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- Turin Shroud- Anniversary of STURP: 

Honoring the Divine Field of Consciousness....

Legacy & Legend of the Holy Shroud.

Prose & Artwork by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.


Copyright 2018, Text Updated, Sept 2020. created with soul. x


This homage to Christ is being written to celebrate Shroud of Turin Research Project 40th Anniversary.  STURP have initiated inspiring, innovative scholarship in relation to Turin Shroud.  The Shroud is believed by some scientists & theologians to be the authentic burial cloth of Christ.  In October 1978 STURP- Shroud of Turin Research Project radiology team began an in depth analysis of the Shroud cloth, with the intent of undertaking a range of qualitative analysis on the properties & causation of the enigmatic image.  Subsequent radio-carbon dating of the linen published a decade later in 1988 proved highly controversial, yet ignited the interest of both scientists and lay commentators internationally. Study of the seminal shroud cloth has proven to be an exhaustive labour of love, driven by respect for its ethereally unique properties.

My own work focuses on the goodness of Christ consciousness, a primary source of humanitarian healing, of spiritual unity. x

Science & Empirical Hegemony.

My own work on the Shroud is dedicated to urging a greater multi-disciplinary level of contribution from the research community.  Although conventional science has an elevated epistemological status in the 21st century, the history of alchemy and esoteric spiritual traditions has served equally to shape the discourse of the Holy Shroud.   We must also remain mindful, that philosophy & ethics are pivotal domains when assessing the socio-cultural legend encapsulated by the enigma of the Turin Shroud cloth, which depicts considerable human suffering.



*Please consult the original STURP library of sources for effective summary of diligent empirical study on the Holy Shroud: -

See:Shroud 40th Anniversary- STURP Research.

STURP- Turin Shroud, properties & causation of the image.

Credits to the original 1978 Shroud Research Multi-disciplinary tea...

To this day, Turin Shroud is now the most scientifically deconstructed organic artifact in history!  The Holy Shroud is as complex as a Platonic solid, comprising many unique facets- the 3D holographic image of Jesus on the shroud is imbued with eternally perplexing hallmarks, the signature of perhaps intelligent design? If not, Turin Shroud represents a human tapestry, exposing the mind of a complex intelligent artist as yet not revealed to us. 

 Turin Shroud may be equated with the unified crystal 'divine conscious field' of Christ's sentient being. If humans are perceived as an integral facet to divine intelligence, to study the Shroud cloth is via definition a solipsistic exercise.  Hence, few studies of the Shroud have been conducted without vested interests or emotive intent. STURP however, have set a gold standard in this challenging domain of science.

*This work on Christ's legacy is dedicated to fellowship between the spheres of spirituality & quantum science.  The Holy Shroud holds a great deal of vraisemblance in relation to our present situation in 2020, offering a message of hope, spiritual sanctum and humanitarian tolerance.



The original test plans of STURP are well worth consultation in regard to the innovative scientific methods utilised during research.  Stereo-imaging of the Shroud was within the scope of their methodology...

STURP Team Original Research Plans. (Via electromagnetic radiation).


Image, (from coral reef):  Karma.  Delivery of soul contract. 

Christ- a seminal transformative spiritual leader, with an eternal destiny? x



*For news, research & scholarship on the Shroud of Turin- see:

Barrie M. Schwortz, Editor

Shroud of Turin Education & Research Association (STERA).

Key Concepts: 

Christ consciousness, Turin Shroud, divine conscious field of sentience,

Transformative Spiritual Leadership...




- Developing on the strength of my previous posts this work explores further Christ Consciousness, which form a crucial theme in my authored Kindle work:

'Lapis Lazuli- Resurrecting Christ's Gospel'.

See : -

Lapis Lazuli- Resurrecting Christ's Gospel. Stephanie Lynne Thorbur...


The below excerpt from my etudes on Transformative Spiritual Leadership  initiates a cross-cultural odyssey, comprising both familiar and less common place observations on the essence of 'Kutastha Chaitanya'- the divine field of Christ Consciousness. 

I utilise a 'Gaia Gnostic' eye within my artwork- this approach serves to eclipse the  separation between Pagan and Christian traditions.  Pagan deities represented a people's army of spiritually animate elemental saviors, protecting humanity from forces of karma & chaos (entropy) innate within creation.  Christianity  has been characterised as a rather egotistical faith tradition in comparison with Pagan worship, focusing away from the verisimilitude of the natural world, and instead enfranchising humanity with the promise of the personal Messiah.  My work is therefore indebted to the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (Self- Realisations Fellowship). Yogananda integrates Gnostic, Eastern and Western spiritual traditions within his work on both Christ and Krishna.

The Transformative Spiritual Leadership series presents a visual synergy, allying the feral forces of nature with 'the divine spark'.  Turin Shroud offers a perfect example of 'Gaia's burial cloth of Christ'.  The natural phenomenon of St. Elmo's fire is associated with the enigma of the Shroud in all my work- in an organic, metaphorical sense.  Christ may be manifest in the heart of humanity as a personal Messiah, yet we need to be resourceful in effecting our own salvation.  Christ's divine spark was extinguished prematurely.  I would question whether his mission has been fully realised on Earth....

The Christ crystal- the consciousness of Gaia..

The below vignette homage to Christ conveys evocative precepts related to the language, symbology and Patrons intimately connected with Christ conscious healing.

  My bio-resonant art is suffused with the universal archetypes conducted through the Godhead. Jung's essential archetypes may well be creative emanations, channeled from the divine collective, consciousness 'mind' of Mother Earth! Meditating on the holographic, sepia Shroud image of Christ's resurrection offers sanctum to all those suffering from the challenges of the 'human condition'.



'Kutastha Chaitanya'

This work resonates with the vibrant Reiki healing of Christ Consciousness...

