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                         God Bless America And Our New President Of The United States, Mr. Donald Trump

       Hello Everyone,

 It is with great pleasure I write this article because it is a Blessing to be here in The United States Of America.

God has been and is still good to The United States Of America.  We are One and United as one.  No matter what

you represent, Democrat or Repiblican, when it all comes together, we are The United States.  That means now that

we have a new President in office, we must all come togetther and be United so that we can keep this great country

of ours strong and that the migthy hands of God can still prevail upon our land.  We now need each other and our

President need All of our support.   We must all forget about our differences, and try our best to put aside all judgements or whatever we dislike and start to focusing on how we can All stand together as one nation Under God And Help Support our new Leader and President Of The United States, Mr. Donald trump..  Let us pray God bless, prosper, and protect him while he is in office and give our President the wisdom and knowledge to guide and see our country into blissful peace and prosperity for the four years he is in term.  Let's All work together for good of our country and our President.  Rememberr, thiis great

nation was built upon love, trust and respect for God and those whom he chooses to lead our nation.  With those words

being spoken, remember We are All God's children, no matter what or how anyone might see it.  God loves us all.

So to everyone I wish A Blessed, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.  Peace And Be Blessed

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