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    Dravid looks deep into the smoke wandering how far he has left to fly to get out. He cant help but to think that this was a mistake. He was warned that this trip could in the end kill him, but he had to do this didn’t he? He owed it to the people of Aelia. Looking about him he sees nothing except smoke. Everywhere he looks there is nothing but the all consuming smoke.
    Dravid has been flying for three days in this smoke infested world to get the knowledge and powers of his ancestors. It is something that all past dracon kings have done, including his father. He partly went on this journey to find his father who has been missing for eighteen years. He doesn’t even know anything about his father Malachi.
    He thinks back to his life only a week ago. Had it only been a week? It felt like an entire life time ago. He thinks back to when he was just human right before his eighteenth birthday. Before this smoke filled death, before finding about his heritage before anything was complicated.

Chapter 1

    Dravid woke up Saturday morning feeling worse than ever. For the past week he had been having awful dreams about walking in a field to somewhere. In every dream he never made it to where he was going, because half through the field he heard the whoosh, whoosh of wings flapping above him. When he looks up to see what is causing it he wakes up.
    Dravid sits up in bed as he has done every morning of the dreams, and tries to figure out the meaning of it all. He knows the field from his families farm, but he can not figure out what is big enough to cause the flapping. Is it some kind of warning or message?
    Figuring it would be easier to think with a hot stew inside him Dravid went downstairs to the kitchen to find his mother and father waiting for him. “ what’s the matter?” Dravid asks. “nothing except it just so happens,” Teresa replies,” to be your birthday.” “ Do you have to seem so gloom about it? Dravid asks. “ Dravid there are some things that you need to know.” Glen said. “ OK and what might they be?” “ you shall know in due time my son, but first eat and we shall take a walk in a short while.”
    After breakfast Dravid is outside walking with his father Glen. “ So what is the matter dad?” “Dravid you know that your mother and I love you very much right?” “Yes and I love you both very much.” “This is not going to be easy to say, so I am just going to start at the beginning.”
    “Eighteen years ago your mother and I had just inherited this farm from your grandfather, and we decided to have children.” “And you had me.” “Yes, but I am getting to that. We decided that we wanted to have kids. Shortly after we had been trying we soon found out that we were not able.” “Then how am I here” “Patience I am getting to that. Your mother was very distraught about the whole thing. Her dreams of having a son were gone. You have to believe me we tried everything that we could, but there was nothing that we could do. It was then that a couple came to us with you. They told us that you were special and that you were to be named Dravid and that they would come back for you on your eighteenth birthday.” “Today? Why today, and how come you never told me of this.”
    Dravid was hurt, furious, and disappointed. How could they not tell him about this when it was his life? Shouldn’t he have the right to know? “They told us that you were to never know about any of this for reasons beyond our understanding, and that everything would be reviled to us today at noon.” Dravid felt himself being jerked from the only world that he had ever known. “Are you telling me that you are not my real parents?” “We are your real parents Dravid, just not your birth parents.”
    “I need some time to think about this. I will be home before noon.” “I understand son just be careful.”
    Walking had always seemed to clear Dravid’s head. He didn’t like to be cramped inside places. The need to be outside was a constant nick in his mind. He could get emotions from the air around him. When he was sad he would walk and just breathe in deep, and just somehow know that everything would be alright.
    Before too long Dravid found himself in the field that had been in his dreams. Without even realizing it he looked up expecting to see the thing that always awoke him. Nothing. There was nothing. So the dream had been just that a dream.
    Sensing that someone was behind him Dravid turn to look into the gaze of a beautiful and powerful woman. “Dravid?” the stranger asked. “Yes.” “I figured as much. Do you know who I am?” Dravid had never seen this woman before, but he felt if as he knew her. “You’re my birth mother are you not?” “Yes I am your birth mother. Do you know my name?” “No I… Its Camilla.” He didn’t know how he knew it but he just did. There was a certainty to that somewhere inside him that scared him. “Yes. Now let’s walk back to your home so we can discuss everything.”

Chapter 2

“First off I apologize for this I understand how much this hurts you Dravid, but you have to know the reasoning for all of this.” “Ok” he said wearily. There would be no running from this. He was about to find out why the dreams came to him and what they meant. He was in a way curious.
    “Your father and I loved you very much Dravid. We only gave you up because it is law that all of our kind does so.” “Our kind? What do you mean by our kind?” “ I cannot tell you this. You must figure this out on your own. You should figure it out in a few days if you have not already. Once you do we will leave for our home.” “And where would that be exactly?” “If I told you that you would not be figuring it out now would you.” “What I want to know is why we could not tell him,” Teresa said. “If Dravid had known then he would not have grown up normal.” “I thought you and your husband were going to be here,” Glen said. “He is not available at the moment, but do not worry about Malachi. I am here to tell you why we did what we did.
    We had picked you two because of your families. They were true in nature and were not corrupted by the legion. Dravid giving you up was the hardest thing we have ever had to do, but we had to none the less. “Why did you have to?” “I cannot answer that yet first you must figure out your heritage. I will return home to prepare for your coming, and return for you tomorrow. The rest will be told then.”
    After Camilla had left Dravid found himself wandering about in the field yet again. She had told him that he had to find his heritage on his own. What did that mean? Was there something different about him that set him apart from everyone else?




That is all i have so far please tell me what you think   

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