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Hi! Question! If You Swich your gender for a day! what do u do!!! lol

If u were to transform your gender.

males become females

and girls become guys.

What would u do with ur new body? 

The very first thing to come to mind? 

lol this question always stumps me.

Why? because I do not have a clue what i would do .

I like being female. lol love the clothing, the attraction

the fact u could manipulate a man to do ur bidding.

Though we do personally suffer.

We are incrediably beautiful specimens.

        But then again....

I wouldnt mind being a guy, to feel comfortable while dirty,

no such thing as make up, no stress over hair.

to look good just laying on the couch like a true man. ;)

Without a care in the world! lol

not to shave, to spit carelessly. 

Sounds amusing if u ask me.

Hell, no one to bother me when i cuss a lot, lol

'thats not ladylike!" lol psh whatever.

I am a man! lol

so what would i do? 

hahaha, probably peer into a mirror with my jaw dropping at the sight of my manhood. haha

That, and walk the streets. 

seduce ever girl i see.

since im a girl in the inside, 

i know what they want. lol 

hahaha, well you guys! tell me what you'll do?? ;)

eager for some answers! 

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hmmm.. i was thinking that thought before, but i know in all it wouldnt make sense...BUT. if  a gendar dies, and can possibly be reborn as their opposite gendar. THAT can occur. ;) so do u get what i am saying? 

Viviana Arteaga said:
My friend and had the wierdest thought go through our heads the other day : what if humans changed genders in the middle of their lives?! Like the average human lives up to 65 to 80 depending on race and health and all that stuff so around a person's mid thirties they would naturally change genders. Haha we started laughing thinking so many odd social standings and normality!! How would people's morals change, ideas, and the very concept of life would be if it was like that.

wow, dude.... To tell u the truth, as a "man" u are losing the Mascalanity YOUR been TRYING TO PROVE TO ME. just by stating what u said. lol so once again u are a fetus as always. 

Sounding pathetic much! lol Girls are indestructible! lol so dont blame us for being hormonal! we have to deal WITH ALLLL that on a daily basis. and dude.

Why look for the admiration of ur schools females? they wont matter in a measure of 4 years .  relax k! lol it doesnt ,matter what they think. . AT ALL.  Be your own Man. ;)

halim abdelrahman said:

wow... that is insane... i don't think i would enjoy it, no offense, but i have to admit girls got it bad, pregnant, cat fights, hair and make up, labor, taking care of the house and baby (and maybe babies never know) so i think i would crawl into a dark h*** and stay there till it over, YEAH OKAY IM NOT THE BRAVEST MAN ON EARTH OKAY!?!??!?! or, if i feel strong, i would go to the girls at my school and ask them what they think of halim, me :D

then i would ask them what could he do to be better, and of course i would do this not in a obvious direct answer, :D cool right? yep good question, kind weird and very very awkward 

haha... im back to square one huh? dam why didn't you tell me i moved up on the scale!?!?!? no fair... well at least it's better then a being a Zygote :D

Betty Damil said:

wow, dude.... To tell u the truth, as a "man" u are losing the Mascalanity YOUR been TRYING TO PROVE TO ME. just by stating what u said. lol so once again u are a fetus as always. 

Sounding pathetic much! lol Girls are indestructible! lol so dont blame us for being hormonal! we have to deal WITH ALLLL that on a daily basis. and dude.

Why look for the admiration of ur schools females? they wont matter in a measure of 4 years .  relax k! lol it doesnt ,matter what they think. . AT ALL.  Be your own Man. ;)

halim abdelrahman said:

wow... that is insane... i don't think i would enjoy it, no offense, but i have to admit girls got it bad, pregnant, cat fights, hair and make up, labor, taking care of the house and baby (and maybe babies never know) so i think i would crawl into a dark h*** and stay there till it over, YEAH OKAY IM NOT THE BRAVEST MAN ON EARTH OKAY!?!??!?! or, if i feel strong, i would go to the girls at my school and ask them what they think of halim, me :D

then i would ask them what could he do to be better, and of course i would do this not in a obvious direct answer, :D cool right? yep good question, kind weird and very very awkward 

Like reincarnation into another sex? Then yes I understand!! :D

Betty Damil said:
hmmm.. i was thinking that thought before, but i know in all it wouldnt make sense...BUT. if  a gendar dies, and can possibly be reborn as their opposite gendar. THAT can occur. ;) so do u get what i am saying? 

Viviana Arteaga said:
My friend and had the wierdest thought go through our heads the other day : what if humans changed genders in the middle of their lives?! Like the average human lives up to 65 to 80 depending on race and health and all that stuff so around a person's mid thirties they would naturally change genders. Haha we started laughing thinking so many odd social standings and normality!! How would people's morals change, ideas, and the very concept of life would be if it was like that.
you thought of that before? LMFAO why? envy? :D

Betty Damil said:

wow, dude.... To tell u the truth, as a "man" u are losing the Mascalanity YOUR been TRYING TO PROVE TO ME. just by stating what u said. lol so once again u are a fetus as always. 

Sounding pathetic much! lol Girls are indestructible! lol so dont blame us for being hormonal! we have to deal WITH ALLLL that on a daily basis. and dude.

Why look for the admiration of ur schools females? they wont matter in a measure of 4 years .  relax k! lol it doesnt ,matter what they think. . AT ALL.  Be your own Man. ;)

halim abdelrahman said:

wow... that is insane... i don't think i would enjoy it, no offense, but i have to admit girls got it bad, pregnant, cat fights, hair and make up, labor, taking care of the house and baby (and maybe babies never know) so i think i would crawl into a dark h*** and stay there till it over, YEAH OKAY IM NOT THE BRAVEST MAN ON EARTH OKAY!?!??!?! or, if i feel strong, i would go to the girls at my school and ask them what they think of halim, me :D

then i would ask them what could he do to be better, and of course i would do this not in a obvious direct answer, :D cool right? yep good question, kind weird and very very awkward 

If I was young and single and a girl instead of a man, I'd probably go out of my way to seduce a lawyer or Doctor so I could just lay back and spend their money, not have to work a day in my life, unless of course I wanted to. To have all the things I could ever want or dream of as my husband would be a very wealthy surgeon or prominent Attorney. Just give me their debit card and turn me loose. LOL
That didn't take long did it Betty? LOL
Your something else Betty, promise you'll never change. People like you keep the rest of us scratching our heads, but in a good way. Your a blast!

One thing about me, I say what's on my mind. If someone doesn't want to know, they had better not ask me. LOL

I think you can relate to that Betty.

LMFAO good one :D

Garry Edward Lewis said:

If I was young and single and a girl instead of a man, I'd probably go out of my way to seduce a lawyer or Doctor so I could just lay back and spend their money, not have to work a day in my life, unless of course I wanted to. To have all the things I could ever want or dream of as my husband would be a very wealthy surgeon or prominent Attorney. Just give me their debit card and turn me loose. LOL
hahaha im a girl and I wouldnt do that. lol I find it so incredibly selfish. That and im even attracted to docters etc. lol

Garry Edward Lewis said:
If I was young and single and a girl instead of a man, I'd probably go out of my way to seduce a lawyer or Doctor so I could just lay back and spend their money, not have to work a day in my life, unless of course I wanted to. To have all the things I could ever want or dream of as my husband would be a very wealthy surgeon or prominent Attorney. Just give me their debit card and turn me loose. LOL
hahahaa Thanks dude. :) I will never. I am My own person. haha, Keep scratching ur head sir! lol 

Garry Edward Lewis said:
Your something else Betty, promise you'll never change. People like you keep the rest of us scratching our heads, but in a good way. Your a blast!

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