Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Hi SR, I've used Createspace for all 3 of my books so far and will continue with them for more. Granted, the promotional aspect is all you but the costs of actually getting in print & ordering your own copies is the lowest I've found anywhere. I'm very satisfied with them.
Thanks for the info, it seems to be one of the better self publishings sites.
Take care
Its all about advertising. Now you have to shine a light on your book so people can find it.
I have not yet sent my book in for publishing, but I think they have a good program and the cost to buy pooks for your own projects is very low and the shipping is about40 cents per book very llow.. I Have been thinking aobut going to the local schools and offering then $5.00 for their schoolk fundraising I.E. I get the books straight from create space for about $7.40 Sell the book tothe school for $12.00 each and let them sell the book for $16.95 They have qa lot of kids tha will go out to every home in the area and sell the book much more egerly than a book storel Mozt book stores want 40% for the price of the book so this is cheaper. and you can use it as a charitablee right off on taxes.
Wow my typing is bad first thing in the morning. Please forgive.
I Checked into that myself Bruce & are currently engaged in doing it too. I found out that by offering to hold a book signing at the school for the students books purchased it also helps to sell even more books with more money being raised for the schools. Not to mention the school board officials pass successful fund raisers from school to school within considerably large districts. As an added bonus, If the books are well liked by the students the chance for free advertising presents itself through text, tweets, & things like facebook.
No worries Bruce.
Bruce Jackson Spohn said:
Wow my typing is bad first thing in the morning. Please forgive.
Sounds like a good idea, especially as the advertising would be free.
W.J. O'Neil said:
I Checked into that myself Bruce & are currently engaged in doing it too. I found out that by offering to hold a book signing at the school for the students books purchased it also helps to sell even more books with more money being raised for the schools. Not to mention the school board officials pass successful fund raisers from school to school within considerably large districts. As an added bonus, If the books are well liked by the students the chance for free advertising presents itself through text, tweets, & things like facebook.
I have published one book with CS, have two more of the trilogy [and a sequel] coming out very soon, and I am working on a fifth. So far I am happy with them. I wish the process was quicker. There is a lot of back and forth in cyber space, and up to several weeks between any corrections and final results.
Thanks Lynne, how are they at actually paying the royalties to you? I was looking at Lulu for publishing, however I have heard the odd bad review of them, any experience there?
Many thanks
My book is only out for a shore while...but I've heard from others on the cs chatroom that they are fine. I just got a huge purchase order from the Suffolk County Library system, so we'll see. There are difficulties working through the internet, cross country...trying to share thoughts and ideas in cyber space, but maybe that's because I'm of a different era. My grandchildren have no problem communicating...
Best of luck.
Actually, I just published two of my works using this site. Personally, I think it was a great way to keep out of pocket cost low. However, unless you have a professionally done cover, you will most likely sacrafice cover quality for savings. I had the cover created by a young friend of mine, and she did a good job, but because the original image quality was poor, the cover came out slightly blurry.
Other than that, I had no problems going through CreateSpace. You can directly upload from Microsoft Word, they are very prompt and the royalty percentages are reasonable.
Good luck!
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