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My book Richard the Lionheart is now on sale on Amazon for the Kindle E reader: Here is the link:  


Leave your kindle Amazon link below and we'll tag each other. 

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My book titled, "Voyages of Malolo" is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form. Here is the link:

I liked both, you need some tags for your kindle. Only able to tag kindle versions.

The kindle version for my book, "Voyages of Malolo" is:

I added fiction and history tags, but you might need to add some more.

Robert Bonville said:

The kindle version for my book, "Voyages of Malolo" is:
Hi Tracy, I guess I've missed the point of this exercise. Perhaps you could explain it to me in a private email so this old man can understand what we are doing and why. I would appreciate it.
Thank you

Here's the link for my latest book released in November 2012.

Book title: 'Who's Minding the Store?'

Amazon link:

Great idea for us to show support to each other!

Happy New Year!



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