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 Did come to us delightfully but went away make us permanents disability both physical & mentally!

What are these funs and comedy that you need to made with us a flattery impulsively?

Did you want to expose & prove to us that a “Big loves pushes distance to get more closes” to tied a more intimately?

Hi dearly Mamoni! You were our little Fairy with having enormous charming power also an exquisitely beauty.

 Made our decent rhythmic lives where you get hide yourself to be invisible forever by making us hopeless & very lonely?

What is this sensitiveness or an offended state of your minds that we could not meet your demands by our inability?

Why didn’t you say us by indicating our negligence’s that we did with you ever to be such aggressive to leave us forever without giving a chance miserly?

So, why did you come in us a few moments ago to make us very delightful and happier if you depart in a manner as by not letting us know your staying here cleverly?

You know, you are our heart-breaker, a callous, and a deceiver because you never think about your very dearly father & mother how they will survive here without your no more companion after your departure Infantly?

You did break your commitments to your elderly three sisters who were your very good friends and enormous lovers for your all cares and loving essentiality?

You know what is going on to your father after your depart from here to hereafter to be hidden forever by your discretion using an autocratic orderly?

With bringing your strong linguistic ability by nature, you made everyone around your 360 degrees dependable lovingly.

But you could not made anyone understable in your around & surrounding to revealed your any initial departing symptoms as your sensitiveness by each & everybody.

My dear little fairy, why you getting angry to me that you interpreting as I am blaming you not to expose your preliminary departing symptom in expressly?

I am extremely sorry & apologizing to you for my wrong perception rather might or could be you exposed your departing symptom frequently but it might be all your surrounding lovers couldn’t meaning out of your symptom’s due to their inability!

While you left us then why didn’t you bring back all of your past triggered full memories with you for our recovery?

It could be one of your diplomatic games playing with us to remember your all sensitiveness activity and beautiful linguistic deliveries that you convinced & charmed everybody very dearly & cleverly!

Also it is one of your strategic plans to remain with us forever but invisibly so that you can see all of us and our feelings to you rather we can’t see you phenotypically!

Are you accord with me about this matter, Oh yes; you are strongly accord with me! Thanks God my dearly little fairy aligning with me my perception about her strategy?

You know little fairy! You were my loving younger sister’s part & parcel as her hearts & minds also soul’s peaceful entity to be boasting her as an ideal motherly?

As your mother a blood brother both of your mother and I mutually all the same in genetically in turn I am also a part & parcel of your mother and you scientific & logically!

Likely in front of you I could not put on my lap or exposing any love to your other brother & sisters before your demands meeting always as number one lovingly!

That’s why I would like to utter a quotation from the greatest philosopher “Socrates” as “I to die you to live which is better only God knows” to consoling myself by losing you very early!

To my discretion in one hand, it could be very wise decision to leave us before our departure to get our enormous blessing and prayer for your heavenly tastily.

Inversely, on the other hand it might be your very wrong decision when it is concerning your parents and other loving sisters’ heart & minds breaking subjectivity.

Perhaps you don’t know that by nature all sons & daughters are connected both physical and spiritually with their mother by her umbilical cord forever in psycho-biologically!

Before you’re taking birth while you were in womb of fetus during your mother gestation periods and in this state this umbilical cords care & look after you for your all development purposes to be new member of mankind’s in here for a certain time but not permanently.

My dear little fairy one more thing I should remind you that very recently your departing it may some your close friend & relatives and neighborhoods will forget you very quickly although they are now making many mourning, praying, lamentation, and remembering as you were very social & friendly!

But you know only all of your family members or lovers will remember, feel, and missed you until they are alive here without you & your loves & many demands you did make while you were in here very lively.

Your dearly loving father will survive here with his broken heart & minds by enduring all sad, sorrow, and miseries silently to make normal your mother to taking your leaving normal & usual in her insight soul’s secretly.

Hi dear little fairy, you know that you did hurt and wounded fatally your mother heart & minds that must need to bring back as previous state by your coming back in future whole & differently.

Good by little fairy, have a peaceful sound sleeping in the rest-heaven for a long time due to your enormous fatigue and tiredness you endured for a year round here infinitively.

Best Wishes by your lamenter Zaman Mama1/11/2012












Views: 38

Comment by NURUZZAMAN SARDER on January 24, 2013 at 4:32am

This poem is dedicated to my recent lost most loving niece who died last year, 2012, in a brain virus attacking disease, her name was Shupti, she was as my own daughter for which I can't forget her many loving verses with me. She was very beautiful and mindblowing 12 years girl.


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