Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I added a video on how to speed read and one of the tips they give is that when you're reading from a computer screen, make the background black and the text white.

That reminded me about The Dark Room. This free word processing software makes writing the only thing you focus on. With the full screen page, all there is is you, the green Courier text and your imagination.

Some days you need absolute peace from everything else! Simply hit Esc to return to your normal desktop when you're done and it will then give you the option to save it.

Download The Dark Room here at the official page

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The requirements for the Dark Room program are Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 and .NET Framework 2.0. A note for for any Vista users: Vista isn't supported yet . You need to learn or print off the shortcuts menu too from that page. That's a very handy tool! Thank you.


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