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Added by edward mooney on July 9, 2011 at 7:31pm — 3 Comments

I was asked why young black men are failing and this is my partial reply (Repost of a Note from my Facebook page)

I am reading a book called "Why Boys Fail" and it is actually clearing up some questions I have had for a while. Since I have had experiences with the special education population in various school districts and cities, I am now aware of a trend. Boys make up the majority. And in black neighborhoods this is worst. Now I do believe there are multiple factors and various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, administrators, government, principals, and the…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 9, 2011 at 3:33am — 1 Comment

Call Me Flair

Ben Bachick had first seen her at his book signing through the crowd of fans that surrounded him. Even though at first it was, only a single glance that he had given her, but it was all that he needed. For the image of her now stayed trapped within the back of his mind. The way her long amber hair cascades over her shoulders and her face seems tanned and innocent. And the black dress she wore, hugged the curves of her slender body as she stands trying to look seductive for him. At least he…


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Added by MIchael Czech on July 8, 2011 at 11:31pm — No Comments

Dueling Microphones Rose A. Valenta

The Author’s lab/ Collaboration series now has an even dozen installments to its name. Who would have thought way back when (April, 2011), when we did “Down Low-Dead”  with the great Vincent Zandri, that this series would carry on as it has. Rose A. Valenta came up with an excellent idea and executed it and me to a tee.

You see Rose A. Valenta is a syndicated newspaper columnist and she specializes in humor, she is also the author of “Sitting on Cold…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 8, 2011 at 3:31pm — No Comments

Ereader? Not Me! by Thomas Kaufman

Everywhere I go, I see people reading books on Kindle, on iPads, on Nooks.  And I'm jealous.  I'd like to buy a book reader, but Isaac Asimov won't let me.

Dr Asimov is telling me to forget book readers -- I need to get the most audacious multi-media device in existence. Salivate over this:

"A cassette as ordinarily viewed makes sound and casts light. That is its purpose, of course, but must sound and light intrude on others who are not involved or interested? The…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 8, 2011 at 11:58am — No Comments

Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series, Borislava! Please introduce yourself and/or your book to help our readers get to know you.

Hi, My name is David, and I am a writer....(sighs as the rest of his colleagues smile with a monotone reply, 

"Hi David")


The book I am here to talk about is my latest called "Pirate's Heart".  This was a story that originated from a story within a story.  It was brought to my attention when writing the original which happened to be a screenplaty. At that time I was heavy into screenplays, and anyone who has gone from a screenplay to writing a novel is quite a…


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Added by David M. Carner on July 8, 2011 at 1:43am — No Comments

Drunk on the Moon Paul D. Brazill

I have never done this with a review, I mean this is supposed to be my thoughts and feelings on a what I think of someone’s written work. BUT, yesterday I read a review, a five star review on Amazon that someone put up about Paul D. Brazill’s “Drunk on the Moon”.  It is so amazing I just felt I had to show this to you instead of just popping the link in here, it is probably one of the most complete reviews I think I have ever read on there. Just intense as well as…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 7, 2011 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Upcoming Signing Event

The guys over at Heroes Landing in Clermont have been kind enough to invite me to do a book signing on July 31st, from 1 PM to 4 PM. If you are in Central FL then, come by and say hi!

These guys have all the latest … Continue

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Added by Mark Miller on July 7, 2011 at 6:46pm — No Comments

Foreword April Pohren for Dueling Microphones


Many light years ago, upon the planet Gelati, a young mother and father tucked their beloved son within a womb-like capsule.  On either side of him rested a microphone and a strange looking gadget that would later be known as a Kindle.  With final kisses upon the cheek and forehead, the mother and father gently and firmly latched the capsule’s door.  With a click, clack and roaring sound, the engine of the capsule was started and launched within space.  Traveling through planets,…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 7, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Maynard Soloman Fixes Social Security and Eats A Pony! Benjamin Sobieck

Getting my fix of Maynard always puts a smile on my face. My wife has really gotten into him too. The dialogue Benjamin Sobieck has come up with for Maynard Soloman is so unique and captivating it is hard not to just like the character but to love him. I have been fortunate to have had the author on my blogtlak show The G-ZONE a number of times now; please go back into the show’s archives to enjoy one of the interviews. I think you will quickly find out where Maynard gets his sense of…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 6, 2011 at 7:46pm — No Comments

The Steps I took To publish my award winning book online

It took me 15 years to create, produce and finally give birth to my scifi book, Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force.  In 2007 I started looking into online publishing.  I tried the traditional route and got no reaction except no thanks.  I found out I needed a totally finished product before I could publish my book tradtionally or online.  So I decided to have my book professionally edited at this time. 



