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Tarak Ghosh
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  • Kolkata, West Bengal
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New Book : "INVISIBLE" by Tarak Ghosh Crime and Passion For 18+

Started Aug 2, 2014 0 Replies

"INVISIBLE" by Tarak GhoshCrime and PassionFor 18+This book is available only on Amazon…Continue



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Author Tina Frisco                                                      A Chapter In TIME

Interviewed by Tarak Ghosh
1. You started writing when you were just a child. Why did you pick and choose writing?
    It wasn’t really a choice. Writing is part of who I am. It’s second nature to me.

2. You’re a writer, a singer, a songwriter. Which do you prefer in introducing yourself? What impresses you more?
    None of those impresses me more than any of the others. I am a writer, I am a singer, I am a songwriter – all of which are part of who I am. To say that I prefer one over any of the others would be equivalent to saying that I prefer living to breathing!

3. What are your ambitions for your writing career?
    I plan to write a sequel to my novel Plateau: Beyond the Trees, Beyond 2012. Also, I’m currently writing a series of children’s books, inspired by one of my niece’s having quadruplets. The first book is completed, and I’m waiting to hear from publishers. The series will be traditionally as well as ethically educational. Children learn morality at a very early age, and I feel a responsibility to address this. Another of my nieces just had triplets, so I have plenty of fodder for the series!

W'Hyani, a 15-year-old tribal female, was born strong, willful, and the predestined Keeper of the Crystal Heart. She is unaware of the shard’s universal significance and that it heralds the realization of her destiny.

W'Hyani discovers her strengths and power by overcoming myriad adversities, while in keeping with her tribal customs and honoring the wisdom of her elders. Her will, fortitude, and ingenuity are repeatedly and - at times - brutally tested by the cosmic forces that sculpted her destiny. She must learn to trust blindly and overcome fear exhaustively, without fully knowing why she was born the Keeper of the Crystal Heart, the requisite key to unlocking the mystery of the Great Mosaic of Life.

She ultimately comes face-to-face with herself in a battle that would shrink the will of the most intrepid warrior, unaware that the realization of her destiny will irrevocably impact all beings on earth and beyond.

W'Hyani's people, the E'Ghali, inject humor and wisdom throughout this enigmatic and valiant tale. The Great Mosaic of Life holds a message of hope that would allow us to see and live beyond the year 2012, into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Will love prevail over fear? Plateau proffers a dash of insight and a bounty of hope.

4. Which writers inspire you?
    Lynn Andrews has inspired me not only by the content of her writing, but also by her tenacious dedication to her craft. Her willingness to write about her spiritual growth in a detailed and personal way profoundly encouraged my writing. I’m also inspired by the myriad of Indie writers I’ve come to know on social networks. These folks literally walk through fire to publish and promote their work. They persevere beyond measure and are resolute in achieving their goals. And there’s a plethora of other writers, both classic and modern, who inspire me – too many to name.

5. What genre are your books?
    My novel is fiction - subcategorized as Fantasy and Young Adult - with a spiritual bent. And I’m currently engaged in writing is a series of children’s books.

6. So, what have you written?
    Aside from my novel and the children’s-book series, I’ve written book reports, essays, songs, articles in the medical field, human-interest pieces, and essays for a spiritual journal.

7. Where can book lovers buy or see them?
    My novel can be previewed/purchased through the following sites: Amazon   Amazon UK   FriesenPress   Barnes & Noble   Chapters Indigo   Smashwords   Spangaloo   iTunes   Google Books   eBookPie   Book Club Reading List   Ask David   Tina Frisco 

 Give us an insight into your main characters. What does s/he do that is so special?
    W’Hyani, the protagonist in Plateau, is a 15-year-old tribal female who discovers her strengths and destiny by overcoming adversity while honoring the wisdom of her elders. Her will, fortitude, and ingenuity are tested relentlessly. She must learn to trust blindly and overcome fear exhaustively, without fully knowing why she was born the Keeper of the Crystal Heart, the requisite key to the Great Mosaic of Life. She ultimately comes face-to-face with herself in a battle that would shrink the will of the most intrepid warrior, unaware that realizing her destiny will irrevocably impact all beings on earth and beyond. W'Hyani's people, the E'Ghali, inject humor and wisdom throughout this tale of adventure and hope.

9. As a reader, what's your opinion about Plateau: Beyond the Trees, Beyond 2012?
    I doubt that I can be objective! Plateau was my début novel, and I took great care in crafting it. I like its format, and it is well-written. I’m also pleased with its underlying message: “We must keep our hearts open and act from love instead of reacting from fear, and we must practice gratitude and compassion within every moment and with every breath. In so doing, we'll help elevate the human species to a higher consciousness, facilitating both personal and global peace.”
    However, one thing I would change is the number and form of adjectives – I’d use fewer and more common ones. Also, I’d like to flesh out the novel, deepening the mysterious aspect and broadening the adventurous to include more of the characters.

10. Between the central character of Plateau and you, do you find any similarity?
    Yes, many similarities. Like W’Hyani, I’m a tenacious being, strong and ingenious. One of my mantras is, “There’s always an alternative to the present situation.” I’m clever and creative and will usually find a way around any obstacle. I’ll defy fear by facing it, regardless if I’m shaking in my boots! I have great stamina and draw on my inner fortitude when hindered or faced with a risky dilemma. And like W’Hyani, conceding is not an option!

