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Each day we awake, we should feel oh so new.  It is just amazing that God has blessed us to live to see another beautiful day.

We should all be so grateful.  The thoughts of love and harmony should embrace our inner beings and our souls.  It is wonderful

and magnificent to be able to get up out of that bed and be able to use our limbs and be able to perform our daily chores.  This

is enough to just make you want to say "Thank You Jesus" .  I have learned to appreciate the little things that seemed so unimportant in my life as beings a blessings.  Things I would sometime take for granted, now I appreciate and is more than thankful.

I not only awake thinking about myself and what I prefer to happen in my life this day but I also realize there are people who

isn't as fortunate so why not do something or say something to make their lives  better.  If there is an elderly relative

in your family who lives alone, sometimes it wouldn't hurt if you and your family would go and visit them to make that relative feel

better, if you are already doing this, that is great on your part and I know you feel good about it and the way it makes

that person or persons feel.  Maybe husbands, your wife might not feel too well today, if you could just give her

a big hug and a kiss and the words I Love You before going to work that would do wonders for her well-being and her health.

Showing love and being kind to an individual helps makes their soul, body, mind and spirit feel so much better.  "love is the word

for today, that is what the world need more of.  If we could just be more kinder, and nicer to everyone we meet, what a wonderful

place this world would be to live in.   It is also nice to say "Good Morning to someone no matter if that person is sometimes too busy to speak to you.  That will help make your environment so much better.  Also if you give someone a compliment on what they are wearing, especially if it is pretty or look good on them, don't be too mean to inform them how good they look.  These words alone can help uplift a person's spirit, make them feel good and probably will help make them have a great day.  If someone has lost their job, and you know this person real well or not, it would be so nice to offer to buy them lunch or take some groceries over to them.  Or either offer your assistant in some type of way.  Every little bit helps in a complicated, depressing situation like this.

If you can just do one nice thing for someone other than yourself once in a while, life will be so wonderful and it will help make

your heart, body, mind, spirit and soul be blessed.  Who knows,  when that day will come when someone might have to help us?

We never knows.  That why it is good to be nice and kind to all mankind.  Do something to make someone life better.  If a person

is old and have a health problem which might prevent him or her from cleaning their house, offering your assistant to clean their

house would be like a miracle to them because they are now in a nice clean comfortable environment all because of your love and

concern.  Do something to make someone happy today and be blessed. To all the readers who are doing these things already,

make the grace of God continue to be with you.

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