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Added by Elaine Kleid on June 8, 2022 at 10:09pm — No Comments

How to Create the Best Skin Care Routine for Teenagers

Since puberty occurs around that age, teen skin can be extremely sensitive and require special attention. Teenage skin is also prone to acne, therefore developing a teenage skincare routine is crucial during this period. It may take some trial and error to establish the correct regimen for your skin type, but once you…


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Added by Alim Taj on May 26, 2022 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Latest Skin Care Treatments in 2022

Finding a good cleanser with the appropriate ingredients can be the key to getting rid of your acne. According to the experts at laser skincare in South Perth, a good skincare range includes numerous acne treatments.

  • Acne Clarifying Cleanser -…

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Added by Alim Taj on May 18, 2022 at 11:20am — No Comments

Treating Headache with Chiropractic Adjustments

There are many people around the world that suffer greatly due to headaches. Headaches can affect the daily functioning of people. This is why it is extremely important to deal with migraines effectively and treat them on time so that you can lead a healthier and happier life. Many people survive on medicines in order to deal with horrible headaches but these medicines can often have negative side effects which can be quite dangerous for the…


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Added by Alim Taj on May 18, 2022 at 9:00am — No Comments

Modalert 200: Best and Safe Tablet to Cure Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

The Modalert 200 Tablet is a sleep aid that promotes wakefulness in patients with EDS. It may be used to help people remain awake during work hours. However, this drug cannot cure sleep disorders. If you are a healthy person, you should avoid using it to prevent daytime sleepiness. It is important to consult a doctor if you experience any adverse side effects while using this…


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Added by Jelly Bare on April 26, 2022 at 11:19am — No Comments


Written By: F. John Surrells

I’ve learned it’s often easier for writers to end written pieces than begin them. And the truth of that statement lies, I believe, in certain writers’ wishes to distance themselves from all that’s discussed. But it’s a sunny day, and outside the writer reposes - supposes imagination intermingled with memory. And all the players who played a role in an individual’s existence are once again performing on a stage of reminiscence. And the actors perform, and…


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Added by RF Husnik on April 13, 2022 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Expanding A Construction Business

There are many people that start a construction business on a small scale to experiment and enter the market with lesser risks. Over time, profits can increase and business starts to operate at an optimum level. As an initial step, this is a success for any business but if the business doesn’t take off from here, this proves to be a problematic situation. Growth and expansion are the keys to success for any business and in the construction industry, there is a…


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Added by Alim Taj on April 1, 2022 at 8:04am — No Comments


GM lovely people.

Hope all is well & everyone is feeling fine.

#sundayvibes .

#addalittlemagic #amwriting #books #writerslife #author #mustread #blogger #5amwriting #love #writing #WritersCommunity #read #mglit ​ #kidlit #illustrator #ChildrensBooks…


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Added by Kathy Cyr on March 20, 2022 at 10:58am — No Comments


GM lovely people. Hope all is well & everyone is feeling fine. #Coffee is in hand. Dragging this A.M., so it is needed. lol. Hope your day is a great one for you. Sending #positivevibes your way.

#addalittlemagic #maxhamby #amwriting #books #ebooks #writerslife #writer #blog #author #IndiePub #SelfPublishing #amreading #blogger #5amwriting #love #writing #DreamBIG #WritersCommunity #maxhamby…


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Added by Kathy Cyr on March 10, 2022 at 12:31pm — No Comments

Who needs to take multivitamins

We are all aware of multivitamin supplements because we have heard that people take them to overcome the vitamin deficiencies in their bodies and we are also aware that multivitamins can be quite helpful in allowing you to lead a healthy life. It holds true that if you are a health-conscious person who takes a balanced diet and always inculcates fruits, vegetables, and protein sources in your diet then you are good to go and vitamins may not be required by you…


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Added by Alim Taj on March 2, 2022 at 11:39am — No Comments

