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 Just released now on Amazon.

I hope for some reviews and opinions. This is my first eBook but the information is good and realistic.

The book helps men to overcome the inner fears that stop them from meeting new women.

Chapter 2: Approaching and Attracting Women

Attracting Women

A word for extremely shy guys before we start. When practicing these things, it is OK for you to take it as slow as you need to. If you are too bashful to start talking to women right away, then just go out in public and be where they are. Try to get close enough to women to listen to them talk and observe their actions. Get used to how women are and give yourself time to be comfortable in their presence. When you have gotten over some of your worry, start to practice your approach and start talking to them.
It is a great idea to go in public and start talking to all the women that you can. Pay attention to how they act and what they say. You aren’t trying to get a date, you just want to talk to girls and be comfortable around them. I know that I am not the only person to point this out, but it really is a good way to do it.
Practice watching how they move and the different types of body language that they use in different situations.
Practice talking to anybody, but I like women better.
I prefer women because they are eventually who you are going to be dating and the more comfortable you are with them on any level, the easier it will be to talk to a woman that you think is sexy, without being worried or nervous.
Talk to at least a few different women each day and before long you won’t be nervous anymore. In fact, you are probably going to look forward to meeting them and having conversations, even if they don’t amount to dates. (This is something I always enjoyed and it was OK with me and I usually didn’t try to date any of these girls. Although I enjoy dating, I also enjoy talking to girls and getting to know them. I find them rather odd and funny?)
So go out and enjoy yourself meeting new women at any time of the day. If you have the chance then obviously accept a date, but just remember to use this time to get familiar with girls and how they are.
Use this exposure to women to the utmost extent that you can and continue to meet and talk to them even after you have started dating. This is to continue learning about women and to keep your confidence high. When you finally start dating you will notice that now other women are interested in you too. Don’t get wrapped up in one woman yet.

When you are approaching a woman and talking to her having a positive energy vibe is a great idea. At least don’t walk around with a slow, depressing, weak sort of energy; that is a real turnoff for women.
Women will try to read your emotions by feeling your vibes and watching you. Even if you’re not feeling very good at the time, you can hide those vibes and cover those negative emotions. There is no reason for you to lose out just because you had a bad emotion.
Use good body language at all times because not only will it stop her from being able to pick-up those emotions, your mood and confidence can naturally be lifted as well. Sort of like feeling sick or tired until you actually get out of bed.
Staying out of the friend zone is your priority. You really want to establish that you are there to date her and not befriend her. (This is where nice guys mess up so often. They talk and they talk all wrong and they talk too much!). Not to mention that when someone is attracted to you then often times you are attracted back.
The woman should be talking at least three times as much as you are if not even more. You need to be maintaining eye contact and participating in the conversation without stopping her flow.

I have noticed that even when talking to women that I had no intentions of asking out, that it’s not a good idea to get to in-depth or explain something too deeply. I have been shut down just for attempting to explain something that was actually pertinent to the conversation. It seems better to just say something along the lines of,” I understand how that is” or, “Yes, those things do happen and it’s tough.” After you make the comment, either ask her a question or move on to something else.
Don’t reveal too much about yourself or you’ll wind up in the friend zone. This advice is straight from a couple of women I have met, and it goes along with what I have just mentioned, how I was shot down even when I wasn’t after a date.
I believe this has something to do with a woman’s mind and how it works.
Women like excitement and new experiences. They like drama and mystery and things that break up the dull routine of everyday life.
Look at those romance novels that are so popular. They provide an excitement that the real world doesn’t offer.
While a man can’t go swinging on ropes through hotel windows and engage in fencing duals on the rooftop, they can at least keep their personal information private and not give away everything about themselves. Along with an attitude that they are good enough for any woman, it will make the man more attractive.
Sometimes, I am reminded of little scenes from growing up. They surface as I write and ponder the sexes. I believe it is true that women are more open about themselves, and it is also true that men just don’t understand them. Of course most women won’t tell you if you are right or wrong, so I for one just keep my opinions to myself and don’t give her any tip-offs that I’ve figured something out.
I feel that women want a man to figure certain things out on his own and if he does, he is admirable, but women don’t want men to know everything and usually won’t admit it if the guy is right. That’s why I said I keep my thoughts to myself. It doesn’t do any good to advertise to her how much you realize.
To clarify, I don’t tell a woman that I have realized something, but I may use that knowledge in my actions with her or other women. I don’t advertise the fact that I know it. I just work it in to the daily routine however I can. This will help make you admirable.
“Because you are a man that gets it.”

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