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Moonless night filled with a sky of bright stars wonderous and beautful,

Another sleepless night dreaming of a forever that shall never come.

Sweating awake to pain, an unlenting ache in the nogging.

thoughts just need to stop, swarming like bees to defend they violate,

the steal and rape any sanity left, leaving a hallow shell, complete.

false visions, wasted ability, felt a choke of something less than what it was.

drown it with water, wash it all away, and sweat more to calm.

NO, dig deeper, Hallow the rest, go for the heart, get to the bearings of the soul.

Dig it out, lose all thoughts, lose all control, forget the lies that burn so bright,

you've been holding them like a candle, to guide you but now its dust.

you've in the dark, lost, forever to wander the unknown.

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