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Recall when our eyes first met


Recording that moment in time



Life took a sudden bend

With no beginnings,no end

Nothing halfway,no pathway

No solutions,no restraint


You are my sandcastle

Steadfast,peaceful in unity

Yet just a touch

Vision,or a mirage


A sea of serenity

Key to eternity



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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Margalla Hills



This crispy morning

We walk in the woods

Hand in hand

In silence.


The smell of pine trees

Dry leaves rustle underfoot

The rolling turquoise skies

And emerald Margalla Hills.


In the morning after

The repose,the rapture

The sweet unspoken

Melody of love


Music in the air

Heavens symphonies

Peace to share

And feel of eternity



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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:49pm — No Comments

Phantom Love



Engulf me,enclose me

Live in my heart


My fantasy love


You whisper  to me

In the  silent night

Follow me

In the brazen daylight


You live without me

Yet within me

Surrounding me



Yet you return

Crowding my thoughts

Cloying my senses

Distant phantom love.


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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:42pm — No Comments



Perchance to meet today

When the air is soft

And the sky violet

Perchance to touch your hand

And cross back into time

When our love was young

The bridges in between

Haveall been crossed

Perchance to think

To love

And all that was is lost

And all that was is lost.

We know that we can look

Back on the paths we took

With a smile

Perchance to wish

Back all those…


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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments



Ghosts dwell with me

Every minute of my consciousness

And i cannot even laugh

At the joke of my existence

And their nothingness...



Remind me in a soft voice

Whispering in my ear

How empty life has become

With their absence


Ghosts,oft remembered ghosts

Have stolen away my heart

And left a   dizzy part of me

Wondering if i,m the…


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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Double Take Melody Carlson

I really enjoy Melody Carlson. I have had the chance to interview her on my blogtalk radio show, The G-ZONE, a little while back; here is the link:

I really enjoyed our discussion and had a nice time talking with her, so when the opportunity came up to read her novel I took a leap at it, why…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 20, 2011 at 9:21pm — No Comments

Sea of love



You came into my life

Like a tender breeze


Softly like a roving cloud


I wander aimlessly on the shore

Of my life

Watching the receding waves

As you approach me


Come,enclose me

In your  warmth

Peaceful,dove like

To fall into slumber


T be with you

Midst the ascending clouds

And the  depths of the sea


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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:17pm — No Comments

Frozen Fire


Come...walk with me..

Over this icy sheet of  water

Crystalline,wafer thin and fragile

Just like the path to eternity


Glide like a lazy ballerina

Floating aimlessly in gauzy organza

Our breath frozen in tiny icicles

And snowy silence


With fire in our hearts

In this winter wonderland

Flames ...just frozen

Ribbons of red and white


The world is like a bubble



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Added by Sabena Siddiqui on June 20, 2011 at 9:12pm — No Comments

Chasing Sunsets Eva Marie Everson

I got way more than I bargained for in this novel. Usually my reads aren’t as emotional as this one is. The post for Chasing Sunsets was supposed to have been up last week, but with my laptop getting hit with a bad virus I didn’t get to put it up so I am sorry and can only apologize to Revell and Eva Marie Everson. Back to the novel at hand, here is the synopsis:

“Kimberly Tucker's life hasn't turned out the way she thought it would. A divorced mother of two, Kim resents her…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 20, 2011 at 6:58pm — No Comments

Readers Revolt, Raise Your Voice, and Say I am not Going to Take it Anymore!

Hey, how is it going? What is my issue? What is the source of my angst? Why am I really royally ticked off right now?  I have a few issues with the state of “Traditional Publishing”, or as some refer to them “The Big Six”. Let me expand and explain if you can follow along with me. As a blogger I am fortunate, and I mean this sincerely, to be contacted by authors, publicists, etc. to review novels. I am happy to do this, because let’s face it, it is fun and who doesn’t like a good…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 20, 2011 at 3:19pm — 2 Comments

Are you an author? Do you know an author? This is your invitation to come over to for free online exposure! Signup today for a FREE identity page and get the attention your work deserves. We are a small and new but very fast growing site with over 1,000 visitors per day. So jump in now and gain the edge over you're competition!


