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Ricardo Fournier
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  • Bogotá
  • Colombia
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Comment Wall (4 comments)

At 5:58am on July 24, 2010, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Ricardo. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you enjoy being amongst us and I’ll look forward to hearing more about your reading habits.
At 5:20am on July 25, 2010, Kay Elizabeth said…
Hi Ricardo! Great to have you here and a warm welcome to :) It’s a very friendly community.
At 10:35pm on July 28, 2010, Allena Faye Dulaney said…
Hi Ricardo, would you consider the article I wrote for my 4-H members back in the early 1960s has anything to do with philosophy? The county 4-H leader asked me for permission to make copies for all the members in the county and of course I said yes. It is based on true experience. I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.

will send in next commemt----too much text for one comment
At 10:38pm on July 28, 2010, Allena Faye Dulaney said…
The names have been changed to protect the guilty--
Sally, Joan and Anne were good friends. They had another friend, Virginia. Sally, Joan and Sally were so set on being popular that they didn't realize their ways to become popular weren't good. You see, they talked about people, said things that would hurt the person they talked about. When Sally and Joan were together, they talked about Anne. When Joan and Anne were together, they talked about Sally. Same when any two of them were together. They tried to see who could say the worst about the absent friend. Or if all three were together, they would gossip about other friends including Virginia. Now, each tried to get Virginia in on their little popularity race. But Virginia didn't want to get her friends in that manner. She wouldn't gossip about people or say anything she wouldn't say to their face. She stuck by all of her friends even if other people disapproved of them because maybe they didn't have as much as she did or maybe didn't keep their house as neat. But nevertheless, they were her friends and she took them for what they were and not by what someone said about them.
Anne, Joan and Sally soon felt they couldn't trust each other or confide in each other. They felt each would rush to talk about her behind her back. But each knew she had one friend who was truly a friend, Virginia. The trusted her and knew she wouldn't betray them. To this day they know they can turn to her and she will be honest with them.
Which of these girls do you want to be? Which would you say is the most popular? Lasting popularity isn't based on betrayal and gossip. And it isn't accomplished in a day or a week or a month. It takes a lifetime. And you have to work hard at it, day by day. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. by Faye Dulaney, Leader, Middle Grave Creek "Junior Hikers" 4-H Club early 1960s

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