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Aberdean Cragmore wasn't the most polished or sophisticated member of the family, but he was good with his hands and even better at finding things. When there was something that needed to be found, you could count on Aberdean.

He had just returned from retrieving the family's Stone of Remembrance and wanted nothing more than to sleep but an unexpected visit from Abigail Butterton (or "butter fingers" behind her back) meant he would be heading out once again. She was always losing things and this time was no different. She had misplaced her crystal ball during her travels and demanded Aberdean find it. Abigail did not live close by, which meant the crystal ball could be anywhere within a fifty mile radius, maybe more. 

Aberdean was not happy, but agreed to find it and set out straight away. Abigail decided her crystal ball was too precious to be handled by anyone but her and went with him. He should have known there was a problem.
Abigail Butterton was the dainty sort and shied away from anything she deemed trivial and retrieving something she had misplaced was trivial. There was always someone around to help her. All she had to do was bat her eyelashes and smile. There was none of that this time and unfortunately, Aberdean was too tired to recognize the warning signs.

They searched for several hours and traveled far from Merrihaven looking for the crystal ball to no avail. Frustrated and practically falling asleep in the saddle, Aberdean decided to turn back. Abigail laughed and called him an idiot. Before Aberdean's eyes, Abigail disappeared and in her place was Hagatha Dungbeetle, a witch. She wanted the Stone of Remembrance. Aberdean came fully awake at the sight of the shriveled, stringy-haired, warty beast before him. Hagatha batted her eyes, flashed him a rotten smile and laughed so hard, she almost fell off her horse. Aberdean pulled on the reins. His horse moved to the right, but Hagatha was ready. Magic sparked from the palms of her hands.

He had no choice but to hand over the stone. He reached into his pocket, whispered under his breath and thrust the stone into the witch's hand. Her smile faded and her eyes glazed over. She dropped her arm and slumped in the saddle. Aberdean snatched the stone back with a satisfied grin. The Stone of Remembrance also act as the Stone of Forgetfulness in the wrong hands. It was a family safeguard. Hagatha would not remember this day. He pulled her off the horse and set her in the grass, where she curled into a ball and sucked her thumb. He set off for Merrihaven with the intent to have a stern word with Esther and Griselda about protection spells and to hide the Stone of Remembrance where no one would find it ever again.

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