it a fun and engaging ride for me. Hopefully I won’t miss an episode; my e-reader will be less than happy with me. We can’t have that. If you haven’t get on board with this do so; sharpen your blade. Evil may be coming to you; hopefully your face will not…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 25, 2011 at 11:18pm — No Comments


NEWSFLASH: Barry Eisler will be my guest on my blogtalk radio show, the G-ZONE, on Sept. 15th at 12pm EST to discussion his newest novel, The Detachment. The novel is releasing is being released on the 15th.Here is a bit more on the novel:


Available in ebook on September 15 as an Amazon Kindle exclusive and in paper on October 18 wherever books are sold


Preorder it now!

John Rain is back. And…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 25, 2011 at 8:42pm — No Comments

Showcase #5

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 25, 2011 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Showcase #4

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 24, 2011 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Showcase #3

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 24, 2011 at 1:25am — No Comments

Wenona Hulsey Blood Awakening

YA paranormal fans out there? This is an author you need to have on your radar regardless  of what genre you read. I have been fortunate working for Trestle Press to come across some really good reads from Werner Lind, Laurie Bowler, and B.R. Stateham to name a few. Wenona Hulsey has an amazing narrative and a knockout punch of a character here in” Blood Awakening “  the digital short story prequel to her upcoming full length release…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 22, 2011 at 9:17pm — No Comments

Original Sin Beth McMullin

I can’t say enough good stuff about this fun, entertaining read. The cover has a bit of peep, the inside is turbo. Did I love the read, YES! Hey one other thing before we get serious, check out the link, I had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing the author earlier in the week and we had a blast, click the link and listen in:…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 21, 2011 at 11:06pm — No Comments


NEWSFLASH:  Leona Derosa Bodie, author of the award winning “Shadow Cay” , has signed on with Trestle Press to produce a series of digital short stories. The first one to be released is entitled “COCOONED IN DARKNESS”, and it is a prequel to Shadow Cay. Here is the synopsis:

“On a bleak night, Claude’s world crumbles around him. Forced to confront his own frailties after a series of life-changing events, and compelled to make an impossible choice, Claude…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 21, 2011 at 8:37pm — No Comments

Constructed Criticism

Constructed Criticism

The first time I sent my Sci-Fi manuscript to get a seven page critique, ten years ago, I was floored and angry.  The things said about my baby.  Through a Writer’s Digest magazine ad I found Jane Rafel, editor.  I chose her because she lived close by at…

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Added by Matt T. Schott on July 21, 2011 at 5:53pm — No Comments

Showcase #2

Recently, I was invited to join the group Writers of the South (USA). It is a small, but enthusiastic group of authors in every type of genre. The group is aimed at supporting and promoting authors in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee.
As we grow, we plan to take several opportunities to showcase the varied and talented people in the group. We will hit it hard over the next couple of days, hopefully gaining some new exposure and introducing you to writings you…

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Added by Mark Miller on July 21, 2011 at 1:57pm — No Comments

Road Rage

Matt Billing’s hands gripped the steering wheel of his Taurus, as it made its way down the old route 66. He had taken a month off for vacation from his job at the advertising firm. Which of course they were more than willing to give him. Especially after fifteen years of constant loyal service. But he had mainly done it so that he and his wife Shelly could have some time alone. The idea of them getting away from Chicago seemed like nothing more than a dream, but here they were traveling down… Continue

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Added by MIchael Czech on July 21, 2011 at 7:26am — 2 Comments

4 Writing Strategies for Improving Relationships and Persuading Readers

Language, and writing, can do one of two things, depending on how it is used: enhance a relationship or damage it. In simple terms, it can help bring people together or push them apart; it can help you accomplish your purposes, or it can hinder you. Language is never neutral.


What does this mean for you as you write? This means you have to think carefully…


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Added by David Bowman on July 21, 2011 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

James Rollins The Devil's Colony

Consider this: 14 arrows in a bundle, nanotubes, Indians, Lewis & Clark, Sigma Force, Thomas Jefferson, 5 guys in a painting that aren’t supposed to be there, Ben Franklin, a buffalo hide, Jewish settlers and Mormons. What are you going to do with all? Hunh? I mean seriously! Well that is exactly what James Rollins has inside this novel plus a lot more.If you want to hear him talk about it as an added bonus , go to the archives of The G-ZONE, my blogtalk radio show, from Monday and…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 11:27pm — No Comments

Cody Toye Dribbles the Squirrel Operation Blackmail

Flat out I love this series. I know, the covers right. How hard do you think it is to find pictures of squirrels doing stuff? Remember they are not method actors. Dribbles is but a component to this intense and moving digital short story series put out by Cody “The Toyeman” Toye. The real action behind all this is those being displaced by greedy muck-mucks. Dribbles is but a tool, a foot soldier, in the fight to strike back at the Man. Cody Toye creates a chilling and at times all too real…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

lost spirits.

jazz walked the streets, smiling at her peers. they were all angry. more then ever before.

she could see a group of boys carrying a bunch of weapons she's only ever seen in her dreams. she saw a bunch of girls with nails so long, they dragged along the ground, making sparks fly, all red.

she laughed out loud and many others joined her, making a type of music that no one wants to hear before they die. suddenly, someone came up beside her.

"Hello." he drawled.



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Added by Danny(jaxie) on July 20, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Laurie Bowler Guest Post

These days, it's truly an exciting time to be a writer, and I'm enjoying writing as much as I do and then seeing it published.

There are so many reasons why I enjoy writing. At first it was only a hobby and something I decided to do suddenly in November 2009, and now I have found myself developing further with the plots and characters that I create.

Every day is a massive learning curve, reading reviews and hearing readers thoughts and feelings teaches me many…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 20, 2011 at 8:17pm — No Comments

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