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How can one help another when you are still in need of help yourself?

I am surfing wonderfully. I'm happy and safe. I'm enjoying life but, my friend is lost...I believe. I want to help her but, I do not want to fall trying .

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Sometimes just knowing someone cares is all that's needed, Hilary. None of us have all the answers and there's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know-but I care". That may be all the reassurance your friend needs just now. If you want to share more details on what's going on, we may be able to make suggestions. It's hard with what little information you've shared to know what would be helpful. 

If you are seriously concerned about her mental health and are worried she'll harm herself, please give her this information about the Samaritans. It's possible to talk to them in confidence by email. You can only do so much yourself before it's better to let the professionals handle it. They will be able to help her best. Good luck hon. 

The Samaritans are a charity, founded in 1953, which exists to provide confidential emotional support to any person, who is suicidal or despairing; and to increase public awareness of issues around suicide and depression.

Trained volunteers provide this service 24 hours every day. It is free. You are guaranteed absolute confidentiality and that you will not be judged.

Samaritan volunteers are not professional counselors or psychotherapists. They are caring volunteers who have been trained in the art of listening and empathy.

Sometime support will do wonders. But there have been times where my friends just won't listen. Not that there to dumb to listen, but almost to mislead/confused to listen. The best thing you can do is try to get them to see clearly. Also helping them reach a better or highest potential, will make them do a 360 quick. Just try and be there for them, without hindering yourself. I'm sure you will figure it out.

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