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Almighty or our Natures sent us in this Earth with enormous talents, Charismatic ability, and unbelievable creative power for the welfare of mankind to be lived happily in the collective way globally.

But few of them are contribute their hard efforts by utilizing their talents and creativity for the goodness of human being very honest & devotionally.

By doing these great works for the mankind globally they become the great men forever in here also hereafter regardless dead or alive due to their sacrifice and devotional mentality.

The great men never seek any return & wellness for their own enjoyment and happiness for their contributions they made or make for the mankind of this earth equal & collectively.

Great men’s great works and contributions make them immortal personality after their death till doomsday arriving unknowingly.

On the other hand, most of us sent here with enormous talents and creative power in order to make happy our family, society, and even global society what we forget and misuse by absorbing in our earthly lives for our own wellness as a stupid and selfish personality.

Likely, much Idiotic emotional activity as so called love, romance, and marriage very early to destroy all very prospective future for the family, society, and nationality.

In fact, these valueless emotional activities as love, romance and early marriage are so called love and Hippocratic pretending to meet all psychobiological needs objectively.

Besides, there are so many unnecessary and useless activities to destroy our all these greatly valuable talents and charismatic power without thinking any demerits hopelessly.

Actually, we love to do something very easily without making any hard efforts to achieve short term returns in a hurry.

But we forget that to achieve something big or great, big time and continuous hard efforts are essential to come over successfully.

Also we do understand and realized our all ruin and undone we made for us by doing many Hippocratic & so called useless activities when there is no time to get back for good work initially.

Moreover, we don’t understand that ‘Every time is a prime time” for which we left many of our essential issues to implement in the future conveniently.

By nature, all human being are entitled by three levels of memory for all talents and creative power as, conscious level, subconscious level, and unconscious level programmed and controlled by our Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems cooperative & jointly.

Our all gathered experienced & skills are Conscious level that we are using everyday or regularly randomly without making any mistake expertly.

In subconscious level all the knowledge and skills could be used in the past or recently a few or a little time because of most of the talents and exist knowledge are not linked with all earthly activities to be in the conscious level by using frequently.

But in the non-conscious level all the talents and knowledge entitled by almighty remain in dormant and latent state that need to make very hard & continuous efforts to arouse our creative power to be creative and innovative by our creativity.

Creativity is a continuous brainstorming process to generate all new & contemporary ideas for any creation newly.

In addition, to be a successful creative and innovative personality we must arouse our inner drive by our continuous hard efforts to be dynamic from static state to enhance creativity.

Besides, continuous practice & hard efforts, a strong will power is essential to be dynamic our inner drive very persistently.

All hard efforts as brain storming, learning, extensive exploring  activities are known as , the proactive stage for any creation and innovation in a good orderly.

Over a long period of time, a man or woman become a very good creative person with enormous spiritual powers by making very hard efforts in 360 degrees learning dimensions objectively.

So, we are wholly liable & accountable to destroy our very beautiful & highly prospective live by our autocracy behaviorally.












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