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Jesus i missed you all! So as i said i am back momentarily ;) Im in winter break as you can see. Gotta go back to school in a week i believe.
horrible i know! sucks to face the ignorant stupid faces of teens once again.
Anyway! So this is a game . For those who love to experiment with words right on the spot understand? I shall give you a list of ten TOTALLY RANDOM words.
I want you to write something descriptive to somehow link all words together. k?
Make your writing as long as it must be to link all words.
This is grreat fun! i assure you! But only if You are a true english lover. ;)
Here are the words for you all
2. Laconic
3. Irascible
4. Aptitude
5. Chronic
6. Harrowing
7. Quaver
8. Gossomer
9. Giddy
10. Endure
Alrighty! there are the ten words. I shall write my descriptive writing for you all. So you know just what to do. ;) Remember find a creative way to connect all words together!
hmmm...Here's Mine.
My Father, the once charming courageous man i knew, no longer existed, the man became something of a physcopathic drunk. Im sorry to sound LACONIC, but im merely stating the main point, I was once a GIDDY , happy person. back as a Child before daddy got ahold of a beer. Happiness seemed to be a illusion now. There was so much to love about my father, at the start. His positive , noble attitude complimented his quick inspiring wit. But as the vodca and Jack Daniels found a way into his system, he became negative. Depressed, and utterly IRASCIBLE.
It was horrifying to watch his personality shift then finally diminish , becoming something close to a beast, always fuming, always hostile. He grew to a man I feared, It was with common sense, and sharp thinking that had aided me into avoiding him. I manage to stay away with great APTITUDE, especially as his drinking never ceased, becoming horrifyingly CHRONIC.
It was one HARROWING night that had traumatized me. It was an action not my own. I dont recall what I uttered, But I had indeed said something. why else would he had rowred and ripped himself from his precious chair, to glare at me, clutching his intoxication with a mighty fist. My back instantly erected at my dad's instant reaction, the sickening features of a mad bull taking his face and causing my insides to nearly QUAVER. His snarled words I didn't understand.
His hostile gibberish, harsh and utterly thick. His saliva flying in all directions. I tried to avoid any sort of conflict, to resolve it quickly by departing.
It took a few steps for the beast to recongize the fact i was making a getaway.
With an enraged hand, He flung his halfbottle full of liquor at me.
My father would have never have done it, But He resembled more of a beast than my daddy.
It impacted my skull with such frequency that my vision left me, pain exploded within my skull, and my crumpled body fell to a heap upon the blooded floor. The brutal intoxicating bottle but shards around me. The overwhelming scent of alchol burned my eyes and seized my tender senses. The pain, ever so powerful to ENDURE the wound upon my head, pounding in disarray., Stinging like madness from the toxic fluid, from the terrifying startlement of it all.
My blood poured.
I struggled to gain composure. The room red and spinning, and I heard my father's footsteps coming closer.
Whimpering like the pathetic child i was, I cowered away, clutching my sticky head with trembaling fingers. Blood drenching them, and that horrified me.
The fragments of glass descended through the locks of my hair.
My father held no pity.
he held no SYMPATHY for his bleeding child, He came at me. Intent upon making me beg for mercy, cursing his insane rambalings.
Like a frightened mouse beneath a mighty lion.
I ran. Running and pulling myself up off the floor, woozy and close to unconscienous .
He cursed at me at the distance as I ripped open the front door, and ran out into the sweet abyss of the night. Finding sheltar in a bush who's GOSSOMERS surrounded and welcomed me.
I lay there bleeding, weeping til the crack of dawn.
In which Daddy, fresh of a hangover would love me once again.
Ta da. lol NOw you guys try. Im too lazy to spell check and edit. so you guys dont have to either. write !
I'm going to do a poem, hope thats cool?
I will try not to be laconic with this poem
show my skills,with my aptitude of writing
chronic thinking, has me seeking ways to release harrowing thoughts
The gossamer threads of life,would make normal quaver in fear
Don't want sympathy, just to see what i endure
Yes my temper is Irascible, but i'm tired of fake sympathy
sorry if i made your head giddy, but truthfully i'm witty
Wow this was fun, made me think very quick and in a random direction.
haha thanks for being the first to try lol its fun isnt it? gotta use quick thought. lol
Im liking your idea of making it a poem clever clever!
nice job man!
Your new here correct?
nice to meet you!
Respond to any of my other discussions! i have shitloads. lol
i lost count. lol
thanks for playing and great poem btw ;)
Jonathon Koerner said:
I'm going to do a poem, hope thats cool?
I will try not to be laconic with this poem
show my skills,with my aptitude of writing
chronic thinking, has me seeking ways to release harrowing thoughts
The gossamer threads of life,would make normal quaver in fear
Don't want sympathy, just to see what i endure
Yes my temper is Irascible, but i'm tired of fake sympathy
sorry if i made your head giddy, but truthfully i'm witty
Wow this was fun, made me think very quick and in a random direction.
