Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)


Athens, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Science Fiction
Favorite Book
War Of The Worlds
Favorite Author
H. G. Wells, and many others...

Comment Wall:

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  • Scott L. MIller

    Thanks for the welcome, Chuck! I may have bitten off more than I can chew by joining at this time because I recently signed with a traditional publisher for my second novel, Bread and Circuses, a psychological suspense/fictional crime novel. Sunny has been sending me e-mails galore so I decided to stick a toe in. We're just starting a line-by-line edit and my time is tight until it's their turn to respond to me. Count me as a friend!  Scott

  • David Kilama

    hello, i think we have got a lot in common since i also do enjoy writing mysterious stuffs, my sophisticated  huge TV series, a mysterious coffin is going to take the world by the storm, an extremely deadly serial killer attacks USA and killing millions. It is worst horrors and full of the unbelievable action. Right now i am working on another huge sophisticated horror TV series, the betrayal and i am almost done creating it.   soThe betrayal is one of my huge blockbuster horror TV series going to take the world by the storm. I am almost done with the creating it. Two extremely deadly creatures a huge anaconda and bird attack USA killing millions. Two extremely deadly vampires Stacy and Diana strike deadly and killing millions and then the cemetery turning into the worst nightmares for everybody.  i am really looking forwards to our friendship.

  • Lynne Heffner Ferante

    Hi, Chuck. Thanks for the warm welcome. I see that you have been a busy boy! A massive collection of work and an awesome presentation. I will have to hustle and bustle to catch up with you, but have no fear, my genre is memoir and autobiography. In real life I am an artist, painter and sculptor etc. But thanks for the welcome, again. Lynne

  • Lynne Heffner Ferante

    At 3:42am on July 23, 2012, Lynne Heffner Ferante said…

    Hi Chuck,

    I know what you mean! A couple of bouts with the big C, surviving, decided to get it all down on paper before it was too late.   Funny thing, years ago a friend who worked at medical devices manufacturing company rescued a bunch of one inch stainless steel sheets that parts had been cut out of for devices, and gave them to me, and I turned them into sculpture. [In the real world, I have been an artist for fifty years and still counting. Small world!


    [PS i'm such a non tech nerd and newby that I accidentally sent this message to myself, had to copy and past it here! :>}

  • Tor

    Hi Chuck :)
    Many thanks for the welcome. I'm not interested in Sci-Fi, but congrats on your success in this genre. I've only one published novel to my name, and it's horror fantasy. I would of course like to be your friend here :)
  • Cyndi Harris

    Thanks 4 the welcome! Come like my facebook fan page if you have time  at My first and new novel entitled A Kiss from the Grave will be out soon enough!

  • Monique Rockliffe

    Hi Chuck, so sorry this is late but I did not get a notification of your message! I have sent you a friend request. Thanks for the information about you, and your works sound fascinating and interesting! I love sci-fi (just written a short story called The Door that I want to publish directly to Kindle) so I will definitiely pop over to your page and take a look! Have an awesome day!

  • M.Morgan Kasagga

    Hi chuck! I saw your email today and thanks for writing. I am sorry I kind of take long to visit my page because of the various duties I attend to daily. But anyway that won't knock me out on my hobbies. I will continue checking on your works and I would absolutely like to be friends. Thank you.

  • Tracy Kauffman

    Thanks for your welcome, your books sound amazing.  Visit my website to learn more about me:

  • Dan Rosandich

    Hi Chuck: As I am new to Authors, where do I navigate to accept a "friendship"? Great seeing your comment and I have done space alien cartoons in the might want to check out my UFO CARTOONS. All the best - Dan

  • Bud Altmayer

    Thanks for the greeting.  I enjoy making new friends, especially those who are
    talented as you obviously are.

    My two books, "The Kiwis" and "Goin' Free" are both available on as
    an e-book and in print.  They are not Sci-Fi, however, I hope you will have time
    to check them out.

    Let's keep in touch.


  • Rockella Renee

    Thanks Chuck for the welcome.  I'll be sure to check out your books sometime.  I am currently working on my first...It's truly been a challenge, but I've enjoyed every bit of it.  I hope to finish it soon. 

    Oh...and thank you for the compliment.