-- Justin Bailey

President / Founder

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Added by Justin Bailey on June 19, 2011 at 11:04am — No Comments

I am very new at all of this so I know that I am doing absolutely horrible at all of this. Please forgive my errors and give me the benefit of the doubt.  I am really "dumb" on a computer and only kn…

I am very new at all of this so I know that I am doing absolutely horrible at all of this. Please forgive my errors and

give me the benefit of the doubt.  I am really "dumb" on a computer and only know how to answer mail and write books.  Thank you.  Drue "Dee" Miller


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Added by Drue "Dee" Miller on June 18, 2011 at 11:26pm — 2 Comments

Impacting Books for Good Research, Study, or Writing

I will be compiling a list of books that I have used for various stages of research when writing essays, booklets, and white papers.


Finding the right resources to point a writer in a good direction is just as having something to say. As many people are finding out who write non-fiction, our opinion is just that, our opinion, but it helps to have your opinion backed by other so-called experts.


Each post will highlight a different resource, what it was used…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on June 18, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Message from the Author - Part 1


      I was once asked not long ago from a friend and fellow writer, how I come up with my ideas for my stories. I told him that for me, it starts with a scene in my mind and I branch out from there. 

     Most of the material I write are based from dreams that I've had in the past where a particular situation had occured, which looks like a scene from a movie, and I wake up remembering details of the dream. If it seems interesting enough to write a story about, I quickly…


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Added by David M. Carner on June 17, 2011 at 9:20pm — No Comments

Bella Steve Piacente

Right off the bat I want to tell you I am interviewing this author today @ 6.30pm EST on my blogtalk show, The G-ZONE. Here is the link for that:

Lincoln Crisler starts off the show at 6pm, Steve is on at 6.30. I have to hand it to the author; he can write a…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 17, 2011 at 9:12pm — No Comments

More Noise and Props from an "Indie Publisher" -Trestle Press


Waking to the news that one of my fellow collaborators, Big Daddy Abel, had three titles in the TOP TEN in his category made me take pause and reflect a bit. My wife made me stop though as it appeared it I may go into a seizure or something. Pausing and reflecting is not one of my many strong points. Here is the thing: as little as four months ago BDA was not doing this, the writing thing, nor was Trestle Press doing publishing on any type…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 17, 2011 at 7:04pm — No Comments

Packing up for ICRS!

Rob (our Marketing Coordinator) and I just returned to the office from packing up the crates to go to ICRS (International Christian Retailers Show) in Atlanta next month! We are very excitied.  this will be our first time at the show.  We are anxious to present our company and our authors to a segemnt of the book market that has been hard to break in to, but are beginning to notice us.


It's a bit of a gamble.  We elected not to attend BEA (Book Expo America) this year in…


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Added by Jason Huddle on June 17, 2011 at 5:53pm — No Comments

Bring Us Your Living...Now! H.R. Toye The Author's Lab/Collaboration series

H.R. Toye is the author of the “Debtor’s Chip” series of digital short stories and she wanted to go all out hardcore horror with this little number. It is a smoking hot read and is filled with plenty of serial killer action and hardcore zombie suspense to slake any horror lover’s thirst. WARNING: If you have read any of the previous The Author’s Lab/Collaboration stories I think you have noticed an element of humor running throughout the story. That is not the case here.…


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Added by Giovanni Gelati on June 17, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

The Impossibility (The Introduction)

From time to time, I ponder on the ideas surrounding the disproportionism of Black America. Each time I learn a new piece of data from history, I come closer and closer to a self-realization that there are some groups who may have been set to be where they are, when they are set to be there and nothing aside from a miracle would change that position.


Fredrick Douglas once said "Without struggle there is no progress".


So theoretically…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on June 17, 2011 at 4:13am — No Comments

Teachers, Hey Teachers!

Whether you are in public school, private school or home school, I have news for you! (just in time for summer)

Some of you may have seen this before, but many haven't. I've added a page over atMillerWords specifically for you. After many requests from teachers and parents, I put together The Empyrical Tales Study Guide.

That's right! Not only are the Empyrical Tales a lot of fun, now they can be homework too.

Check out… Continue

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Added by Mark Miller on June 17, 2011 at 12:15am — No Comments

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