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Christopher Stewart's Blog (115)

In All Directions

joy is feeling

looking upwards

skies enrapture

the sorry self

and its grievance

joy is seeing

looking westwards

social fracture

healing itself

from insurgence

joy is knowing

looking eastwards

proper culture

relieves oneself

from ignorance

joy is seeing

looking outwards

events mature

the early self



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Added by Christopher Stewart on March 28, 2023 at 9:36pm — No Comments

Blessings To Count

joy is knowing

the best of views

fuels volition

to climb the mount

joy is having

freedom to choose

which obstruction

one must surmount

joy is knowing

hearing the muse

is like drinking

from the youth fount

joy is having

nothing to lose

and yet having

blessings to…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on March 21, 2023 at 8:31pm — No Comments

Compass Towards The Grail

when gloominess

deflects the gale

joy is the wind

that fills the sail

when despair is

tricking the scale

joy is the clue

that tells the tale

when spleen is thick

and hopes are pale

joy is meaning

that lifts the veil

when no reason

can find the trail

joy is compass

towards the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on March 13, 2023 at 10:19pm — No Comments

Accord With One's Nature

though worries hurt

and fears injure

joy yields healing

beyond measure

though gloom has roots

deep in culture

joy at all times

sages nurture

though the reasons

may outnumber

joy is the wealth

wise ones treasure

though the mundane

exerts pressure

joy is accord

with one's…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on March 8, 2023 at 9:43pm — No Comments

Respite On Heavy Days

when the constraints

the spirit faze

joy is a door

out of the maze

when nobody

offers their praise

joy is moving

on anyways

when challenges

the psyche daze

joy is clear sky

after the haze

when upheavals

disrupt the ways

joy is respite

on heavy…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on March 2, 2023 at 9:40pm — No Comments

A Friend Halving The Load

when there is fault

at the crossroad

joy is knowing

the cosmic goad

when the ciphers

the wit erode

joy is insight

breaking the code

when through hard work

seeds have been sowed

joy is seeing

blessings bestowed

when there's burden

and a long road

joy is a friend

halving the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on February 25, 2023 at 8:54pm — No Comments

Breakthrough From The Standstill

when there's no vim

the land to till

joy swells the wind

running the mill

when there's no verve

the page to fill

joy lights the spark

moving the quill

when obstacles

challenge the skill

joy marks the path

leading uphill

when restrictions

deter the will

joy brings breakthrough

from the standstill…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on February 23, 2023 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Secret Of Silence

joy is being given
the secret of silence
after the hard lesson
and the heavy penance

joy is being driven
to relay radiance
and this way forgiven
for past indifference


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Added by Christopher Stewart on February 21, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Without A Cloud

joy is presence

when strings are bowed

joy is purpose

when fields are ploughed

joy is keeping

to what was vowed

joy is a calm

voice in the crowd

joy is the truth

humbling the proud

joy is freedom

that is allowed

joy is quiet

when life is loud

joy is wisdom

piercing the shroud

joy is the mind

without a…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on February 18, 2023 at 9:54pm — No Comments

You Hear Me Now

should you ever o my darling

hear that i am forever gone

do not be vainly pondering

that you will miss our liaison

for upon you i lay no blame

not knowing who i'd come to be

when before you i make the claim

never will you truly miss me

unsettled by futures unclear

withheld by self-worth glaucoma

encircled by vultures of fear

brooded over childhood trauma

peering beyond self-sabotage

commonplaces and convention

is the end goal…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on February 15, 2023 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Artistic Impulse

the impulse that drives artistic expression is irrational, unconditioned, and impersonal. it is beyond the grasp of reason and its constructions, which allows it to make the being resonate at frequencies that reason is not able to reach, and thus initiate it into experiences that are beyond his comprehension.

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Added by Christopher Stewart on August 2, 2020 at 12:23am — No Comments

One Of A Kind

Essentially written in one day in March 2013, « One Of A Kind » is an upbeat folk pop summer song about meeting someone who turns out to have special significance in one's life, and eventually becoming so close as to form a kind of unit with them.

Ultimately, it's also about how every encounter, whether apparently desirable or otherwise, actually contributes to one's growth and to finding one's place in the grand scheme of things.

Here are the lyrics…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on June 9, 2020 at 4:02pm — No Comments


tell me i did not dive in way too deep

and that i will find the relief i seek

when bells toll the time to jump off the peak

say that there will be faith to take the leap

although i've walked the path of oracles

and seen you've kept the oath you'd said you'd keep

when the fruits will be close enough to reap

will i really believe in miracles

did your plan really include that last turn

or did i miss a lesson on the road

will there some day…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on May 5, 2020 at 6:58pm — No Comments

Allegory of the Long Spoons

« The allegory of the long spoons is a parable that shows the difference between heaven and hell by means of people forced to eat with long spoons. »

« In each location, the inhabitants are given access to food, but the utensils are too unwieldy to serve oneself with. In hell, the people cannot cooperate, and consequently starve. In heaven, the diners feed one another across the table and are sated. »

« Given the same level playing field one group of…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 14, 2020 at 7:19pm — No Comments

Living Bond

dare i declare that we'll always be one

that in your soul breathes an echo of mine

that our paths will fusion down the line

that this living bond cannot come undone

dare i reveal how we have been misled

by values that want us to be apart

told only a fool could follow their heart

by demons of greed, reason, and hatred

could you forgive me for being doubtful

of accepting the fate of a prophet

and having been of you so…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 13, 2020 at 11:16pm — No Comments


how many souls lay blinded by that creed

stuck on a rock that's lost in the vastness

fatherless child of mother randomness

the underlying view that fosters greed

satisfied by the laws of mechanics

kindergarten of logic and reason

unfit for the tests of intuition

barred from the master class in holistics

unprepared to see past material

as if fearing fatal delirium

through knowledge of concerns spiritual

yet truth is no stranger to…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 8, 2020 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Conveyed by Rhymes

i can recall the day when the world fell

and i could only watch in disbelief

as people blamed each other for their grief

before hiding back each inside their shell

from there we edged ever closer to hell

dying nature, fires, foul climes above

divided souls all longing for some love

while minds dreaded for them would toll the bell

and now a plague warns us with its dark chimes

to see we're tied, us threads of the same rope

against which…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 7, 2020 at 4:16pm — No Comments

Somewhere Ahead

as i sit on the floor and bow my head

i wonder why my path has led me here

for which purpose must i be rid of fear

that lies in store for me somewhere ahead

no way could i the turns have all foreseen

nor prayed for all of life's given blessings

for the angels would not reveal their wings

until after the time they could be seen

is it a door i hear, a voice, a pace

or only an echo, a whim, a wraith

a breeze, a thought, a threat without a…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 6, 2020 at 3:20pm — No Comments


now that the truth is out

and edges the windup

say did you really doubt

of where you would end up

just right there where you are

all alone in the night

feeling more fraud than star

and really not that bright

not completely grownup

more bewildered than fine

but still the wait is up

time to come forth and shine

seems you blew your thirties

in healing from your teens

in bending to worries

and in blaming your…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 5, 2020 at 2:26am — No Comments


was it not all written

in the divine memoirs

on the nightly heaven

as a pattern of stars

that the worst could happen

at the perfect hour

to rescue the fallen

from haughtiness dour

so that they could in turn

save from the bonfire

their fellow men who burn

in confusion dire

was it not all written

well ahead of the time

in words aptly chosen

metered and set to rhyme

that there's no simple way



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Added by Christopher Stewart on April 4, 2020 at 1:29am — No Comments

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