Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Anyone editing? I recently edited my manuscript, I mean REALLY edited. It was 152,000, and now it is at 108,089. It was painful, slow, and consumed most of my thoughts. With all that said, the process was also quite rewarding. My manuscript reads better now, the exciting moments come sooner, and let’s face it…a publisher or agent is more likely to pick it up now with a smaller word count.
I also wish I would have “googled” the word count of some of my favorite novels earlier. A novice can be easily deceived by page numbers. I definitely was thinking my book was shorter.
I find that removing as many instances of "Of" really improves any writing.
Hi Kim!
I find removing the unnecessary "that" word improves all writing, and it allows the story to flow.
For example: "He knew that she was the one for him" reads easier when it's, "He knew she was the one for him". You'd be amazed how many writers leave the unnecessary "that" in sentences like the one I've noted.
When I do a copy edit of my work, it helps to read out loud. Just pretend a person is reading an excerpt of your work out loud to a group of friends, such as a book club group, and you'll hear and see the mistakes clearly.
Also, I've actually come to love copy editing my work. After I've proofread the manuscript, I still have to do an earnest copy edit which means I have read it line for line at least twice. I know I have a good story when, even after the many times I go through each and every chapter, I still enjoy reading the story. :-)
Happy copy editing and Happy Holidays!
I agree with you about the word that. It often jumps off the page at me and my ears are tuned into to many other instances like it on the radio. I've also found authors have had work edited. But in reading through their beloved piece all that happened was their work was made more tidy , and the glaring faults remained. Even having their work read out aloud fails to correct the problems.
Revision.Then Copy line & edit on line together with Development edits work the best. Too long to explain but it is condensed into that one line above.
Catharina Shields said:
I find removing the unnecessary "that" word improves all writing, and it allows the story to flow.
I agree there are thousands of writers looking to be big with their first novel. I'm counting writers from all over the world. And if nobody reads or gets excited about their work they can become upset. It is a shame but editing is important to produce the ultimate page turner.
Best wishes
Lori - no hate mail from me! :)
I am a firm believer that every should have their work professionally edited. I do enjoy editing my stuff - and I have a problem with the word "had" I use it to much and have to constantly catch myself on that. I do beleive that after I edit - and edit again that it needs to be professionally edited and then I edit it again.
Using 'had' too much makes the action, etc stale. But there are times when it is fine to use the word 'had.' That might be where finer judgement of the in house editors kick in. There are other words to look out for, but it is a long story.
Best wishes
thats awesome I also did it... for my first book "teen world of stories" hehe!!!
It quality, not quantity.
Just wish I could learn the lesson myself. Do a check of the words you've used most frequently.
I used to have anditis...
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