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Comments appreciated, sorry it's a little long, I takes a bit to get it all out.


It's four o'clock in the morning, gunny's yelling, "Rise and shine"

Someone mumbles, someone grumbles, then says,"Thank God we're alive"

L.T. enters and yells, "Get moving, war don't care about beauty sleep

The Enemy last night was busy, we have promises to keep"

So another day has broken, they don their camos and their packs

They feel the pain in their young bodies, aching legs and breaking backs

Grab some water and a weapon, hit the door with record pace

They see their buddies from the night shift and the pain upon their face

There's a soldier on a stretcher, they unloaded from the truck

Shot up in a firefight and he's running out of luck

So they bow their heads in silence, ask that God watch over Him

Then their loaded in the Hummers and it's off to fight again

Once again they're facing giants on the road along the way

I.E.D.s and snipers hiding trying to snuff their lives away

It's just another day of war, another day of give and take

One more day of fighting devils for the cause of Freedom's sake

There's a head bowed in the Hummer when the convoy's underway

Asking God to please protect them so they fight another day

Give them strength when they're confronted, stay the course until the end

Return them to their loved ones, and Everybody says "Amen"

They are all just average soldiers, GI Joe's and GI Jane's

Fighting for Enduring Freedom in a war that's so insane

They ask nothing from our Country, but to love them where they are

And when their tours are over, take them back with open arms

They may be whole, they may be broken, or fighting demons in their heads

For morbid memories often linger when a buddy winds up dead

Please just treat them like an equal when they get back to the states

To be shunned and pushed asunder shouldn't be a soldiers fate

They've been told their fight is useless, that they have no business there

Or that they can't make a difference, but their memories are clear

They've seen firsthand the Evil, and those devils straight from Hell

And they remember all their Brothers in those Towers when they fell

Their loved ones in the Pentagon and the ones that downed that Plane

They are there to send a message that those lives weren't lost in vain

If they stop them in their homeland, put an end to Evil's reign

If Satin"s spawn is six feet under, they won't come at us again

So across that deep blue ocean they all have our Country's back

But it doesn't mean our Country hasn't come under attack

You see Satin's masquerading. He is dressed as men of peace

And Evil has been hatching in Washington D.C.

Lincoln; an educated man, had the grand foresight to tell

"We will falter and lose our freedoms because we destroyed ourselves"

"Our Armed Forces are the greatest, No country shall do us in"

Yet the threat we should be bracing for is coming from within"

There is Evil here among us, brothers let there be no doubt

In November we must rise up and vote the villains out

They're targeting our Freedoms, trying to take away our Rights

Doing it all behind our backs and we're not putting up a fight

So lets have our Soldiers backs my friend, as they fight that distant war

Make them proud to be Americans, show them what they're fighting for

Help them keep our Liberties intact, Our Constitution whole and pure

Help them fight to keep our birthright,and for Freedom to endure

So that when their tour is over and they come home to the States

Each of us will still be Free Men and we all can celebrate.......

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