Christiana sobbed into her elbow. How could she go on? She wasn't some CHRONIC disease that kept growing and growing even after you had defeated it. She was weak, delicate, and dependent.
"Get up," Logan coaxed her. "I know it's hard, just try to get up."
"Why should I?" Christiana screamed at him. "Why should I try anymore? When no one seems to care whether I live or die..."
"Because I-"
"Because you what? You need me to help you with something? You need to borrow something? You, just like every other bloody wretch in this world, show no SYMPATHY for someone who has given EVERYTHING for you! I give and I help and I care because it's in my nature to! Does anyone give two figs for what happens to someone who sacrifices everything for them? NO! They go on with their GIDDY, selfish, disgusting lives!"
"That's not true!" Logan's voice showed a hint of a QUAVER. "People just don't have the APTITUDE for love and kindness that you do!"
Christiana scoffed. "You think I haven't realized that yet? Well I have!"
"Christiana," Logan said calmly. "Not everyone is as HARROWING as you think."
"Oh, aren't they? I bet you think I'm being unreasonable, IRASCIBLE; you think I'm overreacting! Well you don't have to ENDURE half of what I do!"
"Christiana," Logan's voice began to rise. "You don't understand. There are people who care!"
"And who are they? Where have they been? Just leave Logan!"
Logan turned to leave the small room. He shoved aside the GOSSAMER curtain that hid the two of them. He turned and gave Christiana a LACONIC reply to her rant. "I loved you, Christiana. I cared. You pushed me away." With that, the curtain fell, and Logan was gone.
Bravo! ;) greatly put together my friend!
Callie Leah said:
Christiana sobbed into her elbow. How could she go on? She wasn't some CHRONIC disease that kept growing and growing even after you had defeated it. She was weak, delicate, and dependent.
"Get up," Logan coaxed her. "I know it's hard, just try to get up."
"Why should I?" Christiana screamed at him. "Why should I try anymore? When no one seems to care whether I live or die...""Because I-"
"Because you what? You need me to help you with something? You need to borrow something? You, just like every other bloody wretch in this world, show no SYMPATHY for someone who has given EVERYTHING for you! I give and I help and I care because it's in my nature to! Does anyone give two figs for what happens to someone who sacrifices everything for them? NO! They go on with their GIDDY, selfish, disgusting lives!"
"That's not true!" Logan's voice showed a hint of a QUAVER. "People just don't have the APTITUDE for love and kindness that you do!"
Christiana scoffed. "You think I haven't realized that yet? Well I have!""Christiana," Logan said calmly. "Not everyone is as HARROWING as you think."
"Oh, aren't they? I bet you think I'm being unreasonable, IRASCIBLE; you think I'm overreacting! Well you don't have to ENDURE half of what I do!"
"Christiana," Logan's voice began to rise. "You don't understand. There are people who care!"
"And who are they? Where have they been? Just leave Logan!"Logan turned to leave the small room. He shoved aside the GOSSAMER curtain that hid the two of them. He turned and gave Christiana a LACONIC reply to her rant. "I loved you, Christiana. I cared. You pushed me away." With that, the curtain fell, and Logan was gone.
Thx, Yeah it was hard to think quick and stay on topic. Defiantly fun game, i'm going to try more. Lol me and my brother were playing scrabble, and using the words on the board we would do quick freestyle type poems out loud.. funny cause words were like mold, death, life, vibrant, but just really random words.
Betty Damil said:
haha thanks for being the first to try lol its fun isnt it? gotta use quick thought. lol
Im liking your idea of making it a poem clever clever!
nice job man!
Your new here correct?
nice to meet you!
Respond to any of my other discussions! i have shitloads. lol
i lost count. lol
thanks for playing and great poem btw ;)
Jonathon Koerner said:I'm going to do a poem, hope thats cool?
I will try not to be laconic with this poem
show my skills,with my aptitude of writing
chronic thinking, has me seeking ways to release harrowing thoughts
The gossamer threads of life,would make normal quaver in fear
Don't want sympathy, just to see what i endure
Yes my temper is Irascible, but i'm tired of fake sympathy
sorry if i made your head giddy, but truthfully i'm witty
Wow this was fun, made me think very quick and in a random direction.
Why thank you! *bows
Betty Damil said:
Bravo! ;) greatly put together my friend!
Callie Leah said:Christiana sobbed into her elbow. How could she go on? She wasn't some CHRONIC disease that kept growing and growing even after you had defeated it. She was weak, delicate, and dependent.
"Get up," Logan coaxed her. "I know it's hard, just try to get up."
