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Alive death and lives here with oppression & inhumanly not apart from hell punishment suffers.

Depart from here to hereafter physical & mentally in order to escape from all earthly sorrow, misery, and tortures are non-live death occurs.

To compare as better which matters should be consider as worthy and peaceful lives for survivors?

Human life cycle from birth to death is divided into many stable and instable status & parts.

As a whole, one third portion of lives is spent by sleeping and remaining two third portions for other earthly works.

Afterwards, a significant portion from remaining two third is spending by waste & suffers from many diseases & earthly miseries as little or enormous.

Furthermore, another big portion of lives are entitled to read, write, and building careers for a good lives or better as deservers.

How much remaining afterwards using more than two portions of lives in various earthly purposes?

May be one or less than one portion from a whole portion that is entitled to be stable both minds and physical soundness.

So, it is cleared that human lives are filled with various earthly natural & man made miseries, hard efforts, and many brutal occurrences!

In between all hell suffers a little or a very little happy or peaceful time come at once to disappear in a moments.

Living with highly subsistence’s as an aristocratic or dynasty lives pattern is considerably awarded to a very little societies in this earth’s as their entitlements.

Although all natural miseries and disasters are common to all human survivors, but all rich and wealthy lives are able to bypass these by means of their economical power & willingness.

But all the common and poorly living human survivors are bypassing these natural miseries and disasters through enormous brutal sufferings by their helplessness.

More natural & manmade disasters as hunger, poverty, deprivation, and even starvation are long term and frequent issues are poorly living human survivor’s fatness.

Stereotypes and distinct groups prejudice is another manmade disasters for poorly & helpless human survivors’ punishments.

Survive and living with drastic sad and chronic heart & minds pain for lifetime span is nothing less than lives an alive with death equivalents.

Death but having feelings only sad, sorrow, and harassment without any honor & dignity as a human certainly more than enough from a non-live deaths by measurements.

Due to obesity having unexpected heavy weights that makes survivor’s permanent disablement and depending other to walk and movements is another drastic hell punishments & ill treatments.

Romance, love, and afterwards get married with a hope of a happy lives partner to a beautiful young lady by assuring her to fulfills all her demands but finally a big failure what should be then it to say as compliments.

Son, daughters, or a wife got strong diseases’ and sufferings for a long time with an unendurable pain and miseries due to want of money & dollar by the family provider doesn’t it as a living death for this provider’s nakedly harassments?

Minor offence but convicted as a big offender by somehow legal or illegally to have lifetime detent or prisoner lives to depriving from all natural & personal human privileges by judge & judgments.

Even by political & planned conspiracy to exile from
native country to live forever other country with all earthly & spiritual suffers enormously it is also considerable to have an enlistments.

Experimentally & hypothetically it is established that all living deaths are equivalent to free from a lifetime prison lives to be having a new lives better than detent & prisoner lives that someone spent in a cage to have some impeachments.

But all non-live deaths should be considering as a reward to escape from all earthly miseries and man made disasters to have a longest sleeping for mental & bodily rest heavens.

A living death survivor never makes a sound & peaceful sleeping like a rest heaven sleeping and stable minds all the rest takers get or gotten!

In fact, a living death survivor die frequently before have a non-living or real deaths that does not have any sad, sorrow, and earthly miseries only to have a longest sound sleeping but nothing painful to suffers again!

So, to have an earthly human life as drastic sufferers then an entitlement of human beings should be conferring as a natural big punishment obvious or certain!









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