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  • Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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hiiiiiiiiii danny

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Danny(jaxie)'s Blog

The Last

Posted on April 19, 2012 at 11:00pm 2 Comments

Jake laid in the wetness of the grass, breathing unbelievebly hard his vision blurry. Kale was dead, Mareen's missing, Laura's dead and Sam just went missing!

Damn, Sam, don't you die too! or that's my ass!

he calmed himself down to a steady breathing pace, his…


lost spirits.

Posted on July 20, 2011 at 8:30pm 0 Comments

jazz walked the streets, smiling at her peers. they were all angry. more then ever before.

she could see a group of boys carrying a bunch of weapons she's only ever seen in her dreams. she saw a bunch of girls with nails so long, they dragged along the ground, making sparks fly, all red.

she laughed out loud and many others joined her, making a type of music that no one wants to hear before they die. suddenly, someone came up beside her.

"Hello." he drawled.



Lost spirits

Posted on March 17, 2011 at 5:30pm 1 Comment


Jazz woke up in cold sweat again, losing the last pieces of her nightmare in the chilling room. she felt her skin burn as the nightmares fires caressed her pain skin.

how can dreams be so real?,she thought.

she crawled out of bed and looked in the mirror at herself. her skin was red and her dim,green eyes watery from smoke. her dark blue hair laid dead at her shoulders, as if the fire and smoke sucked the life right out of it. 

her heart-shaped face so…


pinch of darkness3

Posted on March 6, 2011 at 4:12am 1 Comment


the demon slayers laid on the ground, fighting for last breath. falcon had poisoned them and now they fear them.

kara looked at falcon sitting in a pool of his own blood. she wanted to hold him, tell him they'll be alright, but he told her to back off and just let him be.

so there she sat, leaned against a tree, waiting for falcon to tell her to bring her ass on.

"Kara, lets go." he finally said, standing.

she stood too, looking him over.



Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 1:58am on November 1, 2010, Kay Elizabeth said…
Welcome to Ameena. :) Enjoy yourself! Great to have you here. Please tell us all about what you write.
At 1:31am on November 4, 2010, scribbler said…
Nice to meet you Ameena. Welcome aboard. :) I hope you like it here! I look forward to reading what you share with us. The people are nice, trust me.
At 4:49pm on May 25, 2011, Bruna Britti said…
Thank you for the friend request. :)

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