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Added by Matt T. Schott on July 6, 2011 at 7:03pm — No Comments

The Walled Garden



I would give you this rose

But you are shut in the walled garden

Among your bitter herbs

I would show you the sun

But you have turned your head away

Into your own shadow


I would sing you asong

But it falls silent by the sad waters

Where are you walking?


I would touch your hand

But i cannot reach you when you are

Lost in no known country

Will you not turn and…


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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on July 6, 2011 at 2:28pm — 1 Comment

Michael Wiley A Bad Night's Sleep

The week just keeps building and building as the novels just keep coming fast and furious. Michael Wiley dusts off my buddy Joe Kozmarski, P.I., for another installment of his great series. I had the chance a little bit ago to yap with Mr. Wiley about his latest novel on my blogtalk radio show, The G-ZONE. Here is the link for you:…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 6, 2011 at 1:31pm — No Comments

Justice is Not Equal, It is only Fair

After taking a hard look at the facts surrounding the recent jury verdict, I can see how it is possible to come to a decision of "not guilty". We may be looking at the case and for that matter all cases, from the wrong perspective.

It is plain to see that based on…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 6, 2011 at 4:56am — No Comments

The Sunwright Chronicles: Empire at War Kevin M. Villegas

Hello again and welcome to Tuesday. Let’s get right into today’s novel shall we? It is a self – published effort by Kevin M. Villegis and I found it highly engaging. Here is the synopsis:

“The greatest empire the world has ever known stands on the brink of destruction.

A powerful invasion from the east coupled with an influx of spies and saboteurs threatens to destroy the Empire of Kirmar.

The Sunwright family has defended Kirmar for over nine hundred years. The head of…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 5, 2011 at 9:48pm — 1 Comment

Independence Day 2011- Vincent Zandri –Trestle Press

NEWSFLASH- On July 4,2011 The King Of Mystery/Thriller Kindle, Vincent Zandri, has decided to do a monthly character series  and has signed on with Trestle Press to produce it. The series will begin running this September and will run opposite the new and intense Hard-Boiled Detective/Paranormal/Noir/Horror series by Paul D. Brazill that launches this week, “Drunk on the Moon”.  Mr. Brazill’s series may run on the first of the month, Mr.Zandri’s the fifteenth and Trestle Press will continue…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 5, 2011 at 7:03pm — No Comments


I've been spinning my own webs for a while now. One strand is my site (, another is, Facebook (and countless other social sites) and then, of course, this blog.

As the web grows, I seem to be catching a lot of delightful little things. I often find wonderful, positive comments from you, my readers. It really makes my day to see someone respond to my words.

Another neat thing is all the people in "the… Continue

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Added by Mark Miller on July 5, 2011 at 4:57pm — No Comments

Creating a Scifi Universe

I was recently asked how I could keep a whole made up Universe inside my head.  First mistake was assuming thats where my brain was.  It can be eaiser than it sounds if you know how to use your God like powers.

Its like the saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"  When creating a scifi universe it does make a sound.  As a matter of fact just before the bark hits the grass, the grass changes to a bright, blinding, holy white…


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Added by Matt T. Schott on July 3, 2011 at 2:34pm — No Comments

The Media, The Networks, The Journalist

Watching a documentary on Bloomberg television about media mogul Rupert Murdock has revealed a lot. The war of Fox News is not about Liberalism and Conservatism as it may appear. Rupert is a very shrewd business man and he is feared. While there will be casualties among the many who are employed across the Murdock Empire, he will stand as a fierce businessman who knows what he wants and what it takes to get it. There is no doubt that the Murdock Family will continue on far after he is passed…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 2, 2011 at 11:56pm — No Comments

Wolf Hunt Werner A. Lind


“Lifeblood” & ”The Gift”  are Werner Lind’s other works to date; they are vampire stories. He moves on to tackle something new, werewolves. I enjoy Werner’s work; I think he is an exceptional talent, and currently I am working with him on an installment of The Author’s Lab/Collaboration. The twist and bend of it is that he has a certain kind of vampire, Laurie Bowler has a certain of vampire , so we are going to have them meet a little bit down the road in…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on July 2, 2011 at 7:37pm — No Comments

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