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Event Details

Words from my Mouth-Person Addiction

Time: August 24, 2011 at 6pm to August 31, 2011 at 7pm
Location: Everywhere
Website or Map:…
Event Type: getting, my, first, book, published!, it, will, start, publication, in, the, middle, of, september!
Organized By: Brian
Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2011

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Event Description

I always wanted to share stories, adventures, and experiences with the world. Going back in time I never thought I would be writing of something so powerful and about something that took everything away from me but at the same time changed me. Until we awake and realize this has got to stop, addiction will continue to destroy millions of people’s lives. I suffered from someone’s own addictions as I tried to battle my own to him. I have experienced infidelity acts, lies, thieving acts, even toyed with prescription drugs, and faced death to satisfy my addiction to someone. We had a beautiful Victorian home, acres of land, nice vehicles, a commercial greenhouse, raised a two year old, and we were elected officials. We lost it all because we thought we were superior to everyone. I was always faithful and had all faith in God, but I abandoned Him and my deep values to satisfy my negative behaviors. The power of forgiveness is the most prized gift we have from the Lord and He forgave my abandonment to Him and saved me from my relationship. I am living proof that a person can make that first step and survive a person addiction and survive others' deep and profound addictions. I share how I will never be that story again.


Brian E. Splater

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