  • Chanel Marie

    Greetings Chuck,

         It seems that since you are "The Chuck-Master of sci-fi...." then i better get around to checking out some of your work. You sure have built it up so I am sure it will deliever. I like reading all types of genres that catch the reader from the beginning. Since this site is for networking and meeting other like minded indivduals like yourself, sure I would like to become friends. Hope you have a great night!


  • Whandah

    Hey Chuck, what is the name of your book.

  • Debbie Marcaccini

    Thanks for the warm welcome Chuck. I've written and self published a book containing the legacy I want to leave my children, all four of them and a short devotional book. Now I'm working on a series of 17 children's books about animals I've had in my life. I've used their antics to weave a story with a life lesson. I'm working on getting them illustrated, published as Ebooks and have hopes of obtaining funding to print the books as well.

  • Dr. Glen Hepker

    Hello Sir:

    Please excuse my tardiness in responding...very busy couple of days. It is a privilege and please. Please accept my humble thanks - and know it means a lot.

    I am an author (A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health), and have doctorate degrees in psychology and traditional Chinese health arts. I am a part-time individual and marital counselor, a wellness coach, and a master instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, refined meditation/guided imagery, and associated health/wellness arts (which are intrinsically inclusive of the quite broad and ages-old benevolent, altruistic, and empathetic health/wellness philosophy set forth in my book - along with acupuncture/pressure, nutritional arts, herbal arts, tui na, stretching arts), at Mason City Wellness Center LLC/Mason City Tai Chi~Chi Kung~Kung Fu LLC, Mason City, IA USA

    Warmest regards - Glen
    Author Profile:
    Amazon Reviews:

  • Mark Wooley

    Hello The Chuck!  Thanks so much for your correspondence.  Sorry for not replying sooner.  I've sold about 600 copies of The Smack, but I'm hoping it will do even better in the future.  Tell all your friends!

    Congrats on your success!  Very impressive!  I look forward to reading your work.  Hope your responders will have a look at mine as well.

    Keep in touch,

    Mark Wooley

  • Lynette Partridge-Schneider

    Hi, Chuck,

    I do apologize for the delay.  I have been traveling a great deal judging horse shows and state fairs while trying to make sense of my WIP.  Currently, I write more articles than books, but looking to change this very soon.  Thank you for the welcome and I  look forward to being a part.



  • Connie Rhinehart

    Hi Chuck,

    Thank you for the welcome. I write paranormal romance and just signed a contract with Soul Mate Publishing for my first book. I love sci-fi. So will look forward to seeing your work.

  • Bob

    Thanks friend request sent.

  • Karen Dale Stefaniak

    Hello Chuck, and thank you for the warm welcome!  I also write about life in small towns.  Life of the paranormal, ghosts in particular, variety.  I now exclusively e-pub my work which can be found on Smashwords (et al), B&N and Amazon.  I'll look for your work when I'm in B&N tomorrow evening for a writer's presentation! 

  • Victoria Roberts Siczak

    Hi Chuck, Thank you for invite to become friends.  I recently had my first novel published, called "To Risk Extinction".  I always thought I was a sci fi writer, turns out I'm mystery and suspense!  I love to read horror and sci fi, I'm a vivid fan of Steven King and Dean Koonts.  I will definitely check out your work. The movie "Them" was a  favorite of mine.  can't wait to read "They"!

  • Carolyn Lott Dooley

    Thank you for the welcome to this site. 

    Sorry, it took me a few days to answer

    you back, I have been busy, I am a little

    nervous.  I appreciate any feedback,

    positive or negative, we learn from our

    mistakes.  I gladly accept any helpful

    information to help me perfect my


    Thanks so much,

    Carolyn Lott-Dooley, Kalamazoo, Michigan   


  • Matthew Davenport

    Wow, such a speedy and warm response.

    Hello Chuck! Top of the endless void of unfathomable depth to you and thank you for the welcome to from Matthew, the kidnapper of titles such as Master of Science Fiction, fantasy, and mind-curdling horror (you can keep a small box...and shoved under the bed for those fun parties that everyone talks about but no one actually gets invited to...)

