Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
As for who Raymond Cook is, well, I’m a 65 year old disabled veteran. In 1972, at the age of 18, I enlisted in the Marine Corp. My plan was to retire. But fate has a way of changing our destiny. In 1974 on my way back to my base, a drunk driver hit me head-on going 80, and my life was forever changed. Those were my darkest days. Eventually in 1983 I enrolled in college and took a creative writing class as an elective. At that point I had no interest at all in becoming a writer or author. In truth, how many people have taken a writing course in high school or college and believed one day they would write a book?
Little did I realize what a ‘profound Impact’ that class and my instructor, Mr. Art Wicks would have on my future. Between 1983 and 2010 I wrote my poetry and short stories, but refused to believe that one day I could set down and pen thousands of words, put a title to what would one day be considered a book. In 2003, I wrote a 5 page western romance story I simply called, “A Western Romance Story!” It was only meant to be a short story. Each year though I would add a few pages to the story because I liked the story plot and characters. In 2011 while wanting to add 10 more pages to what was now a 50 page story, ‘something happened’ and it became my first novel called, “Was It Fate Or Destiny?”
My author website is:
Another website I have is:
In January, 2018 I will have a third author website:
This is my 9th year writing western frontier novels.
I have learned the hard way why (Reading what you write out loud and improving the (GRAMMAR) is critical) if you want others to enjoy what you have written and are proud of.
I recently learned that Arthur William David Wicks, my college professor who taught the Creative Writing I attended in 1983 recently died on Nov. 10, 2013. It is a great loss to the world because he truly touched the lives of his students, me in particular. Without his guidance, encouragement and inspiration, none of my eBooks or poetry would have been written.
An author’s goal is to not just ‘Entertain a reader’ but to try to touch the reader’s emotions too. After all, that’s the entire purpose of reading a book, to enjoy what you’ve read.
~~Random stuff about me~~
I grew up in Shelton, Washington, a small logging town.
My family lived on an Indian reservation for several years.
I have a grown daughter, 31 and a grown son, 27.
I presently live in California and love the blue sky.
I’m a life member of the DAV having served in the Marines. (1972-74).
I love deer hunting and fishing but don’t do either right now.
My best friend’s grandchildren treat me as a long lost uncle. (Big Smiles)
I like going to rodeos, county fairs, garage sales, swap meets and farmers markets.
I like helping others if I can and have a strong ‘volunteer’ spirit within me.
I love all types of music but couldn’t carry a tune if someone handed me a bucket.
I like to garden and am health minded.
I love horses, dogs and cats.
Favorite Movies:
True Grit, Silverado, The Magnificent Seven, Unforgiven and Pale Rider
Favorite Bucket List Thing I’d Like To Do: Go shark fishing off of Monterey Bay, California
Believe in yourself and follow your dreams. If your local college has a creative writing class, take the class. Most instructors will be happy to let you sit in. The number of other men and women embarking on their writing journey are sure to inspire you and offer you advice along your journey.
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