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Hey, dudes! im back with a new discussion! Kay...listen up.
i was thinking it quite over...About the Whole 'RAPTURE" topic..
truly wondering if god would really speak to us about the downfall of humanity
on December 21, 2012. so that we could easily just plead for our sins and repent after living
a full life of lies and cold madness.
Do you believe the world will really end that day? or will we just continue on with our lives as if the fact this So called fact isn't in the bible.
So i've heard.
Comment, and tell me what you think of the so called, "END"
Also!...If any of you know exactly what page in the bible that states This EXACT sudden date. TELL ME!! lol Thanks dude!..and Dudets ..of
Speak out what YOU believe.

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I dont feel like its gonna be the end.
People had the same hysteria on the Y2K and nothing happened.
Ive read Revelations or however you spell it sorry.
And it says that (if I remember right) that someone will give up their life and become the wife of god or something like that?
I dont remember this was a while back I have to pull out my bible and read it again.
SO I dont believe that the world is gonna end.
Good topic, Betty! :) I don't believe the world will end on December 21, 2012. And I don't know anything about the Rapture that you speak of so can't comment on that side of your discussion.

I do know this. To my knowledge this date was not based on anything in the Bible. That could explain why you have trouble finding it. Its basis lies in ancient writings by the Mayans. The date itself is calculated according to the Mayan "Long Count" calendar, which ends on that date.

I agree with this old USA Today article.

Maya civilization, known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy, flourished for centuries in Mesoamerica, especially between A.D. 300 and 900. Its Long Count calendar, which was discontinued under Spanish colonization, tracks more than 5,000 years, then resets at year zero. "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

You're probably too young to remember how worried people were about Y2K crashing every outdated digitally controlled system in the world that couldn't handle the year 00 and leaving us in chaotic darkness. When the clock ticked over into the new Millenium, the world held its breath. Nothing happened. Nothing. I class this in the same category. The fear is worse than the reality.

People will be scared nonetheless. Some scoundrels will use those fears to target believers and manipulate them into doing things they normally wouldn't, like paying money for something that will protect them or some rubbish like that. In the end, it will be baseless and we'll all be getting up and going to work on Dec 22 2012, except for the believers. They'll be too busy doing last minute Christmas shopping. ;)
Well the "END" referring to December 21st, 2012 is from the Mayan's, not the Bible, from my knowledge at least.
I, personally, hope the world doesn't end then. I don't want to die at the age of 22. I've still got a lot to experience out in the world and I'd be so mad if it ended before I got a chance to do so. With that said, I think it would be cool to see it end that way, even if it would suck that Life as we know it came to an end. I'd also enjoy seeing a Zombie Apocalypse and get a chance to fight my way through that, lol.

According to this video I watched earlier today, the Mayan Calender has ended a few times, which just resulted in the end of that... Semester, for lack of not being able to remember the word the guy used in the video.

I'm sure there's going to be a lot going on December 20th, 2012, as the world prepares for the end that will not come, hopefully, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of looting. As long as they stay out of my house I really don't care what they do, lol.
Kay, the Rapture is when God starts calling the people to heaven and the horse men are begining to be let loose and cause the famines war and suffering for the remanding sinners and then the cycle contiues more people are called or die Im not sure and another horse man is released, thats also when the antichrist is in control and some other stuff and so on and so forth.

Oh talkin about the antichrist when I used to be a waitress
I took a party of 20 missionaries, this was during the elections,
and they were of course talking about the end who could be the antichrist
and the main missionary was leading the disscusion and he was like "Obama is the antichrist!"
Like all firm and and serious I felt so awkward because I just gave his drink and I was so hoping he wouldnt bring me into it....but he did he asked me if I agreed with him.
I smiled and said "No I dont believe he is the antichrist."
He gives me that look of pity with a smile that totally p###ed me off.
And he said, "You will know the truth one day and Jesus will forgive you and Lead you in the right direction."
I got so mad I gave them lousy ass service. They left me the tip I charged them and a pamphlet. GRRRR!!
I totally want to try to survive a zombie invasion!!! My friends and I have a plan already mwahahahahah!!!

Andrew Kunz said:
Well the "END" referring to December 21st, 2012 is from the Mayan's, not the Bible, from my knowledge at least.
I, personally, hope the world doesn't end then. I don't want to die at the age of 22. I've still got a lot to experience out in the world and I'd be so mad if it ended before I got a chance to do so. With that said, I think it would be cool to see it end that way, even if it would suck that Life as we know it came to an end. I'd also enjoy seeing a Zombie Apocalypse and get a chance to fight my way through that, lol.

According to this video I watched earlier today, the Mayan Calender has ended a few times, which just resulted in the end of that... Semester, for lack of not being able to remember the word the guy used in the video.

I'm sure there's going to be a lot going on December 20th, 2012, as the world prepares for the end that will not come, hopefully, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of looting. As long as they stay out of my house I really don't care what they do, lol.
You know, nobody knows. The bible mentions that the world will end one day, but it never says when. When I was little, my niece told me that the world would end June 6th, 2006. 6/6/06. I was freaked out, but it's almost 2010 and I'm still alive. The world may end on that day, but it also might not. Nobody knows when the world will end, but people just think it will on that day because that was the last day on the Mayan Calender, but the Mayans even knew the Earth would live on after that. Besides, the rapure will have to happen before the Earth ends.
The rapure is in the bible. It's when Jesus takes all the people who believe Jesus is the son of God into heaven and leaves all the non-believers behind. During that time, he will plague those left on Earth until they all die. When they're all dead, the ones that went to heaven will come back down (not having aged a day) and continue their lives. I think that God is trying to rid the world of all religions besides christianity.

