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Event Details

Book Release: Mistress Of The Oval Office

Time: July 10, 2012 at 6pm to July 31, 2012 at 11:45pm
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Event Type: book, release
Organized By: Aalexxa Aarows
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2015

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Event Description

Mistress Of The Oval Office

Having sex in the oval office with two of her favorite politicians was fun. However, for Jeannie Baker, it was the sort of superficial love that left her empty. It was 1962 and she is Hollywood’s one and only bombshell. She owned the entire town. She was riding high on life and adored every one of her fans. Everyone loved her. So how was it possible that she could not decide on love?
Brandon wasn’t a one woman man. Why would he be when he had plenty of them falling at his feet. His career on the big screen was booming. The New York Post called him the godfather of all actors. Yet, his heart was torn. Jeannie Baker was the only woman he would consider changing his ways for, but how could he, when he had beautiful Rita to consider as well.
In Hollywood, there were those who took and those who gave. Jeannie, Brandon and Rita gave everything they had to each other. They knew their lives were destined to entwine, but with so many outside influences, could they decide on just each other? Or would Jeannie’s addictions tear them apart?

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