"Why should I?" Christiana screamed at him. "Why should I try anymore? When no one seems to care whether I live or die...""Because I-"
"Because you what? You need me to help you with something? You need to borrow something? You, just like every other bloody wretch in this world, show no SYMPATHY for someone who has given EVERYTHING for you! I give and I help and I care because it's in my nature to! Does anyone give two figs for what happens to someone who sacrifices everything for them? NO! They go on with their GIDDY, selfish, disgusting lives!"
"That's not true!" Logan's voice showed a hint of a QUAVER. "People just don't have the APTITUDE for love and kindness that you do!"
Christiana scoffed. "You think I haven't realized that yet? Well I have!""Christiana," Logan said calmly. "Not everyone is as HARROWING as you think."
"Oh, aren't they? I bet you think I'm being unreasonable, IRASCIBLE; you think I'm overreacting! Well you don't have to ENDURE half of what I do!"
"Christiana," Logan's voice began to rise. "You don't understand. There are people who care!"
"And who are they? Where have they been? Just leave Logan!"Logan turned to leave the small room. He shoved aside the GOSSAMER curtain that hid the two of them. He turned and gave Christiana a LACONIC reply to her rant. "I loved you, Christiana. I cared. You pushed me away." With that, the curtain fell, and Logan was gone.
Betty - you are so freaking creative - will have to work on this and post it on Monday!
Grumphspawn knew they would endure, despite the harrowing ordeal. It made him giddy to think of the chronic damage the Grimlees could wreck, they had such an aptitude for mayhem. Beside him, she held his hand tightly in sympathy, both of them had suffered deeply. Sometimes their love could be stretched to extremes, pulled transparent like a gossamer silk line from a mystic spider; thin but strong, luckily unbreakable. Grumphspawn sighed, his trollish laconic nature normally made him irascible, which was why most people thought of him as a grumpybum, though few would say it to his face, not to the Great Wizard in person, but there were times like these, when the cauldron of emotions overflowed within him and he just needed to let it out, like a passionate symphony overflowing with crotchets and quavers. So he turned with delicate grace to face his lady with an adamant smile on his granite features….
Hey that was fun. I've never done this kind of thing before. Cool stuff Betty. Thanks!
(books are in the post)
Awesome awesome! greatly done man. ;) love the fantasy you threw in ther. oh by the way i got the books you mailed me!! ;) awesome thank you. its absoultely adorable. great for children. ;)
Sean Noonan said:
Grumphspawn knew they would endure, despite the harrowing ordeal. It made him giddy to think of the chronic damage the Grimlees could wreck, they had such an aptitude for mayhem. Beside him, she held his hand tightly in sympathy, both of them had suffered deeply. Sometimes their love could be stretched to extremes, pulled transparent like a gossamer silk line from a mystic spider; thin but strong, luckily unbreakable. Grumphspawn sighed, his trollish laconic nature normally made him irascible, which was why most people thought of him as a grumpybum, though few would say it to his face, not to the Great Wizard in person, but there were times like these, when the cauldron of emotions overflowed within him and he just needed to let it out, like a passionate symphony overflowing with crotchets and quavers. So he turned with delicate grace to face his lady with an adamant smile on his granite features….
Hey that was fun. I've never done this kind of thing before. Cool stuff Betty. Thanks!
(books are in the post)
awww thank you. lol Im still waiting for your post mlady!
Stacy Eaton said:
Betty - you are so freaking creative - will have to work on this and post it on Monday!
haha love scrabble. lol great freakin game. damn that sounds like a cool idea, start randomly piecing together on the spot.
superb. ;)
Jonathon Koerner said:
Thx, Yeah it was hard to think quick and stay on topic. Defiantly fun game, i'm going to try more. Lol me and my brother were playing scrabble, and using the words on the board we would do quick freestyle type poems out loud.. funny cause words were like mold, death, life, vibrant, but just really random words.
Betty Damil said:haha thanks for being the first to try lol its fun isnt it? gotta use quick thought. lol
Im liking your idea of making it a poem clever clever!
nice job man!
Your new here correct?
nice to meet you!
Respond to any of my other discussions! i have shitloads. lol
i lost count. lol
thanks for playing and great poem btw ;)
Jonathon Koerner said:I'm going to do a poem, hope thats cool?
I will try not to be laconic with this poem
show my skills,with my aptitude of writing
chronic thinking, has me seeking ways to release harrowing thoughts
The gossamer threads of life,would make normal quaver in fear
Don't want sympathy, just to see what i endure
Yes my temper is Irascible, but i'm tired of fake sympathy
sorry if i made your head giddy, but truthfully i'm witty
Wow this was fun, made me think very quick and in a random direction.
I opted for epigrammatic:
Sympathy is ne’r Laconic
when Irascible, deficient Aptitude
is Chronic,
Harrowing dolts!
They make hearts Quaver,
With empty thoughts,
thin as Gossamer,
yet Giddy fools Endure
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