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Self criticism is the best way to one’s self corrections.

Self criticism or realization originates from self motivations.

Self motivation triggered from various social participations & Institutional or formal interactions.

Nonconscious & subconscious level of insight minds get aware & arouse from gathered experienced through combined activities and participations.

Seeing is believing and doing its real tracts to building strong human discretions.

The more strong moral courage one’s the more strong honest discretions.

Strong moral courage stop one to doing something undone, illegal performs and all greed expectations.

It is easy to find faults to others by ignoring self faults and other bad behavioral activities without realizations.

Two different individuals are their evaluation mirror to judge each other’s good & bad human qualities determinations.

To the pure, all the pure should be one’s value & belief towards modern civilized socializations.

Self correction is a learning process like perception to observe and judging human real conditions.

First impression is the last or final impression could not be correct for learning process integrations.

To err is human and all are not equally wise, intelligent, and having good educations.

Family culture, environment, and their internal administrations are big matters for good human identifications.

Higher educations and high executive jobs don’t mean always a good fellow for society and nations.

Many of so called higher educated & high status full fellows are used to do all inhuman activities and corruptions’.

On the other hand, a many of low status and lower educated fellows are performing great jobs and having strong integrity to make big social and family contributions.

Since, books are the best teacher to have one’s good learning and all human good qualities to be conducive social beings by their devotions.

In this way, one’s self efforts to be a good fellow is the best learning process to make him a good fellow by his/her purifications.

Only formal educations are not sufficient to build ones as perfect social beings to be complying all spheres of human life projections.

To confess one’s faults and ignorance is an honest and brave heart’s introduction.

“Honesty is the best policy,” a universal reality should be proving it by actions.

The power of will & persistency are essential commitment to one’s good conversions.

In fact, human life journey is a continuing learning acquiring to coping & comply with frequent social changing to adaptations.

One knows one’s faults, guilty, and actual reality but like to hides to be pretending his/her

Good by artificiality.

The reality & artificiality is not always as same and similarity.

Good & bad, natural & artificial, and faults or guilty can not suppressed and hide from their concerning reality.














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