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This is a debut novel from a man who has an impressive biography; I am enclosing it with the post. Is this novel the real deal like Brad Taylor American hero is?  I am going to be nice and say it makes it some hay in a very crowded genre; read on and decide if you want to grab this thriller. Here is what is between the covers and his bio:

“They call it the Taskforce. Their existence is as essential as it is illegal. Commissioned at the highest level of the U.S. government. Protected from the prying eyes of Congress and the media. Built around the top operators from across the clandestine, intelligence, and special forces landscape. Designed to operate outside the bounds of U.S. law. Trained to exist on the ragged edge of human capability.

Pike Logan was the most successful operator on the Taskforce, his instincts and talents unrivaled-until personal tragedy permanently altered his outlook on the world. Pike knows what the rest of the country might not want to admit: The real threat isn't from any nation, any government, any terrorist group. The real threat is one or two men, controlled by ideology, operating independently, in possession of a powerful weapon.

Buried in a stack of intercepted chatter is evidence of two such men. The transcripts are scheduled for analysis in three months. The attack is mere days away. It is their bad luck that they're about to cross paths with Pike Logan. And Pike Logan has nothing left to lose. “

Brad Taylor biography:

“Brad was born on Okinawa, Japan, but grew up on 40-acres in rural Texas. Graduating from the University of Texas, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Infantry. Brad served for more than 21 years, retiring as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. During that time he held numerous Infantry and Special Forces positions, including eight years in 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta where he commanded multiple troops and a squadron. He has conducted operations in support of US national interests in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other classified locations.

His final assignment was as the Assistant Professor of Military Science at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. He holds a Master's of Science in Defense Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School, with a concentration in Irregular Warfare. When not writing, he serves as a security consultant on asymmetric threats for various agencies. He lives in Charleston, SC with his wife and two daughters.”

Okay all that out of the way and I think you can see that doing hard research for this project was a no brainer for the author. I have read many a thriller, posted on plenty of them over the past year, and for a debut it was fun. I would definitely give this author a second read. The characters grew on me as the novel progressed and I enjoyed the look at life he gave us from inside the mind of an operator. I think it is nice to read what is in the heart and mind of the warrior from a real one. A real narrative given by someone that has been there done that per say. Wait, what was that? Hey G-Man, what about the action? There is plenty of that: the pages just about ooze with blood and explode in your hand as there is plenty of death, explosions, and car chases for even the most hardcore thriller/action fan. If you want go to the website and read a little bit of it to get a flav:  


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