    I also write science fiction and fantasy novels filled with adventure, mystery, romance (ain't I a hypocrite?), drama, horror, and plenty of comedy. It's fiction for whoever is willing to spend the 2.99 at Amazon to enjoy it. I also write an equal share of horror stories. I'm not a poet, but I've been known to out-drink them from time to time. When you have a few free moments to spare, please feel free to check out my Author's page or my personal blog at Many of my blog posts consist of commentary on my life as well as my status in my current projects. I also use my blog to inform readers of discounts, coupons, and upcoming events. I've united most of my short fiction (before Christmas of 2011) into an anthology called Collapsible Concepts: Pocketed for Distribution. My most recent published work is called "Stranger Books" and is the second in a trilogy I'm writing called "The Abstract Series." It's can be purchased as an e-book or as a paperback. Aside from writing the third novel in that series, I'm also working on a prequel to H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadows Over Innsmouth," that follows the decent of the hidden protagonist of Lovecraft's story and how he takes his very Christian community with him to the depths of Hell. Hopefully, the audience will see this as classic horror and homage at its best.


    --Matty D.

  • james elkins

    Chuck , Thanks so much for the welcome . It is greatly appreciated . I happened upon this site quite by accident while googling for information on an older horror novel . To my amazement i found 2 comments on the very book I was looking for . Neither of the the members who commented knew the name of the book which had as its main theme the abilility to astral project . I tried to tell them that the book was called Blood Innocents but soon realized that to comment you must first be a member . So here I am . i will definitely check out your site as i am also very fond of Science Fiction . Will also tell my son Desmond about this site as he is a big Sci-Fi buff . Thanks for the friend invite  . I would like that very much .

  • Kaelin C. Murphy

    Hello, Chuck, and thanks for the welcome. I realize this message is months overdue. I became a member, then got caught up in the writing of my novel, and hadn't checked my messages here at until yesterday.  I loved the movie "Them", as I do most of those classic sci-fi thrillers. Have you finished "They" yet? 

    I read some of your poetry. Very good.  I have written a few myself, although not nearly enough for a book of poems.  I hope one day to publish a book of poems, though. 

    Thanks again for the welcome.  Write on!

  • Taunya Wright

    Thanks for the warm welcome and yes I do accept your friendship.  I am excited to connect with other authors and readers.  I am a fairly new author.  I got my first book "Lemonade" published in 2010.  That book is part of a 4 book series called the Brady Boe series.  I recently completed the second draft of the second book "Wild Honey". The Brady Boe series are targeted for ages 9-15 years.  I also have another novel that I have been nursing for awhile that is for the adult audience, called End-Time Saga.  I have two more chapters to write to complete it.   I love to write fiction, but I also love to research health information.  I have a few non-fiction projects.  I do have a author facebook page.  When you have time please visit me there.  You can see better some of the things I'm working on.  The link is  I will check out your page as well.  Thanks again!



  • Adele Brinkley

    Yes, Chuck, I would like to become friends. I'd also like to tell you about my

    editing service.



  • Jennifer FitzGerald

    Wow, that's a lot of books.  Rock on!  I get bombarded to read & review books all the time, which I do, although I tend to do it when the book is being offered for free since I read so many and I return reviews and such.  I will be more than happy to add a book of your to my list.  I don't get to read a lot of sci-fi, which is actually what I prefer to read. 


  • Jessica Lupo

    Hi Chuck! It's nice to meet you. Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad to be a part of this writing community. I love Sci-fi. Your work sounds very interesting! :-)

  • Hayley Williams

    Hi Chuck and thanks for the welcome.  Your work sounds interesting. I live in South Wales (UK) and have written my autobiography about my fight for survival after a brain tumour.  I also write about ghosts - some people find it scary!  I am a columnist for a local newspaper called the Glamorgan Gem (which is online) writing about 'Ghostly Tales' around South Wales.  I am a member of a paranormal team and we conduct ghost talks and walks in the village of Nottage where I live.  The one for halloween is quite daring - not to mention scary as there is an eerie lane on the walk.  I hope to talk to you again soon

  • Tara Henry

    Thanks for the warm welcome to Look forward to reading your work.

  • Carol Round

    Thanks for the welcome, Chuck.

  • Shekhar Srivastava

    Thank you for welcoming me. I really got an honor to be blessed by you.

