John Brantingham


Walnut, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Primary Role
Favorite Literature Type
Favorite Genre or Category
Mystery and Crime
Favorite Book
The End of the Affair, In the Footsteps of the Silver King, The Case of the Missing Blue Volkswagen
Favorite Author
Gerald Locklin, Lawrence Block, Sue Grafton, Paul Kareem Tayyar

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  • Gerald A Simpkins

    Hello, John. 

    I am just getting to my email today.  Been getting ready for a big concrete pour/finish here tomorrow and only got inside at dusk.  Just looking thru email and saw your friend request.  I am a newbie as I suppose you know.  I will happily share anything that I know or have learned regarding the onerous job of publishing, graphic art as it applies to cover art, etc.


    Just finished my book and am currently wading through the wonderful world of self-publishing as time permits.


    Kindest regards,



  • Jack Everett

    Dear John,

    We have a story in 4 episodes running on that directly relates to the book and right next to it is the link to buy. I also constantly tweet to more than 1600 followers about the book as well as talking and plugging it on FB. There aren't enough hours in the day to do any more. I have tried to get signings, forums and readings but we are in a double dip recession over here and no one is buying anything.

    My only surprise is the volume of competition out there it seems that everyone and his brother has written a book. However I am always open to suggestions and I have a certain following for my thrillers in Florida, maybe I can tempt them to try a medieval mystery for once. Regards, Jack

  • Gerald A Simpkins

    Hi John,

    Just did get my book ok'd for e-book at Amazon Kindle.  Also ok'd for paperback as soon as I get a sample and review it so I can release it.  Posting updates on author sites today.  Will be doing Smashwords upload soon so as to extend book to Barnes & Noble, Sony, etc.


    After that will be the equally onerous job of talking it up on twitter and facebook.  All new to me as I shun social media sites like they were the plague.  More to learn than I bargained for, yet I suspected that it was this way even before confirming it with my own research.  Good for an old gent like me to keep the neurons firing.  Am looking forward to just writing again as I pen the sequel this winter.


    Kindest regards,

