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A higher degree & formal education doesn’t always mean a wise knowledgeable & scholarly personality.

Any higher and professional degree can make ones to get job quickly or lately to survive earthly moderately or comprehensively.

Also helps one to shaping oneself to have all good humanly traits to coping & co-exist socially.

Furthermore, it helps one to read, write, and to think formally.

Having taken birth, one have all humanly traits and intelligent in dormant or latent naturally.

To awaken and broaden one all dormant human traits a formal, non-formal, or an informal educations are need essentially.

All formal and non-formal education educated one to walk in earthly to be able to running as utilizing brain logical and sequentially.

Walking mean steady whereas running could be defined as gathering and enrich knowledge and intelligence by seeking, exploring, trying, and various social interactions continually.

One’s proper and crawling learning is greatly helps him to define all critical thinking by his/her analyzing ability.

Ones big knowledge and intelligence power depending his/her honest passion and willing power necessarily.

If one, who has higher education and remain confide within his/her professionalism structures never be a very wise and scholar in earthly matter practically.

In fact, any professionalism cans makes one successful in his/her professional lives but can’t make successful in scholarly.

Intelligent, sound knowledge and very wise can achieve only one’s continuous efforts and hard exploring and searching knowledge by crawling properly.

Any formal high or higher degree and educations can not prepared one as a diverse knowledgeable personality to be a big social leader or linguistic proficiency in socially, nationally, and even internationally.

Ones strong will power, self motivation, and knowledge thirsty are very essential elements to be a powerful and sound knowledgeable personality to solve multi-tasking duties and responsibility.

Initially, to enrich and strong and diverse knowledge ability make a continuous learning process,

 as read, read, and read whatever you get as any journal article, magazine, news papers, Internet surfing, and your internal forecasting within yourself individually.

Whatever your specialization degree, you need an extensive reading and researching on all types of behavioral science to acquire knowledge about diverse society, diverse cultures, and social & cultural norms globally.

Strong social solidarity, participations, and various group interactions also all institutional participation & interactions ultimately convert you wise & scholar men undoubtedly.

Although there are eight types multiple intelligent and skills having earthly but one should have minimum or basic knowledge of other multiple knowledge besides his/her special knowledge mastery.

For an instance, among eight types of intelligent and skills the Interpersonal Skills and knowledge is a good combination of all other intelligent uniquely.

One can have many higher degrees but he/she can’t answer all questions of any lower class or grades learning materials and books subject matter easily.

The area of learning knowledge is bigger than circumference of our Galaxy, and if one wants to learning for million or billion years continually then he/she can learn as a point or ultra-microscopic particle like in totally.

So, don’t boasting ever for your higher degree and highly official position you having organizationally.








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