  • Alan Brenham

    Thanks for the welcome and I will check out your page.

  • David C. Stewart

    Thank you for your welcome, Chuck. As soon as I find a moment to relax, I will be logging onto your page. I may need some direction. 


  • forrest canutt

    Hello Chuck, nice to hear from you. Looks like you are a pretty busy man. I agree with you on your comments about Obama. He is obviously just a sock puppet for someone with an agenda to put us all on our economic knees. I will check your books soon, but right now I am struggling with building my website, learning about marketing my two books, and working everyday in the environmental services and remediation industry (just glorified dirt work is all it is). The books I have written are nonfiction and quite distressing. I consider them to be living document as not all has been resolved as yet. But as a release, I read lots of books, so you can rest assured I will get around to yours. Iread most of the popular writers like Dean Koontz, Clive Cussler, James Rollins, but my favorite of late are Jeremy Robinson, Michael McBride, Greg Beck and David Leadbeater. Anyway, as I said, nice to hear from you. Forrest Canutt

  • P W Chattey

    Hi, thanks for the welcome... WOW! what a site ... it's a bit overwhelming though learning all these social network sites / promotional skills... writing is easy compared to this Indie Publishing malarky. Any free hints and tips will be welcome.

    I got my main website ( Percy Chattey Thriller Books )and a blog, Twitter and Facebook too.

    I did an interview recently here for my book "Politically Incorrect"

  • Carl Towns

    Hello Chuck, it's good to meet you!

    Your writings look very interesting, I will have to make some time to read a few of them. I wish you well in your endeavors and hope we can become friends.

    God bless.


  • JM Benavidez

    Hello Chuck! Thank you or the warm welcome! I'm a brand new author, with my 1st 4 eBooks published this month. I focus on Romance mixed with fantasy and the paranormal. Maybe someday I'll get brave enough to completely leave romance behind and go into regular fantasy, adventure and paranormal but for now I'll stick to what I know. I can't wait to look into what you've written! Have a Wonderful Day Chuck!

  • Linda Heavner Gerald

    Hey Chuck, Thank you for your welcome.  I have been so busy with my latest book, Rosemary Beach.  Like the looks of your latest.  Take care.  Linda

  • Darcie Morin

    Hi Chuck, thank's for the comment on my page and I would love to be friends.  I write mysteries as well!!  Hope you have an awesome day!

  • Nathan Moore, Jr.

    Hi Chuck,

    Thank you for the welcome message!  I sent you a friend request...


  • Ontay Marquis

    My memories of becoming a writer has been very dull in processing them are they any pointers on where to start in a romanatic thrillers

  • Monica (Kinsky) Gray

    Thannk you for the welcome Chuck! I sent you a friend request.

    I have realize that there is so much to learn and I know I will have time to know your work.

    Have a great day!

  • Edwin Mwintome Bozie

    Hi Chuck, thanks for the well wishes. I'd like to be friends with you. I read the poem above and it was really compelling. It's not a loveable pet story sounds really interesting too. I just read the excerpt. I also write fantasy with a twist of humour, action and romance but I'm not so good with sci-fi. Most of my works are a series of short stories focused around a single plot. They include Dragon Ranger, Dreamweaver and Legend Of the Jo-lan and are available on Amazon. I hope you can check them out. Once again, thanks.

  • Todd M. Thiede

    Chuck, I received your message and would love to become friends.  I just finished my first mystery novel titled "Time Killer".  It is about a man that kills people for wasting his time. 

  • Kenneth Thomas Miller

    Thank you for the welcome Chuk, it was really appreciated.

    I am a newby to this game and when I say I have a lot to learn, I really mean it.

    I have attemted to write an adventure story, which to my surprise, I actually finished, I am now in the process of editing, which, I am sure you know is a nightmare and a lot more work than writing a first draft, but we shall somehow succeed. I would like to be friends.

  • Rosanna Leo

    Thanks for your kind welcome, Chuck. Sadly it's taken me a while to get into the swing here on this site, but I am glad for the welcome! Hope you are well.

  • Shirley M Patterson

    Hello Chuck, how are u? Thanks for your comment and yes I would love to be friends. Sorry I am just getting back to you, but I've been very busy. I do welcome you as a friend.