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Human beings are social beings due to their inter-dependency and essential mutual necessity to their earthly lives variable socio-economic contributions by their give and take exchanging policy.

No one can integrate their earthly lives achievements and stability without some ones help and favors as lonely.

Family, friends, relatives, and neighbors some ways helps are badly need to build some ones present and future welfare and certainty.

By nature, human social & earthly needs are 360 degree perspectives to mitigate their all respective socio-economic necessity.

Any individual of human beings become successful in their live goal and perspective with supports & favors of various social networking and community volunteering activity.

Some ones own intelligent and efforts are not sufficient to reach his or her targeted vision in this age of perfect competency.

Among all networks family is ones very important and stronger integrator to be a successful intelligent in the society and even nationality.

The secondary source could be some ones good friends, close relatives, and various referential personalities of authority.

To be bonded with an intimate friendship who is very influential and familiar, should be considering some ones additional eligibility.

Having many high official and powerful relatives or close relatives accordingly is also some ones a big destiny.

Through various social and political activities as a man of strong social and political solidarity can reach his or her objective and goals definitely.

Having a background as strong and persuasive leadership quality is some ones very exceptional and charismatic abilities to be favored by any social and political entity.

In fact, all the stronger & powerful social and organizational entities have their some or any collaterals positively.

So, without having any strong collateral any entity or personality can’t achieve ever his or her establishment wholly.

With having some ones all requirement and qualifications any strong collateral as family, friends, and relatives is systemized now days for some ones earthly victory.

Significantly most of the less developed countries all these favorable activities are known as an unfair means & corruptions for some ones advocacy.

But all the rich and extreme developed countries these are known as some ones good personal references to be cared some ones good identity everywhere without any controversy.

Hypothetically, family, friends, and relatives all are different types of human relations in the society, nationality, and globally.

To me, a relation builds to valued its mutual subjects to be favored and shared all tangible and intangible feelings symmetrical or asymmetrically.

In these perspectives all these favors & co operations should be considered as a “value of relations” for all human beings coexist and law abiding citizen in the all global societies by their variable locations of geography.

But it should be regardless any differing of various relations as blood relation, by law relations, any logical relations, and even compassionate relations successively.

N. Sarder

Toronto, ON














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