Kay Elizabeth said:
Good topic, Betty! :) I don't believe the world will end on December 21, 2012. And I don't know anything about the Rapture that you speak of so can't comment on that side of your discussion.

I do know this. To my knowledge this date was not based on anything in the Bible. That could explain why you have trouble finding it. Its basis lies in ancient writings by the Mayans. The date itself is calculated according to the Mayan "Long Count" calendar, which ends on that date.

I agree with this old USA Today article.

Maya civilization, known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy, flourished for centuries in Mesoamerica, especially between A.D. 300 and 900. Its Long Count calendar, which was discontinued under Spanish colonization, tracks more than 5,000 years, then resets at year zero. "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

You're probably too young to remember how worried people were about Y2K crashing every outdated digitally controlled system in the world that couldn't handle the year 00 and leaving us in chaotic darkness. When the clock ticked over into the new Millenium, the world held its breath. Nothing happened. Nothing. I class this in the same category. The fear is worse than the reality.

People will be scared nonetheless. Some scoundrels will use those fears to target believers and manipulate them into doing things they normally wouldn't, like paying money for something that will protect them or some rubbish like that. In the end, it will be baseless and we'll all be getting up and going to work on Dec 22 2012, except for the believers. They'll be too busy doing last minute Christmas shopping. ;)
Jehovah witnesses believe that when we die everyone is in a sleep like state so there is no spirits or what not.
The rapture will happen and he'll call the 144000 Jehovah witnesses to heaven and the earth will be reborn to be paradise all over the world. and everyone no matter what religion or belief will be reborn on the earth healthy with no sickness and so on. Every one will be young with no age or anything. Because God did not make Hell for the Humans he made it for the Angels that went against him not the creatures that he loved.
Mayan 1: "Oh crap! I can't continue the calendar."
Mayan 2: "Why?"
Mayan 1: "I ran out of stone to chisel on."
Mayan 2: "Relax! 2000 years is more than enough to look forward to. After that, we can make more calendars."
Mayan 1: "Think we'll last that long?"
Mayan 2: "Sure! And if we don't, what's the worst that can happen?"
I don think that lol would have been enough on how much I laughed at this.

Mary Anne Landers said:
Mayan 1: "Oh crap! I can't continue the calendar."
Mayan 2: "Why?"
Mayan 1: "I ran out of stone to chisel on."
Mayan 2: "Relax! 2000 years is more than enough to look forward to. After that, we can make more calendars."
Mayan 1: "Think we'll last that long?"
Mayan 2: "Sure! And if we don't, what's the worst that can happen?"
Thank you, Viviana. I wish I could say I made it up. Actually I ripped it off from a comment on one of the endless "2012" polls on Facebook.

But seriously, I don't think a planet that's been around for four and a half billion years will end any time soon. Earth will still be circling the sun long after mankind has gone the way of the dinosaurs.

Of course, scientists---namely astronomers and astrophysicists---say the world will indeed come to an end. When the sun grows old and swells up into a red giant, it will burn Earth to a cinder and eventually swallow it. But that won't happen for another three or four billion years. In the meantime, I've got other things to worry about.
I guess I should brush up on my Bible. :) Thanks for the explanation, Vivi. It's been a long time. I don't want to take Betty's thread offtopic but people like that missionary you mentioned scare me. The ones that will be attending his mission really will need God's help to get past that kind of nonsensical teaching.

The problem I have with apocalyptic predictions is that people die whether they come true or not. There was a cult, and the name escapes me right now, but the leader predicted the world was going to end. His followers, according to him, were the chosen ones that would escape and start a new civilization. They were to be taken into space in a vehicle that was hiding behind Halley's Comet that at the time was circling the earth. This was what he taught them and they believed it completely, such was their faith in this man.

The way they got on board was to commit suicide. And they did. There were about thirty of them if I remember right and I think it was in Texas. They took pills, drank vodka, and put plastic bags over their heads. It was orderly and done in shifts. The last two even took out the trash before killing themselves. ( I apologize for my vagueness on the name and date. I was reminded of this story because I'm reading The Power of Premonitions by Larry Dossey, M.D. and he talked about it. I'll look it up again in his book.)

The point is these people were sucked into believing absolutely that it would happen and killed themselves because of a lunatic's theory . I can see history repeating itself in 2012. There will be suicides of cult followers. Ordinary people, especially those under mental strain, will also commit suicide out of fear because they don't want to suffer a terrible death. Those very same people don't get to wake up the next day and see it wasn't true. Their families are left living their life without that person. They can't be ribbed by their friends over thinking it would.

And that is what really scares me about all this 2012 talk: not that it will happen, but the repercussions for some poor vulnerable souls that are convinced this is an absolute certainty, not a theory.

Viviana Arteaga said:
Kay, the Rapture is when God starts calling the people to heaven and the horse men are begining to be let loose and cause the famines war and suffering for the remanding sinners and then the cycle contiues more people are called or die Im not sure and another horse man is released, thats also when the antichrist is in control and some other stuff and so on and so forth.
Oh talkin about the antichrist when I used to be a waitress I took a party of 20 missionaries, this was during the elections, and they were of course talking about the end who could be the antichrist and the main missionary was leading the disscusion and he was like "Obama is the antichrist!"
Like all firm and and serious I felt so awkward because I just gave his drink and I was so hoping he wouldnt bring me into it....but he did he asked me if I agreed with him.
I smiled and said "No I dont believe he is the antichrist."
He gives me that look of pity with a smile that totally p###ed me off.
And he said, "You will know the truth one day and Jesus will forgive you and Lead you in the right direction."
I got so mad I gave them lousy ass service. They left me the tip I charged them and a pamphlet. GRRRR!!

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