All you need to know about a lunch date

Everyone has their own preferences but lunch remains to be the meal of the day in which people feel most active. It is neither as early as breakfast to make you feel annoyed nor is it as late as dinner that you would already be half asleep. When you are taking someone out on a lunch date whether that is a friend or your spouse, there are certain things that you must keep in mind as they would affect the success of the date and would also determine how good of…


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Added by Alim Taj on February 25, 2022 at 8:28am — No Comments

9 Ways to Make Martinis || Silly Season 2022 Special

Making a martini is a fairly simple process, but as most bartenders discover, people are often picky and specific about how they'd like their martini made. The basics of good martini making are outlined below, but it's important to discuss with the martini drinker what their preferences are…


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Added by Alim Taj on February 17, 2022 at 12:11pm — No Comments



As individuals, we appreciate the feeling of being in a clean space that welcomes us home but when it comes to the actual task of cleaning, we can find ourselves lost. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the thought of…


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Added by Alim Taj on January 18, 2022 at 12:35pm — No Comments

Now in Hardcover!

'The Perennial Migration' now available in


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Added by D. M. Kirtaime on November 24, 2021 at 10:49pm — No Comments

Room by Room Implementation of Contemporary Design in Your Home

Starting with your living room, you must stick to a minimalist style to give your house a contemporary feel. You should choose tables, chairs, and couches that are smooth and have gentle curves. You should choose neutral colors for your living room. There are many ways to create geometric patterns in a room. For example, you can use a geometric rug or geometric wall art instead of only using neutral colors, according to many…


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Added by Alim Taj on November 24, 2021 at 7:38pm — No Comments

Colposcopy; the Treatment and the Results

Getting straight into the details the average appointment for colposcopy lasts 30 minutes or less. Because it begins like a Pap smear, the test will feel familiar to you. The table has your feet up on the back. A speculum is inserted into the vaginal walls to hold them open. A bright light is then turned on in the colposcope once the cervix is seen. As per the experts at skin care clinics in Perth, your doctor can see your cells of the cervix, vagina, and…


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Added by Alim Taj on October 21, 2021 at 11:00am — No Comments

Jebediah Knickerthorpe.

Jebediah Knickerthorpe.

Not all dwarfs are created equal; take Old Jeb, for instance.

Jebediah Knickerthorpe was born with unusually small hands. It was unheard of.

To compensate for their small stature, dwarves' were gifted with large hands and feet. (They also had the ability to grow long flowing beards within a month's time, but that's another story.)

"Look at those tiny hands," said his father. He shook his head and frowned. "He will grow into them," said his…


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Added by Kathy Cyr on October 11, 2021 at 10:30am — No Comments

Rumble Night

Once a year, when the harvest moon is at its brightest, the pixies

gather together to celebrate Rumble Night.

Rumble Night is similar to Mischief Night, but kept solely in the

confines of the Downs. No mischief is made, but it is the one time

of year when all creatures, great and small, come together

in wild merriment. There are bonfires, dancing, contests and of course,

it wouldn't be Rumble Night without an occasional fight breaking out

(or five.)



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Added by Kathy Cyr on October 10, 2021 at 2:38pm — No Comments

Perks of Being a Pharmacist in 2021

Pharmacy offers a lot of perks, and some of those perks are actually perks. Non-salary incentives are increasingly being used by pharmacies to hire quality staff or retain experienced staff. You can always negotiate benefits that will not raise…


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Added by Alim Taj on September 23, 2021 at 7:29am — No Comments


Dragon Advice

If you ever come across a dragon, do not touch his hoard. He will singe your eyebrows off.

Never laugh at an angry dragon. A dragon does not like to be laughed at. He will singe your eyebrows off.

Always mind your manners. Dragons are polite creatures. If you are rude, he will singe your eyebrows off.

Always bring a pie. Dragons like pie, except salted melon pie. Dragon do not like salted melon pie and will singe your eye brows off.



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Added by Kathy Cyr on August 19, 2021 at 12:29pm — No Comments

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