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Life Flows Correctly

A Tritina by Larry Cochran

Written on August 3, 2011 @ 10:00PM


Moving along the painted highway of life

Deciding whether to turn left or turn right

I struggle to make out which sign is correct


Trying hard to see through things I must correct

Forever trying to piece together this life

Somehow someday looking to get it right


Although at times I really don’t feel right

Unless I continually work out what is not correct

I will keep stumbling through this life


So through this life hope is right, no need to correct



Isn’t She Lovely, Isn’t She Fair

A Tritina by Larry A Cochran

Written on August 3, 2011 @ 10:10PM


I love to see her smiling and how lovely a smile I see

I love her laughing and how lovely a smile I hear

I love to watch her sleep and how lovely a smile she has


Her smile is only equal to the love that my heart has

For her I will do whatever it is that my heart can see

That makes her smile and through her smile I can hear


Oh how she loves me, I always love to hear

Between the two of us how much love lovely has

Into our hearts intimacy is into me she can see


we both can see, spoken words we hear, a fair love this love has

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