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Let us learning today something about human Psychology as little but comprehensively!

Because of these are very important & even essential to enrich your intelligence and knowledge power earthly!

Your feelings, imaginations, learning & discretional abilities all these concerning are known as Cognitive Psychology!

While these concerning are converting into disorder in functionally in turn they provided in a branch of psychology clinically!

Afterward, to have all social courtesy, social solidarity and behavioral norms to coexist peacefully you have to know these concerning as psychology social or socially!

 Later, your gathering & participation here are to know or learning something about human psychology is referring as educational psychology formally!

Finally, you need some advice and recommendations to rescue from your mental misery and cognitive dissonance these concerning are provided in the branch of counseling psychology beneficially!

 Analytically, all your feelings are as sad, sorrow, pains, and misery are your cognitive psychology in the term of emotional but negatively!

While all you’re delighting, laughing, and self esteems are known as your emotional state in positively!

As regards your tension, anxiety, panicky mode, and stresses are your normal physiological &biological functions are as usual and naturally!

Evidently, you are suffering from severe tension, anxiety, and panic disorder frequently for something deadly in this state all your stresses are known as negatively & harmfully!

Inversely, you are suffering from tension & anxieties about your any exams or interview appearing then it is your positive stress to be performing successfully!

Significantly, stresses are having three states variably as minor, moderate, and major respectively for which of these moderate states are no affective in the reality!

You’re all positive stresses states are very helpful to over coming you from your issues by secreting some essential chemical enzymes effectively!

On the other hand, all your major negative stresses are prominently affects your many physiological functions disorderly as poor food taste & appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and depressed mode hopelessly!

It is also intervene your total GIT (Gastro-intestinal-tracts) from prevent your good digestion, absorption, irritation, and bowl movements regularly!

Logic & scientifically, human physiology and psychology are mutually related to integrate all human bodily wellness cooperatively.

Hypothetically, a good physical health is prerequisites for a good mental health truthfully!

Perhaps, you are unaware & ignorance about your brains cognitive ability in terms of enhancing & mastering your learning power and creativity unbelievably!

Just only needs your strong willing power and wishes to achieve something great and exceptionally!

Do you know about your brain cell neurons & and their quantity, mode of functions, and variety to integrate bodily functions properly by transmitting and carries all dictations electro-chemically?

More than 200 hundreds billion neuron cells are functioning in your brain directly and one neuron is again connected with billion of supportive neurons laterally!

There are other types of cells those are known as glia or glial cells to help and afford all essential nutrients for the turgidity and wellness of neuron cells in terms of neurology!

Do you know who controls your all bodily motor skills as your hands, legs, and other organs movements perfectly?

All your brains glial cells are mainly empowering and responsible to integrate your bodily motor skills accordingly!

 Could be you don’t know about your brains hard disk’s memories capacity as how much gigabits or megabits spaces are using to preserve and stored your lifetime memories aggregately?

Indeed each & every of you know that all macro or micro computers are created by human brains as their complimentary!

 If presently, computer is regarded as a super brilliant invention of human or humanity then how human should be compared with the computers inventionally?

Undoubted & pride fully as an inventor human brains must be a reality to be known as super computer enormously!

So, try to explore & reveal your personal brains enormity by your extensive research, study, and thinking thoughtfully!

Your enormous and frequent sticky hard efforts will help you mysteriously that you can not imagine wholly!

To get start from today, switch on your brainstorming to rebuild your brains traditional & existing structures transitionally!

 Mind that as “the sooner the better” without making any delay or impulsively!

(This writing is objectively written as an educational journal article in an epic style rhythmically or could be refer as poem, for any body who is zeal to learning)





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