Christ or Thor?  The Turin Shroud is united with St. Elmo's flame...

In a metaphorical sense.

Christ Spiritual Master/ Teacher of ‘Distinction’.

Christ consciousness may be summoned mindfully through symbology.  As a Reiki healer, I encountered energetic blocks when envisioning Christ through the crucifix.  The crucifix is equated exclusively with suffering in my mind's eye  Yet, Christ represents human emancipation.

Sol Karina is a Reiki Master who, like swami Paramhansa Yogananda, perceives Christ through the Kutastha Chaitanya field of divine intelligence.  Sol Karina places Flower of Life to the fore, as a masterful semiotic representing the power of positive.  The spiritual resonance of Christ consciousness is not exclusive to Judeo- Christian traditions.  His healing reciprocity unites with cross-cultural spiritual healing.  Christ is as organic as a Pagan deity and as disciplined as a Yogi master... Crucially, it is the living Christ that I take as my icon of soul.  Compassion, appreciation of the living world and spiritual hunger are seminal virtues of the 'Christ field of consciousness'.  Christ's legacy is curiously similar to the musical legacy of the blues; he is synonymous with healing.  He possesses his own harmonic resonance, his own pervasive spiritual language of verisimilitude.

Sol Karina’s Reiki healing themed on the spiritual energy of Jesus liberates Christ consciousness, serving to manifest Christ’s healing as a universal truth.  Through attuning focus onto the symbology of the Lotus Flower of life, the pain of the crucifixion is lost to the immense promise of life itself.

Christ's passion and proximity to Lotus flower of life may also be observed in less esoteric cultural sources, such as Da Vinci's depiction of Madonna and baby Christ.

 Christ consciousness acts as a life-sustaining force expressing far more than the ‘LOGOS’, or divine male,  rganisational principle underlying creation, (the animus).  Christ healing draws from the divine spark within Gaia, balancing masculine with feminine energies. 

Christ may be perceived as an earth teacher; his unbounded consciousness is expressed through the incandescent son within the ‘Holy Trinity’ of the New Testament. Accessing Jesus' spiritual presence through energy healing is pervasive. Christ’s spiritual gnosis is distinct. 

  • The language of Christ consciousness may best be symbolised by the ecology of the human soul.

Intext citation:

The Christian Trinity- the multi-personal facets of God.

See: Inspiring Philosophy.  Exploration of the Old Testament-

The Holy Trinity- Incarnate spirit of Christ.

Image: St Elmo's Fire. Christ & Thor unite.


Defining the Mission of Christ Healing: -

Jesus- An Archetype of Soul?

Lotus- flower of life.


Christ Healing concepts: 

Spiritual health, spiritual hunger, compassion, sanctum, sacrifice.

  • Attainment of the lexis (language) of soul: emancipation of spirit.


Patrons of Christ Healing: 

I would personally like to recommend the dedication of: -

Paramhansa Yogananda- Self-Realisation Fellowship

Angelic Light Academy- Reiki healing, Catherine Craig.

(I studied Christ healing with this excellent academy.)



  • Walking with Christ consciousness may be likened to walking with the archetypes and angels of the sacred flame forming the corpus of our spirit...

Nietzsche- 'Pain & the Task of the Higher Man'.


Eternal Presence.

  • Through enlightened understanding of Jesus, we may realise ‘Great Spiritual Health’.

The Lotus flower rises above the mud; similarly, to engage with Christ is understand the allegory of Christ’s life as representing triumph over adversity.  The philosopher Nietzsche observed the ‘tragic disposition’ inherent to the paradox of life - the notion of ‘great spiritual health’ in ancient Greek society and in the present involves engaging with the joy, laughter, pain & challenges of living. To achieve ‘Great health’, we need to conquer primal fears deep in our hearts. Nietzsche is perhaps best renowned through his resolute conviction that 'God is dead', an  observation related to the to the pervasive ideological impact of the Enlightenment.  In a materialistic, secular world, it is in fact simply our relationship with divine source that is in crisis.

Christ Healing explores a candid lexis of heart- centred visceral emotions, in a personal odyssey primed toward self-realisation.


Nietzsche & Dionysus – The duality of pain & Affirmation of Life


Spiritual Health and the Task of the Higher Man:  Nietzsche

Discussion by:  Paul F. Glenn,

First Published March 1, 2001 Research Article – Sage Publications.

Vol 27, Issue 2, 2001






 Image:  Real life fractal image of Lotus Flower of life




Educational Resources –




Christ- Church_of_the_Holy_Sepulchre.


Holy site of the resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem.




 Yogananda’s Self-Realisation Fellowship-

Founded on the teachings of Christ & Yoga of Krishna-


Recommended Texts:


“The Yoga of Jesus- Understanding the Hidden Message of the Gospels”

Paramhansa Yogananda.  Self- Realisation Fellowship, USA 2007 Edition.


Text exploring aspects of the ‘unknown Christ’ beyond the traditional gospels.

Yogananda draws from Buddhism, Hinduism and Gnostic works.


Yoga of Christ- Yogananda.



‘The Jesus Mysteries- Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’  Thorsons Press, 1999.

Co-authored by: Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy.

Christ - Pagan Origins.  


The Holy Bible- Oxford King James Authorised Edition.


The Bible, Oxford Classics, 2008 Edition.






Christ healing is grounded in the consciousness of Gaia-

Our living planet.

All Stephanie Lynne's posts are in support of her labour of love books,

Stephanie's work on Transformative Spiritual Leadership is integral to the ethos of

Humanitarian Healing Webs &

Gaia Earth webs. x

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, 1st November 2018, Updated 2020.

Portrait:  Author & energy artist, Stephanie Lynne. 2020. x

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