11. What inspires you to be a writer?
    I’m influenced by the people and events in my life and in the world, as well as by my spiritual path. Everything happens for a reason, and I use this as a platform for developing plots and intrigue. I also feel a responsibility to share my spiritual insights, and I infuse these into the theme throughout my writing.

12. What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing versus being traditionally published?
   Self-publishing allows the author to maintain all rights to her/his work. It offers greater freedom in layout and editing, in choosing a cover image and illustrations, and in setting a deadline for publication. Drawbacks can include financing – having to pay for all aspects of the publication process – as well as having to bear the full burden of marketing and promotion.
Traditional publishing is easier on the wallet, since the publisher bears the cost of publishing. It also has a broader marketing reach. But many traditional publishers are now asking the author to share in promotion of the work, and most require relinquishment of certain rights.

13. For your own reading, do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hardback books?
    I don’t own an eReader and doubt that I ever will. I prefer holding a book in my hands, turning pages, and inserting an actual bookmark. I love the smell of a new book. And I take pleasure in seeing a book sitting on my desk, waiting for me to pick it up once again.

14. Do you think that you have a social duty as an author since you are a social activist?
    Yes. As I’ve explained above, I feel a responsibility to share my insights. It’s the nature of the activist to share. However, there is a caveat: sharing insights must be done with respect for others’ opinions and beliefs; otherwise, your words fall on deaf ears at best, and garner enemies at worst.

15. As a writer, what sociological problem hurts you most?
    Intolerance. There are as many opinions and ways of life as there are people in the world. As long as peoples’ words and actions do no harm, we need to practice tolerance for others’ beliefs and ways of being. And if we want to create change for the betterment of Mother Earth and all her beings, we need first to move into a place of gratitude in our hearts; this fosters tolerance, and once in gratitude, we can go anywhere.

16. Which famous person, living or dead, would you like to meet, and why?
    I’d love to meet Albert Einstein. His genius afforded him insight into the spiritual realm, and I’d love to spend a day with him walking in nature.

17. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
    Don't give up!  Don't ever get discouraged by writer's block.  Sometimes we have to walk away from our writing for a day or so, and when we return to it refreshed, we find that our thoughts are free-flowing once again.  And don't get discouraged by publisher rejections.  There's a plethora of reputable self-publishing options available nowadays, as well as myriad online support groups, websites, etc.  Follow your passion and allow it to lead you to your goal!

18. What do you say about “Hook the reader”?
    Unfortunately, given the millions of books available today, an author needs to employ this tactic in order to interest and garner readers. I call it “unfortunate” because it smacks of an advertising scam. If the book is well-written, one would hope that it could stand on its own merit. However, there are many genre readers out there, and it can be difficult to lure them away from their first love. A good “hook” may encourage them to look elsewhere for entertainment that will leave them pleasantly surprised.

19. What type of story and novel do you prefer to write, and why?
    I prefer to write books that have a message to impart rather than merely entertain. I feel this deepens the impact of the story and in and of itself is entertainment.

20. What should be the precious quality of a person to be a real human being?
    Gratitude. When one sits in gratitude, all else falls into place.

21. As a singer, what is your ambition?
    None at the moment. I’m too busy writing stories!

Tarak Ghosh's Blog

MANscapes by Manuela Cardiga

Posted on January 4, 2015 at 11:44am 0 Comments

MANscapes is a powerful parable of hope and renewal, a story of one woman's discovery of herself and her journey into love.

MANscapes by Manuela Cardiga

" All women - from the most exquisite beauty to the plainest drab - want to believe in the Cinderella myth. Even the harsh-faced and sour-hearted, somewhere deep in their night-time struggles with their bitterest reality, dare to dream some Prince could still see past the dense veil of unkind nature and time, to the… Continue


Posted on November 5, 2014 at 6:59am 0 Comments



Eye of The Storm Eilida's Tragedy

“A disturbance at her neighbor's house piques Eilida’s curiosity. What she discovers is so shocking it sends her running through the mountainous woods during a thunderstorm. She slips on the wet ground, plummets down Mount Wilde, and slams into a large boulder beside River Freedom. Eilida is transported to Lyden, where Sunshine, a receptionist at the local paper… Continue


Posted on August 19, 2014 at 6:30am 0 Comments


By Tarak Ghosh

For 18+

To buy this book, follow the link below:

Hunger is the basic instinct of all living creatures. It is the main driving force, which provokes people to do well or do bad. Hunger has various faces by which it mesmerizes people.

Sometimes, starvation becomes a weapon and hunger becomes an issue. Robin was not competent for this world. He was… Continue

New Book: INVISIBLE By Tarak Ghosh

Posted on August 8, 2014 at 11:19am 0 Comments

"INVISIBLE" by Tarak Ghosh

Crime and Passion

For 18+

This book is available only on Amazon

'INVISIBLE' is a story of a mysterious and invisible woman who kills guys after having sex. CCTV surveillance system never captures her. She is pretty with blue eyes, long brown hair and trim waist. When she appears, sexy night turns into deadly nightmares; sexual pleasure changes to…


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