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Marriage is undoubtedly an essential structural element to integrate human socialization process to coexist and live happily.

To meet human psychobiological demands & keep up generations continue are its vital objectives to be remaining within some social bounding for their respective honor & Dignity.

Besides, to protect and save society from various sexual abusing, ruin, & undone of women virginity.

 Now days the Marriage has lost its previous honor and dignity in terms of carry out duties and responsibilities to the family and society.

The basic objective of marriage and married lives has been deviated from its collectivism wellness to Individual or personal wellness by their respective intra-personal future certainty.

Excessive so called human rights and personal freedom made the modern generations anti-joint family lives to individual live autocracy.

Values of relations are no more part & parcel of humanity to take care and carry out all family responsibility and to keep up family’s loyalty.

Although once married lives were very happy & to family centric collectively but at present most of the married lives are unhappy by their stranded relations post marriage confliction unnecessary.

In the most cases wives excessive demands and dominancy making husbands instable mentally to abstained from a family keeper to a betrayer unwillingly.

Mutual respects and honest feelings between wife and husband are become in their least level of love as romance and erotically.

Over the time everything has been changing to the demand of time and its subjects proportionally the development of science and technology very quickly with the transition of modern socialization’s philosophy.

In the past especially till middle of the 20th century marriage was a noble social media to expand and extend family relations for two families’ mutual welfare and respects symmetrically.

Now in the modern society all the noble objectives of the marriage become material based and tangible but asymmetrically.

 For a family centric & collectivism minded man marriage is nothing but a horrible and detent lives to be remaining under the custody of a Witch autocratic wish & wills obediently.

At present globally women are enjoying much more freedom and rights than men to be suppressed them blaming by a women torturer & oppressor objectively if their husband forbidding & controlling them for any of their autocratic behavior unlawfully.

All these consequences are visible nakedly in the western and developed countries abundantly.

 Due to modern technology and Internet access most of the developing countries are emerging by all these cultures and traditions from the western and developed nations infectiously.

Significantly women brain works critically by the wave motion spiral way to be spinning infinitely whereas men brain works straight and sequentially to be solved anything very easily.

A witch & monster like wife is enough to destroy and undone any very happy joint family enormously by their hypocrisy and flattery.

These witch and monster type wives are very greedy as their inherent characters genetically.

A married live become happy if the husband carries out all the wish and wills of his wife obediently by depriving all his family members brutally.

Otherwise a drastic painful and stranded relation will be forming over the time very fast or steadily with his wife because of husband’s disobediences.

By nature, women have strong affinity to cheat their relations with their loving one or husband if there is an opportunity to taking advantage circumstantial abusing without any hesitation as inhumanly.

To me, women can’t be symbol of flowers and love rather than they should be at best harmful thorns of flowers connotation ally but nothing much laterally.

Many highly prospective & creative men lost all of their foreseeable achievement and creativity after their marriage very regretfully.

So, women can’t be the source of energy and encouragement for any husband’s to be done something greatly.

Hypothetically, women should be conferred the title of man or husband’s adverse situation creator negatively.

That’s why I strongly recommending each & every unmarried man not to be détente in the married life to meet your psychobiological demands by paying high cost rather meet these demands in another way by your wish variably.














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