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Your arriving here lonely phenomena, will be neutralized by your leaving hereafter with no accompany.

Having arrived here did see many loving well-wishers surroundings and around you in order to receive you overwhelmingly will be integrated by your departing hereafter very sad and regretfully.

Although you will see many loving ones and neighbors are accompanied you in the graveyard to abide you in your grave is nothing but one of your hallow effects wrongfully.

In fact, all your well-wishers and loving people will be accompanied you to see up you ritually for your graving lives transitionally.

So, you’re both spiritual phenomenon will be over through a two opposite consequences as a positive & negative emotional consequential activity.

You’re experienced and believed to be remaining always with your all loving people was one of your big wrong perceptions based on your arriving consequences you enjoyed gladly.

After integrating your both phenomenon you will valued your two different experienced like a hallucinations disorderly.

Likely your many earthly activities you doing are not law and useful for the wellness and welfares of humanity.

As an example glittery, you’re earned all dishonest money and under the table monetary valued assets and properties can’t save you from the aggression of the Almighty.

Donating these illegal and corrupted money in order to build a very costly, Mosque, Church, and Pagoda, skipped and deprived by all needy human entity but to be developed various Religious communities are your wrong beliefs functionally.

Your frequent Haze going and so called rituals exposing are use and value less to the God or Almighty because of your all artificiality can’t deceiving the supreme powers or authority.

In fact, God or our Almighty knows your all hypocrisies not only visible and invisibly but also your cellular levels biologically.

You’re all real and innate sins & brutal mentality can’t be veiled to hide from God’s visual supremacy.

You are doing all these hypocrite activities by conceived many wrong perceptions from various devils entities besides and surroundings you are trained and taught you to do everything according to their conformity.

In turn, you will be liable and accountable to the God or Almighty for yourself to be punished and detention in the prison infinitely.

 No one will be stand beside you to share and release you from your hell punishment by their advocacy.

But any of your good works and awards will make happy others with your joys and feelings equally by congratulating you for you’re a big honor & dignity.

You’re this achievement and its beautiful consequence is not your any hallow effects and hallucinations rather a very truthful reality.

So, don’t do and expose anything apparently to be deceived others & Almighty.

Better try to do and expose everything real & honestly whatever these are good, bad, or an ugly.

It will honor you to everyone in the society due to your nature of honesty as a man of personal ethics definitely.


Toronto, ON















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