Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

How many of you have multiple works in progress?  Are they all the same genre? How do you divide your time between them?


Currently, I have 4 WIP's.... sounds like alot huh?  Right now I am thinking that too!  As my second book just went back to my publisher for the formatting (after 13 hours of editing, my eyes are still crossed) I find myself looking at all the projects I have in the works.


One project is about half way through - but I had come up with a snag in the plot and I got frustrated so I put it on the back burner.  Recently, as I find myself mulling over the issue, I think I found the way to work through my snag... but.... There is a more recent project that I started that I was working hard on.  As soon as I figured out how to work through the other issue, I lost my train of thought on the new one. 


Then there is the other book that I am working on with another author.  Now that one is a huge project that will be in the making for a long time, but we are throwing ideas back and forth and running plot ideas and twists back and forth.


Then there is book 3 of my series (the second book is about to be published).  After reading book 2 - and coming back to those characters I find myself running that plot hard and heavy in my mind.  Conversations and characters building.... 


I'm at a loss right now as to exactly what I should be working on.  I think I have so many things in the works that I am befuddled as to which one to go to next. 


Anyone else get themselves in this situations?  How do you work through them?

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Well I didn't have as hard a time as I thought. I revised my query letter and started to revise my synopsis. However in the back of my mind I was thinking about book three, which I did not touch this morning. Once, After the Fact, is out, I can write all I want. I have sent it out to one publishers and four agents. One agent sent me a rejection notice, which is fine. One down and several to go. Amy what does :0 mean. lol. Although I don't think it is luck in the writing world...
Stacy I'm so glad you loved it, will look forward to the review!

Stacy Eaton said:
Amy - I think we all have that problem from time to time - I know I do.  By the way - I did finish your book - loved it - and hope to get your review done today!
lol It's just my way of making a smiley face, I tend to smile a lot and like to reflect that when I post stuff. Good job on the revisions, keep trucking away. I view every rejection as a step closer to the ultimate goal so don't give up the fight!

Robert L. Allen said:
Well I didn't have as hard a time as I thought. I revised my query letter and started to revise my synopsis. However in the back of my mind I was thinking about book three, which I did not touch this morning. Once, After the Fact, is out, I can write all I want. I have sent it out to one publishers and four agents. One agent sent me a rejection notice, which is fine. One down and several to go. Amy what does :0 mean. lol. Although I don't think it is luck in the writing world...
Keep smiling!!! That's wonderful. I smile a lot also. And yes I will keep keeping on. Today I revised my synopsis. I read somewhere to write with feeling. I have mostly facts. I believe the book is solid but the synopsis is not quite where I want it yet. I guess that's part of the fun... 

Amy Manemann said:
lol It's just my way of making a smiley face, I tend to smile a lot and like to reflect that when I post stuff. Good job on the revisions, keep trucking away. I view every rejection as a step closer to the ultimate goal so don't give up the fight!

Robert L. Allen said:
Well I didn't have as hard a time as I thought. I revised my query letter and started to revise my synopsis. However in the back of my mind I was thinking about book three, which I did not touch this morning. Once, After the Fact, is out, I can write all I want. I have sent it out to one publishers and four agents. One agent sent me a rejection notice, which is fine. One down and several to go. Amy what does :0 mean. lol. Although I don't think it is luck in the writing world...
Robert - Every word in the writing process is part of the fun!  You an Amy keep up the smiling!  We need more people doing that!
I'm smiling! Even more so now I've met you guys! xxx
lol.... I hear that!

Catherine Green said:
I'm smiling! Even more so now I've met you guys! xxx
Well, tonight I'm trying hard to smile, but when I was working on my synopsis today, I hit something and now my page numbering is on both top and bottom of the page. I can delete the top numbering but not the bottom. And I perfer that the numbering is on the top, upper right. I know it will work out. I had another problem and was able to solve it. Anyways, I'm happy you are here Catherine and also everybody...
Robert - I hope that you have saved your work - and walked away for a few minutes.  Sometimes it is best when we get frustrated to walk away and do something else. Then when we come back - we try it again and can usually figure it out.  You being on Authors - might have been your "walk away" time - good idea!!!  We have all had stuff like that happen!

Yes, my computer is often a source of frustration when it does things to my work. Yesterday for example it took 20 minutes just to switch on, then I had to restart it, then I discovered it was full of viruses! I think on those occasions I take the hint, switch it off, and try again later.


Today my daughter won't let me put her down (I am currently typing one-handed, it's a slow process!)

Thank you Stacy, I hear what you're saying. I just hate walking away and lose ideas. However, I love it when I fugue things out. I feel like I learning more on my computer. But I still haven't figued out how to get rid of that bottom number.


Catherine, when we had a lot of viruses, we had to crash our system. We didn't do it. My brother-law did. He's good with computers. But it took nine hours to download and then upload everything. Do you know how to defrag. That helps a lot. And also adding memory.


I so much appraciate you guys. I get home late at night and look forward to our conversations, even though you guys are writing in the afternoons.

Robert - If your brother is good with computers - can he not figure out your formatting error on your computer?  Have you checked both your "header" and your "footer" notes to see if you by chance clicked them to be there.  Or - check your print page setup to see if you have page numbers checked there. 


Hopefully you will figure that out soon - If I was there - I'd do some searching for you...


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